Crush (female POV)

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A/N- This is more of a descriptive writing. It has no events going on sorry lol ..and super short-


I saw him sit beside his best friend with a goofy smile on his face, slight squint of his eyes as he started cracking jokes and wheezing along with his boys as if there was no tomorrow.  He's tall, silly looking with a funny smile. He had a broken sense of humor but I loved it. I laughed every time he made a joke, making me look like an idiot. He looks 'okay' or 'average' by looks from other people's perspective but I found him perfect. His flaws for me were his pros, it made him more adorable.

He was a musician, played covers and composed few of his own. Most of his compositions were filled with his strong beats, sometimes I wished he played a gentler tune. A tune filled with sweet whispers of love and the gentleness of dandelions. Whenever he sang, I was smitten to the bold and his goofy voice. He makes funny expressions while singing that makes everyone laugh. Smarter than me, and just lovely in every way.

I like him. I really do.

I don't want to though.

The boy's got my heart in a silver case.

We make eye contact and I immediately turn my gaze towards the teacher who seemed to be in her own world, talking to the students at the front row.  Thankfully, she never paid attention to the students at the back so we were pretty much safe as long as we weren't loud. Seeing him made me have butterflies, much more intense than the ones I had before I realized I had a crush on him. Looks like the they come in full affect when you're aware of it. 

He sat at random places, he'd always change his seat accordingly and to my luck it was mostly in front of me, like a clear view of his facial expressions and body language. I'm not tryna be creepy I promise. If I happened to sit in a place his bag is usually at, I left notes and origami cranes for him .I never knew if my small acts of love was ever delivered.

10 months earlier, I left him a stupid love letter. I never knew what he did after that because I never got a reply. Maybe it was because I never wrote my name on it or asked him out. The letter's content just stated why I liked him the way I did.

Maybe he found it creepy. Should I tell him about it?

Let's just stop and think, before I lose face.  

Never mind.

I thought mingling with kids was something weird only I did, until I saw him vibe with juniors as if they were his siblings. He smiled at their jokes even though they were awfully bad and cracked some which make them fall to the floor. They adored him and chanted his name during the races he'd run as if he were their older brother.  

Funny enough, he never won those races but won my heart instead.

I never liked him for being 'perfect'. As a matter of fact, he was not. He never got excellent grades or had a super good physique. But his silly comments, a strong will of determination to do something and his thinking process was what made me fall for him.

Honestly, I was in denial in the first few months. I didn't think that someone like him could steal my heart. But people change and here I am. He never caught my eye until our teacher forced us to sit together for a month which made me much closer to him. We were strangers at first, classmates next and hopefully friends right now.  He doesn't mind me listening into his stupid ideas of overthrowing the government so that's a plus point.

I think.

He broke his pen out of joy when he got a math question right. It was one of the most basic questions to attempt in the whole textbook but the boy in front of me made it seem like he cracked Einstein equations. He made everything seem simpler and much lively then they were. I don't know why I feel happy every time he laughs or sad whenever he's feeing down. I don't even know him properly, and even if I did, I never had plans on falling for someone again.

During the times I sat next to him, I noticed a little habit of his. Humming songs which he'd recently listened to or the ones he liked and being the weirdo he is, he hummed the soviet union's anthem during chemistry. While I was trying to understand what was the color of zinc oxide, I was also listening to low, deep humming from my right. He was really passionate about it with the way he was almost stopping himself from singing during class. Oh- he changed it, A love song. How sweet. 

Well good for him, I'm not delusional.

It was really funny how his head just banged the table during Biology because he was too sleepy to stay awake. He jerked up and pretended as if nothing had happened. I might have giggled a little too loudly because I found him looking straight at me after I was over the whole incident of him falling over. He was entertaining to look at and distracting to sit next to. He cracked such illegal jokes which were impossible to not laugh at. In one such frenzy, I was wheezing like a maniac. I think I creeped him out.

History had become my favorite subject after I saw his enthusiasm on the World Wars. As I repeat for the millionth time, he's a weirdo. He is a fanatic about Hitler and the whole idea of communism, it was cute. Of course he didn't mean it seriously but his interest in the subject was admirable. Along with his friends, they'd make towers out of water bottles or destroy innocent random things. 

He really makes me...

ah shit.

I crave you


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