Chapter Three

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© by Lila Rose 2014


Eight Months Earlier

I'd made my way out to Pyke's Creek, to the destination where Talon had told me they'd be. I pulled my Mustang up, turned off the engine and then made my way behind an old, run-down boating house. The night was cold and misty; I wore jeans and a hooded jumper. I wasn't sure if this was killing clothes... what would one wear to kill someone in? I didn't know. I knew why they had chosen this area though. It was secluded. Nothing surrounded it except for bushland. The only road in was the one I just travelled. They could easily tell if someone was approaching.

Four large vans were parked there, and about ten bikers where standing around talking. Talon must have spotted mebecause he appeared out of nowhere right in front of me.

"You ready?" he asked.

I thought I had been, so I nodded. Talon gestured to someone, and the back door to one of the vans opened. One of his men dragged the beaten form of David out and threw him to the dirt ground.

"You can't fucking do this to me!" David shouted.

"Bullshit." Blue laughed. "You fuck with Hawks; we fuck back harder."

Talon took my arm and pulled me over to the bikers now circling David.

"What's she doin' here?" Griz growled from the other side of David.

"She wanted her chance. I'm givin' it to her," Talon said.

Griz shook his head and hissed, "Jesus, Talon."

Talon just ignored him and called, "Pick."

My eyes widened as the bikers parted, and Pick shuffled forward. He looked tired and seemed as though he was still in pain from getting shot. He was also showing signs of new bruising. I guess Talon hadn't been too happy with him after all. Though, no one could blame him.

"For the shit you caused, this is your payment. Do you accept?" Talon asked. "But realise this—if there are any blow-backs from killing this fucker, it'll all be on you."

Pick met Talon's hard gaze, and then stood taller and said, "I accept."

"He should fuckin' die like this piece-of-shit too," someone shouted.

Blue chuckled. "No one can touch him, or Wildcat will have Talon's balls for it."

Everyone laughed.

Pick winced. I bet he hated it was Zara and a couple of gay guys who saved his arse.

"All right. Let's do this so I can get home to m'woman," Talon ordered, and then turned to me. "Hell Mouth, you get first shot." He pulled a knife from the back of his jeans and held it out to me. "He stabbed Zara in the leg first, so I think it would be appropriate if we return what was done to her, to him."

I took the light-weight, agile fighting blade and smiled down at it. I felt pumped and excited for the fact Talon had let me be involved with this, even though Griz was obviously disgusted by it—I could tell from the scowl upon his handsome face.

Gazing from the knife down to David, my stomach churned.

"Hell Mouth?" Talon questioned, but my eyes stayed focused on David. He looked scared; his body trembled, andsweat-beads showed on his forehead, but there was a cocky glare in his eyes. He smirked up at me.

Had he already known I was second-guessing myself?

"Just stick it in, sweetheart," someone said.

I wanted to.

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