Chapter 1

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I wake up to a gorgeous Saturday morning. The birds are chirping, the morning dew on the plants, my alarm clock ringing......

Wait? What?! I didn't set my alarm clock for today! I rub my eyes and turn on the bright little screen on my bedside table.

It says: 7:53 Friday June 5th

"Uh oh....." I stutter. I quickly rush out of my bed and grab my clothes for today and shove them on.

"No time for a shower....." I mutter as I sniff my armpits. Admit it, you do it too.

"Yuck! But a little perfume will fix that right up!" I swiftly apply some Taylor Swift perfume to my pits and slip my converse on.

I rush down the hall to brush my teeth and next thing you know I'm in the kitchen grabbing a muffin for a fast breakfast.

I decide since I'm already late for school that I can ride my bike to school. It's only a quarter of a mile away and I'm pretty fast if I do say so myself, so I'll get there.

I stuff the muffin in my mouth and grab my bike and start my trip to school. As I pass the café where my friends and I usually hang out after school, I see something strange.....

"Hey Katie! Where are you off to so early?" My friend Heather asks me.

"To school..... Why aren't you there?" I reply, stopping my bike abruptly. She gives me a puzzled and concerned look.

"What?!" I ask.

"Nothing." She chuckles. " 'S just that school's over."

"I overslept?!" I shout.

"No silly! It's summer break!" She and Courtney, my other best friend, start to laugh so hard it looks like they're dying.

"Okay, okay. Very funny! I just.... forgot okay?" I say, my cheeks getting red.

"Okay.... Whatever floats your boat...." Courtney giggles.

"I guess I should go back home now. Bye guys." I end.

Courtney and Heather wave my goodbye and I start my way back home.

"Great. I have wasted 20 good minutes of my life rushing to school when I could be in my bed sleeping the day away....." I mutter to myself.

I get back home and try to go back to sleep but there's no point in trying. I'm already wide awake.

I pull of the covers and make my bed nice and neat. I go back down stairs and make myself some pancakes before my siblings wake up.

I have 3 older brothers, Michael, who's in senior year now going to college, Tyler, in junior year going to senior, and my older twin brother, Brandon he and I are going into sophomore year next year. I also have a younger brother, Spencer, he's in 6th grade and thinks he rules the world! UGH!

I look down at my pancake batter. Perfect! I grab an iron skillet and pour on it my batter. I look up at the wall behind the stove. It says:
In red crayon. Spencer didn't even bother with the spelling either!

"Spencer!" I start. "Oh. When I'm through with you!" I rush up the stairs to Spencer and Brandon's room and hear that they're both awake and playing video games because I hear "Die zombies!" and "Eat that brain eating monsters!" coming from their room.

Michael and Tyler are in there too 'cause I can hear them laughing and shouting as well. I rush in there only to see that Spencer is playing a video game that he isn't supposed to play at his age, Michael and Tyler have shoved 5 pizzas in their mouths, threw the boxes and crust on the beds, floor and not in the trash can (which is only inches away by the way) and Brandon is working on modifying his old science fair project, Pompeii 2, The Return.

Am I the only sane on in this household?! I just die at the thought of who is cleaning this mess. I mean it looks like Pompeii erupted a little early.....

The boys sense my prescience after about 5 minutes of me taking in the mess. They all sit there and stare at me.

"What are you doing up so early?" Spencer calls, blocking the video game case and the TV out of view. Michael and Tyler shove the pizza boxes under the blankets.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to get a head start on the day ya know? Early bird gets the worm.... right?" I try and hide the fact that I woke up early to get to school which was probably closed right now.

"Sure...." They all say sarcastically.

"Ian sent me this pic of you at the café with your backpack on, and you were rushing to get to school." Tyler shows me the picture and sure enough that's me! Great! Public humiliation, here I come!

"Ok! Now to serious business. Why is Spencer playing this video game?! Why are you two eating pizza for breakfast and just tossing out the boxes when a trash bin is right there?!" I point to the trash bin just inches away and continue, "And you, Brandon. What's up with Pompeii? I mean, your not gonna make it work. Are you.....?"

I look over at his science fair project. It's starting to rumble and shake.

"Too late...." Brandon backs away slowly. "DUCK!"

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