Crazy love

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"The fuck you mean you killed her" ethan says

"Why do you even care about her? Did you have feelings for her hmm?"

"Oh come on, you KILLED her, and you're dragging me into all this shit even when you know i'm already in a bad position right now"

"I thought we did everything together, and don't get me started on everyone you killed, oh and did i forget that i'm together with the person that almost killed my friends"

"Oh and did i forget that i killed my own sister for the girl i'm dating"

"You never had to kill her in the first place if your fucking brother didn't try to kill sam"

"Don't you fucking dare bring him up, how did you find her tell me" ethan says with an angry tone walking around the room

"Well i found out your password to your phone when you didn't notice and when you were asleep i looked through your old messages and  i found her contact. So i googled her phone number online and i got all the information about her. So at night i sneaked out, and i put all of my hair in a messy bun and then i put on  a cap. I texted her from an anonymous number to meet me outside her house behind a tree, and ofc as dumb as she is she came. She probably thought it was you which made me even more angry in the moment, the thought of killing her made it look so satisfying in my brain so i took a rock and i started to hit her in the head. And then i took the ghostface knife and i started to stab her, and it felt so good seeing her painfully die."

Ethan doesn't say anything he just walks around in the room with his hands around his head

"Y/n, y/n, y/n"

"Please say something"

"Why would you do this? Why would you create more problems, we already have enough problems"

"No you have enough problems, i don't, i can do whatever the fuck i want, i can do whatever i want with another guy without you even knowing it"

"The fuck did you just say?"


"You fucking bitch, did you hookup with someone else"

"And what if i did"

Ethan grabs my arm really tight, so tight to the point it hurts

"Ouch you're hurting me"

"Listen i'm gonna make one thing clear, whatever you're thinking about doing, don't. Cause i will find out and once i do it's not gonna be so fun anymore"

"How dare you talk to me like that, after what you did behind my back with her"

"I know what i did to you is unforgivable, but if you do the same thing i will leave and never come back"

"So are you going to help me with the body or what?"

"If you killed her at a tree near her house it's probably not a good idea to go back where all the cameras are"

"Idiot that's why i went to that stupid tree, cause there is no possible way anyone could see us, there are no cameras there, only at her house"

"It doesn't matter, they have probably found her body by now"

"You're right"

"Y/n i don't judge you for what you did"




"It's you and me against the world"

"That's so cheesy"

"I'm serious, i would do anything for you"


A/N, i'm sorry y'all had to wait 3 days ugh, i haven't been so active on wattpad but i have good news, i can respond to comments now cause i fixed the thing <3  btw do you guys want me to put something in my future chapters? If you have anything in mind write down the idea in the comments :)

𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬  | ethan landry x  y/nDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora