Finding Allies

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When Dracora came online she was in the middle of the ruins of an unknown city. After looking around she found herself and the sparklings she had with her, in Nyon. She quickly used one of her new abilities to melt down the surrounding metal so she could form a space-worthy ship out of it. Afterwards she took the very energy from the atmosphere and turned it into Energon to fuel the ship.(The ship is modeled after the Millennium Falcon, just 20 times larger and fully capable of a long range space bridge jump.) Finally, when she was done with the ship, she quickly brought the sparklings onboard and got them settled in. Quickly, she turned on the cloaking device and exited the ship. Marking her internal gps with her current location she quickly traveled North to find First Aid and Prosepter. After five breem (41.5 minutes) of travel she came upon the already abandoned battlefield and turned her scanners up to find any signs of life. A single klic past and she found four life signals.

Quickly moving towards the source of the signals, she found not only Prosepter and First Aid. But also Ironhide and Moonchaser who were in no better shape then Prosepter and First Aid. After a quick scan of all four of them, she saw that First Aid was the one in the most dire need of care, his spark chamber was badly damaged and if not taking care of immediately he would offline. Thinking for a moment, she decided to use the ability Apollo gifted her with. Focusing all of her energy into the palm of her servo she touched First Aid. She can feel the damage to First Aid's spark chamber slowly repair itself. In a matter of klicks First Aid began to online, slowly at first. Jurking into a sitting position, First Aid looked alarmed at being online again. He quickly looked around and spotted Dracora. Dracora decided to speak up first. "Welcome back to the world of the online, First Aid. My designation is Dracora Prime, though you would know me by the designation of Elita One. We need to get the others to a safe location, and I have just the one. If you can get Ironhide and Moonchaser on to the bed of my trailer I believe you should be able to carry Prosepter at the varey least. Is that okay with you, I know you have questions like how I can be alive after all this time. But they will have to wait for the others, they need our help first and foremost."

With that knowledge First Aid immediately jumped to the ready. Dracora quickly transformed into her new alt mode a large cybertronian truck that could fit four mechs sitting on the internal benches. It took two breems (16.6 minutes) to load up my trailer as well as my interior cabin. In the matter of a half a breem return to my ship. After speaking the password "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus" the cloaking field deactivated. Upon seeing the ship First Aid gasped in pure awe. They drove up the ramp, made a sharp left turn and traveled along the corridor passing a large storage room, three brerthrooms, and the nursery to reach the med bay.

Upon arriving in the match bay, Dracora's passengers were unloaded which caused her to quickly transform back into root mode. The two of them quickly got to work in repairing the damage done to Ironhide, Prosepter, and Moonchaser back to a semi-pristine condition. Suddenly a commotion came from the room next door. Dracora immediately reacted and raced out of the room leaving First Aid slightly puzzled. She had returned 15 klicks later holding and shushing a emerald green and tan sparkling.

"Silvertongue, quiet sweet one you're okay now, you're safe. The scary Mech is gone. I know it's his fault that you're carrier and sire are gone. Do you remember what I promised you, that I would protect you with everything I had? You know what, would you like me to sing?" Dracora asked softly. The sparkling now identified as Silvertongue nodded. She laughed softly and begin singing.

"Come stop you crying it'll be all right, just take my servo and hold it tight, I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry. For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm. This bond between us can't be broken, I will be here don't you cry. Cuz you be my spark, yes, you'll be in my spark, always. Why can't they understand the way we feel? They just don't trust what they can't explain. I know we're different, but deep inside us, we're not that different at all. And you'll be in my spark, yes, you'll be in my spark, from this day on, now and forevermore. Don't listen to them, cuz what do they know. We need each other to have, to hold, they'll see in time, I know. When destiny calls you, you must be strong, I may not be with you, but you've got to hold on. They'll see in time,I know. We'll show them together!

"Cuz you'll be in my spark, believe me, you'll be in my spark. I'll be there from this day on, now and forevermore. You'll be in my spark, no matter what they say, you'll be in my spark, always." She finished softly. Looking up, Dracora realized that the other three adults in the room had come online. Immediately, she started to fidget at their intense, curious gazes and held Silvertongue close to her chassis protectively.

"You said that your original designation was Elita one, correct?" First Aid spoke up cautiously. At the question the others began to loudly exclaim denials. Dracora simply raised her servo and they fell silent.

"You are indeed correct First Aid. My designation was once Elita One, but because I was not meant to offline that cycle I was given a second chance. That second chance was a series of trials, that should I pass I would become the first female prime since Solace and a new frame would be awarded to me. My trials took place in another reality where Primus did not exist. I was too keep the fate of that world on track. It was there, I earned the designation Dracora, which roughly translates to dragon mother or protector of young.

"Upon my return to this reality I was given a task by Primus himself. I am too fine and save as many cybertronian as I possibly can, no matter the faction. Care for any sparklings I come across and take under my wing as it were those who have lost their way. If any I say wish to help me with my task they may come along. But you, I ask for the sparklings I have in my care as well as myself. Will you help me in my task?" Dracora asked patiently.

Ironhide spoke first, "Of course, though it might take some cycles to start referring to you by your new destination. I have a spark-deep feeling there will be some fighting during this adventure. Plus ya' got sparklines to raise you're going to need all the help you can get." The others nodded and agreed immediately with Ironhide.

"Well since that's cleared up I might as well take you on a tour of the ship. This ship has two large storage rooms one on each floor, 15 brethrooms, the midday, the nursery, the communal hall, a small laboratory on the second floor next to the communal hall, and a state of the art training room. I know for a fact we will one day need a fleet of ships so this is just the start."

Just as Dracora finished speaking, an alarm went off. After quickly checking the sensors she immediately raced out of the room, a worried look on her faceplates. She ran through the ship to reach the ramp. Upon noticing the others she motioned for them to stay back and out of sight. Slowly, with Silvertongue in her arms she descended the ramp to be met with the Decepticon Justice Division or the DJD for short. Taking a deep vent to calm herself, she undressed the DLD as a whole.

"What can I do for you fine gentlemechs?" Dracora asked politely.

"My designation is Tarn and we are looking for a fugitive under the assumed designation of Spiralfire. He and his cronies are responsible for the war in the first place. If it had not been for him Lord Megatron's and most of the Decepticon high commands coding would not have been corrupted and became what they are this cycle. Our hope is that one day he and his cronies are captured and brought to justice." The now identified Tarn said.

Upon hearing Tarn's explanation, Dracora had a shocked to look on her faceplates. Immediately she decided to respond in a traditional manner. "Varey well, I consent to you searching my ship on the condition that you are careful and that you not startle both the ex-Autobots who I thought to be dead or the sparklings aboard this ship. It is best that no one knows about the Autobots on board. Which means no weapons except for stun blasters. Is that agreeable?"

Tarn nodded and motioned for his men to turn their weapons to stun mode. After a thorough search of the ship, Tarn came up to Dracora and asked, "May I know your story? I ask because these ex-Autobots trust you so much."

"Of course you can, I'm just shocked you asked." Dracora responds positively excited.

For the next 15 breem (106.5 minutes or almost two hours), I talked with Tarn and his mechs, about my past and my new task I'll have until I feel my bond with Optimus almost break. Afterwards Tarn speaks up and asks, "What will happen almost breaks, what will you do then?"

"We'll basically go do whatever planet Optimus is on and capture the Decepticon high command and screen them. Once that's done if any of them have any viruses that are affecting their behavior we will try and find an antivirus. If we do find an antivirus we'll administer it immediately."

To be continued...

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