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PUKING UP your guts on a field trip in a public bathroom at the government building where your dear old daddy worked was not your definition of fun

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PUKING UP your guts on a field trip in a public bathroom at the government building where your dear old daddy worked was not your definition of fun. Smoking in between each wretch, however, might have come close. You shut your eyes tight as you coughed up bile and the little food you had eaten for breakfast, head spinning before you pushed yourself away from the toilet, leaning against the wall-to-floor stall. 

"Fuck," you mustered out, putting all your weight on the palms of your hands as you heaved for air. You didn't give your lungs much more of that before bringing up your lit cigarette to your lips. You sucked in the smoke as the cigarette hung between your two fingers— inhale, breathe, exhale— then watched it billow up to the ceiling where it faded away into nothingness. Sitting there, you could only hope that your nausea had left with the smoke.

You were never quite sure what caused your frequent nausea spells. You had your suspicions sometimes, yes, but they were never founded in anything really. Back when your father had still cared enough, he'd brought you to the doctor for any sort of cure. It was sometime after that when your father started distancing himself. Maybe you had some disease that could kill him— it was one of many stupid attempts of bringing reason into any of it.

"This blows," you mumbled, getting to your feet, albeit shakily. Shinozaki and Sonoda were probably pissed off at you for leaving the table unattended. They'd probably bombard you with phone calls and text messages in a few minutes. With a sigh and a shit ton of reluctance, you pushed open the door, only for the bathroom to go completely dark. You froze, looking back at your hand that was still on the stall door. Did you activate something on accident?

"Stupid fucking building," you grumbled, as you fished your cigarette pouch from your bra, putting out your cigarette on it before storing the rest of it inside and back in your bra. You opened up your phone, turning on the flashlight as you walked forward toward the bathroom door, noticing that the light switch beside it was still flipped on. With a tentative step forward, you flipped the switch— no light. You flipped it again— still no light. 

"The hell?" 

You flipped the switch a few more times until finally giving up. With your phone flashlight still dimly illuminating the pitch-black bathroom, you opened the bathroom door, stepping out into the eeriest-looking hallway you had ever seen.  It was a little less dark out there but the only light that had made it so was bright green, all the way at the end. Emergency Exit signs, you told yourself, it's just the signs. Just as you took one more step, your phone suddenly rang, almost making you drop it.


"Komiya?! Where are you?!"

You grimaced, pulling your phone away from yourself to look at the caller ID: Shinozaki. Your grimace deepened as you put your phone back up to your ear, listening to the two idiots you called friends bickering over the other line. From what you had made out, the two were fighting over their Kururin drinks and who got to talk to you on the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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