Cast Reacts to Subaru as LowTierGod

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Cast Reacts to Subaru as lowtiergod doing his speech.

Regulus is the victim.

This is Part 1.




Emilia awakes, without any idea what just happen. A moment ago, she was with Subaru in the Roswaal Garden before a bright flash happened.


"I'm here! I'm here... sorry." Emilia looks around the area, immediately realizing there are some other figures here.

Most Noticeably are the 4 other candidates and her camp themselves.

Puck came over to Emilia "Lia, you alright? you were taking longer to wake up then the others. So you kinda missed the whole introduction I'm guessing.

"W-What is going on?"

"Apparently we are going to be watching Subaru at a certain point in time? I don't know. All the guy really said is we are gonna be watching Subaru in different ways. This is the first one."

It's starting, I decided to do a more funny one before we get into some of the deaths.

What did this voice mean by Deaths? Subaru's never died though?


The Screen opened to scene with Subaru facing off with Regulus. Which, Normally they would of fought but.

"Hold on."

Reinhard nodded but still was in a offensive position to make sure to protect Subaru.

Reinhard chuckled a bit. "Oh.. I Remember this."

Everyone looked at him. What happens here.

"I am so fucking tired with you."

"Regulus? Really? That name even sounds fucking stupid. Generally, You are a worthless, bitch ass motherfucker"

Emilia hears all these bad words, as well as her mental age being a 14 year old. She is a bit shocked by her Knight cussing.

"Get his ass!" Felt randomly yelled out, which became awkward for her so she just shuts up.

"Your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant. I'm just gonna stomp you and you're gonna keep coming back, imma seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back. Why? Cause you smellin the syrup. You worthless bitch ass motherfucker."

"Summer ant? I wonder what that means" Rem responses with. (probably good to keep in mind Shes awake)

"Barusu has good taste in insults at least." Ram replies with.

"You going to stay on my dick until you die. You literally serve no purpose in life. Your purpose in life is to be in my zone sucking on my dick daily. Your purpose in life is to be infront of me blowing the dick daily."

"Seems to be I spoke too soon..." Ram kind of annoyed.

Emilia blushes at the sentence, she didn't know this side of Subaru...

Your life is nothing, you serve zero purpose.


You should kill yourself, NOW.

Lighting strikes in the background  as he literally begins to form an aura around his body. Literal lighting coming out of his body as his eyes go completely white.

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