Chapter 2

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I try to run out of the room but it's too late. The melted red, orange, and yellow wax covers my back and my favorite pair of shorts.

And just when I thought it couldn't get worst, I turn back around to shout at the boys once more and the volcano erupts again! Covering my face with the gooey wax.

"Yuck!" I wipe off the smelly wax that covers my face and try not to go all mean girl on them.

"CLEAN THIS UP!" I boom and I strut out of that room like I own half of it and like I just got thrown up on by all the boys in the world! YUCK!

I run into the bathroom, a trail of multi-colored wax following me. I look at myself in the mirror. What to do, what to do... And as if answering my prayers, in comes my dad:

"Good mornin', good mornin'!" He sings. "Katie? You in there?" He knocks on the door and opens it.

"Oops! Sorry sweetie! I know you teenage girls like their privacy!" He starts to close the door.

"Wait. No! Come back!" I open the door back up, just to see a shocked look on Dad's face.

"What happened Katie?!" Dad shouts. I give him a look that says it all. "Boys!" He strides into the boys' room and is out of sight once more.

I decide now to take matters into my own hands now. Once dad would finish with the boys, I guess he could hose me down like we did when we were little. I remember once when it was raining the sidewalk had been covered in dirt from my parents' gardening project. Total fail! When the rain was gone we all ran outside to go and jump in the mud.

We got really wet and dirty so my mom and dad took the hose and washed us off. I can still remember the feeling of the cold water being shot onto my back. The feeling carried great memories of my mom. I just wish she were here to share them once more.

I can hear my dad yelling at the boys. I just sit and wait for their punishment to be called. I grin a little they deserve it! I feel an itchy sort of feeling in my left armpit.

I scratch it a little. And the a few more times and then my right one itches and then I scratch and scratch a bit more until I feel the urge to see what is going on under there.

I find big red blotches under my pits. GROSS!! What would cause this?! I sniff them and I come to my answer: burning?!

"Something's burning!!" I shout as I touch my pits. Nope not them...

"THE PANCAKES!" I shout. I sprint down the stairs and have a mini heart attack as I miss a few steps. I see a little fire on the stove and the smoke alarms go off. Dad and the boys come down stairs. Dad and Tyler hand me the fire extinguisher that we have.

Dad is a retired fireman and the boys are irresponsible. Do the math! I hand it to Brandon who actually knows how to work the thing and he struggles to hold it in his weak little hands so Spencer has to help him. For a little boy he is really strong!

They have a bit of trouble putting out the fire but they finally get it after a few shots.

"Who did this?!" Dad's voice booms. I step forward, still scratching.

"I'm very sorry. When I saw what Spencer had written on the wall I completely abandoned my pancakes forgetting to turn of the heat, and ran upstairs to find them making messes." I start. "So it wasn't entirely all my fault...."

"Forget that!" Michael beams, running towards what is now left of the iron skillet and REALLY burnt pancakes. "We have pancakes!" He stuffs a few into his mouth. "Delicious!"

I look over to Dad. "You are all in a lot of trouble! But first it is in your best interest to get outside and wait for me to hose you all down."

"Yes Dad." We all says sluggishly and walk out side. Once we are outside I realize I put on T. Swift perfume this morning and I wasn't supposed to put it on... OOPS! What's a girl gonna do?

As Dad begins to hose us off I have to take off my shirt.. BUT DO NOT WORRY!!!! I HAD A TANK-TOP UNDERNEATH! That's when all the people in the neighborhood got to see my red itchy rash in the most awkward place. Ugh! My life is over!!

We have a really hot neighbor and he just moved in last month and I had the opportunity to show him around school and we had all the same classes!!! But now he chooses to come outside and grab the newspaper. Great!

Tyler beacons him over. "Hey Josh!" He calls. "Come on over here!"

It's now time to raise my arms... "Come on Katie. Raise 'em high!" Dad laughs.

"Do I have to?" I ask, Josh is walking over here.

"Yes sweetie. Come on I don't have all day! Just raise them!" Dad commands.

I glance back Josh is on our sidewalk, "Yeah? What do you want?" His eyes sparkle in the sun, shining brightly on him. "I just wanted to know if you..." Tyler runs over to Josh and whispers something that sounds like "Wanted to go to the party at Jennifer's house tomorrow night."

Josh nods and smile she heads off to his house but then turns back around and whispers back to Tyler, "Can I bring someone?" And he glances at me and then back at Tyler.

"Sure." Tyler replies.

Authors Note:

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately but I hope to do more writing once school starts. I'm planning on doing a double or even triple update soon so get ready for that!! I hope you enjoy!! Don't forget to vote comment and follow me!!

-Yaya 🐚🐙

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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