Homework Pt 1 (Male POV)

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Math problems are very annoying especially when you invited your girlfriend over since your parents weren't home but your math teacher suddenly decides to give you an assignment due tomorrow at 7PM on google classroom.

You feel horrible finishing this assignment as your girlfriend waits because not even 3 minutes ago, you assured her it would just be 'them' time.

But oh well, you are very near to finishing it and while you were at it, you assured her that she could do anything she wanted until you were finished.

Glad to see that she took it well because she wasn't currently in your room and you assumed that she was exploring your house again.

You are sitting on a chair trying to finish the last ANNOYING math problem and when its finally done, you see her in the hoodie you always wear. The only thought repeating in your head was:

'Oh lawd she's damn cute'

She had a look on her face which you couldn't quite figure out..was she mad or happy?

Turns out, it was a mixture of both because well, you were trained in girl code. You just took a few seconds to figure out the exact thought or emotion she had.

Girls are pretty confusing sometimes. They themselves have no idea about how they feel, yet expect you to know exactly what they want.

But she wasn't like that...nor were a handful of girls you had never met but you knew that obviously, not every girl was the same.

Her hair was wet and you could figure out she was just out from the shower. Oh no..she didnt bother to dry her hair again.

You were about to get up but stop for a moment to glance at her expression again. Rule 576 of girl code: Look at her expression before doing anything. However you decide to wait and take a few minutes to calm down your train of thoughts.

And she wasn't helping.

But what she does next is surprises you. She hesitantly walks to you and cups your face. You hoped that she would kiss you and to your joy, that's exactly what she did.

You felt her soft cool lips against your warm ones, her wet hair slightly tickling your neck and her thumb gently stroking the front of your ear in sync to the kisses.

Both her hands goes down your neck and rests on your collarbone all the whilst still giving you soft gentle kisses. There was no hurry or desperation. It was just pure love.

You could never get tired of this feeling, no matter how many times this same moment occurred, the feeling always felt innocent and new.

Well it was up to you if you wanted it to remain innocent and sweet or....quite unholy.

She kisses you softly.. you figured out that she missed you because you didn't give her any attention because of those stupid math questions.

You place your hands on her waist and lift her. Jeez. Even though you had told her being this light was unhealthy, she was still as light as the neighbors cat.

She wraps her legs around you and her hands are now by your neck. You both are softly kissing each other when finally, you place her gently on the bed and continue kissing her while your hands are making their way up her thigh...

to be continued

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