Part 3: I'm Not Alone

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The depths of my feelings, so vast and so dark.
The weight of my thoughts, like a heavy invisible mark.
I'm drowning in sorrow, in pain and in fear.
Slipping farther and farther down, tear by tear.

I'm lost in a sea of doubt, with no anchor to hold.
In the depths of my soul, where no one can see.
In a world of emotions, where no one can hear.
In a void of emptiness, where nothing is clear.

But then, a light in the distance, a beacon of hope.
A hand reaching out, offering a guide to cope.
I take the hand and I'm lifted to the surface,
A light in the darkness, a ray of resistance.

I'm not alone in this journey, I'm not alone in this fight.
I have allies and friends, a network of light.
We support and lift each other up,
We are a collective, a community of love.

We are resilient and we are strong,
We are survivors of our inner storm.
We are more than our sorrows and pain,
We are a force to be reckoned with, again and again.

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