Chapter 1: it begins

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It was the end just me and him This would be the final battle if I can stop him. It would all be over and we could all be free but you are probably wondering how I got here. Well let's start from the beginning. I live in a perfect world, well in his eyes anyway where we are forced to train for combat everyday. It's all becau- "WAKE UP you are going to be late for our sparring session". "ON MY WAY" I leaped out of bed quickly putting on my armor then grabbed my sword and shield then ran out the door "what took you so long" he said "just thinking" i replied but he looked at me concerned saying "well we need to go NOW" we both started running to the training room. This is my friend Arthur he loves to train with me oh and I of course my name is Josh the narrator . "Ok we made it and looked Ares round just ended" Arthur pointed out as Ares (a strong knight that can't rank up to gold knights because some say if he did he'd be just as strong as the king and he might kill golden knight accidentally.when they are limited but anyway).he walked out of the circle as knights dragged his opponent to the healers but then it was our turn as I walked to one side of the circle he was getting ready tightening his gloves strapping his shield. "I'm going to win this time just watch." he sounded so sure of himself I was thinking of what he was possibly thinking. Right as the round started he went straight for my chest with a jab. I quickly used my shield and redirected his blade to the floor but just as I swung my sword he blocked it. I admit he has gotten better. He surprised me with a jab but now his sword in the ground and his shield on the side blocking, he left his chest open.I kicked him straight in his chest and he flew to the end of the circle. "It's over I won again...but wow you didn't even drop the sword this time.'' I gloated, but this surprised me he leaped off his back and on his feet "and I didnt go down in one hit ether" he chuckled. he was trying so hard to win that I was considering letting him win just this once but then the crowd goes silent and I look at my friend he is speechless "what's the matter" all he could do is bow. I turned around and saw the leader are king, I didn't know what to do but just before I bowed he spoke. "No need to do that, I just want to have a little spare myself is all"He said as my friend walked out of the circle. It was so quiet I took his place.then he continued talking "I must say you put on quite the show so i'll make you a deal if you can draw a drop of blood i'll give you this..." all of a sudden there was golden armor right next to my friend. I can barely speak "a...and if I l...lose?" i stuttered "then your friend over there gets the win meaning you lose your streak that's all there is too it." With the crowd silent all I could hear are my thoughts "...i accept." He took a step into the circle. He pulled out his sword. It looked so heavy like it crushes instead of slashes .He equipped his shield, it was so big it looks like he could protect his whole body if he crouched behind it. "then let the spar begin." he said I had no idea where to start. I just needed a hit. I ran straight to him and swung my sword. Of course he blocked it. but then when he swung his sword and although I blocked I flung to the end of the circle any closer and I would have lost and my shield it had a huge dent on it no way it can take another hit like that.Next thing I saw was him standing over me with his sword in both hands he stabbed it went straight in the ground I barely rolled over enough to dodge it.I leaped onto my feet and sliced again but he blocked while his sword was still in the ground still I knew this had to be my chance.I backed up and threw my shield at his head as he blocked. I went for his chest. I saw the opening and...he hit me...i flung outside the circle and into a wall with a big slash on my chest plate leaking out blood.My friend ran right over as quick as he could "JOSH GET UP C'MON GET UP YOU DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT BUT PLEASE GET UP!" The crowd was shocked on how much damage happened in just one swing as the king just watched and chuckled "i have to say I'm disappointed in you" As the king was walking to the golden armor to take it away.arthur heard me whisper something but just as the king was about to take the golden armor "STOP!" screamed Arthur he froze there. "Did you just tell ME to stop?!" he looked straight at Arthur "yes..." he said softly "listen here just because he lost-" I got up Arthur holding me "no... I didn't... look at your leg..." There was a scratch on the back of his leg with a single drop of blood coming out (and it was darker colored blood) because just as he hit me my sword swung into his leg before I was out of the circle. "a deal's a deal...he keeps the armor" Arthur stated "very well you have won josh I hope you remember this day because today you will be getting not just the suit but the rank as well so rest easy tonight train harder tomorrow" just then he walked away as I passed out arthur said "don't worry josh i'll help you to Elle...she should be able to get Emma's help" I woke up "how long have I been out" he jumped up from the chair "YOU ARE ALIVE" arthur said happily "aye I just kinda woke up you don't need to scream already" then my friend Elle walked in (she is a healer but she can only heal scratches,illnesses and she can heal plants) "aw man i wanted to be hear when you first waked up" then she pulled out a flower "i got you a flower to help you feel better" i look at her saying "thank you i feel better already" then arthur brought out the golden armor "look I brought you a gift" I was so happy "wow that looks so cool I can't wait to train with you in that" just then his smile faded "you are a higher rank now..." he sounded sad "oh yeah...i forgot the surprise part about it" now we were both sad but then elle said "maybe you guys can fight again after he's done training" then emma walked in the room (she's Elle's mom and one of the best healers) "actually you can't" me and arthur where both shocked "WHAT" she then said "a different rank can really change a lot...with silver knights being no longer allowed on golden knight territory unless to deliver a message to a golden knight there to deliver to the king...but even then this is a quick action so no room for much talking" then arthur said sadly "so this will be are last goodbye then huh..." then Elle interrupted "what about're leaving me too..." i reassured her "i promise i'll be back...arthur will be a golden knight someday too and when we can go on patrol we can come to visit whenever we can'' then arthur said "but how long will that take...what if i can't rank up to become a golden knight..." then i responded with "well if that's the case there is something I must tell you. Remember when I was sleeping in on the day the king came..." "you mean yesterday yeah why" he said confused "yes well...i was actually just thinking what if there was no rank what if we were all even so we can just hang out whenever" he did a faint smile and said "yeah that would be great" and elle said "and maybe i can leave this place too and be able to come with you" then emma then look at me "it's good to have imagination but now that's never going to happen... not hear anyways..." just then a hurt knight walked into the room and emma stuck out her hand to his scratches and a green light surrounded the scratch and started to heal the hurt knight "as you can see im quite busy right now so if you are ready you may leave" she insisted "oh and remember josh you will start your new training tomorrow morning" then elle added "and take good care of this'' as she gave me the flower and we walked outside. so then me and arthur decided to go back to my home then arthur had in idea "what if one of us sneak out at night to meet the other" said arthur "that's actually not a bad idea but there are lots of golden guards we will need someone for lookout" then arthur replied "how about ares he's not scared of anything maybe he will stand guard" and i told him "great idea i'll see you tonight" so it was decided me and arthur will sneak out at night but was next morning and somebody was knocking on the door "author we are not sparring anymore remember you need to find a new partner" i reminded him but he kept knocking but as I opened the door "i told you to wait til-" there was a golden knight at my door "josh come with me we will get you ready for your new training" i told them "alright let me get my things'' i was going to grab the flower that Elle gave me but then the guards stopped me saying "anything you need will be provided at the castle" i guess i had no choice but to leave so as we walked passed the sparing ground I noticed some people like ares where getting a new partner from whether they killed their previous partner or is new to this as we kept walking (Arthur ended up being paired with ares so the plan is in motion). then we finally arrived this was no training ground this was a castle he took me to the side there was still a sparring circle but a few other things as well.there was some horses a race track and some rocks in a bucket on both ends of a pole this may not be so bad after all.meanwhile with arthur he didn't have a good start he chose to be partnered with ares somebody that accidentally killed there last partner and on their first fight he lost with one hit getting launched out of the circle proving ares can stand his ground.after they had there spare arthur went back to my place to let me know he's now partnered with ares and going to ask me who meets who but then he noticed i wasn't there and then he saw elle's flower on my table and had a feeling i would want that flower back so he went back to the healers and gave elle her flower back saying "i think josh would want you to take care of the flower until he can visit" elle nods her head and agrees with that so she takes the flower and gently put it in a bucket with soil and water before they said their goodbyes.ok back to me a golden knight went to me and said "josh you're training begins now, but first Remember first you spare, then you ride a horse, lift up the rocks then run the track,got it" "yep" I realized it was my first time in golden armor but i did not feel much different. I ended up just shield takiling my opponent out of the circle "wow its over allrea-" "ROUND 2 SPARE" said the golden knight "wait wha-" it was a direct hit in my chest but wow this armor is much stronger I barely felt that I quickly stood my ground and we were just going at it he was very good he blocked every hit but when whenever he attacked I got in a hit myself it was a long fight but i finally won. "The winner is josh" said the gold knight I helped my sparring partner up and said "you are pretty good at defending but you need to work on when to attack." He gave me a hand shake and walked away. Ok now for the next challenge I must ride a horse "ok so what do I do" I asked the trainer looked surprised "have you never rode a horse before" I was a bit embarrassed so I stayed quiet but this was my first time riding "well first get on the horse put your feet on the stirrups and use the lead to steer the horse you just got to do a few laps". now I was ready but just before I could start somebody wanted to challenge me in a race it was the same guy that I just beaten "so partner you can beat me in combat but no way i'll lose to you in a race" he quickly got in possession and then he pulled the lead with one hand the horse went on its back feet as it did a loud nay. "so are you ready" but before I can even say anything he already started counting "3...2...1....GO" and just like that we were off on the tracks he was ahead but when we turned around I just barely got ahead but as we kept going first lap was over and I was stayed like that for a bit but then his horse picked up the pace he was passing me by a long was now on to the 3rd lap he was ahead but I was doing everything I can I leaned forward I kept whipping near my horse every 5 seconds.i didn't want to hurt it but it was working I was catching up but the finish line was so close but just as I got next to him the race was we got off are horse they called the winner "the winner of this race is...JAMES" so I lost the race but now I at least know what his name is. a golden guard approaches us "good start but now you must lift up those rocks then run a lap getting you ready until i find a post for you to guard and as for you james go back to your station and get ready" and just like that I had to do another work out the guard watched to make sure I do it while thinking of where my post is.after a what felt like a long time my arms are so tired and i'm out of breath but at least I finished "now hear is your spot you are to stay there all day got it" good it was the inside of the outer wall now I just got to stand guard all day and find out how to sneak out at night I just hope arthur is able to meet up with me. Meanwhile Arthur was coming up with his own plan "are you ready big guy" ares just stayed silent "okay then... I hope you are because it's getting late we gotta go now" they sneaked to the castle "ok ready and remember we have to make as little noise as possible so we have to-" he ran right past the golden guards there was 3 guards after him and soon to be more "wait 1...2...3...where is the fourth guar-" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING I told you i'll sneak out not for you to break me out" I surprised him but just then the alarm sounded off and just like that arthur and his partner where caught. 4 gold guard captured ares and one came to me "good job josh first night and you captured a intruder" "wait this is a misunderstanding he is not a intruder he's my friend" I told him "yeah we just wanted to talk we didn't do any harm" said arthur but then the guard recorected him saying "well your friend did do harm he knocked out a few guards not to mention a basic knight is forbidden in this land anyway so you will be sent to the dungeon till we find out how long you will be staying there" but then I stepped in "no he is not if he is going in the dungeon then so am i" the guard just looked at me he was silent but then he finally spoke... "fine so be it" he pulled out his sword aiming at me "in the name of are king you will be sent to the dungeon" then I pulled out my sword "and in the name of my friend he will not" but then me and arthur where surrounded by guards "drop the sword" says one of the guards and just like that we were captured but then the king came out "really only a day and you try to ruin my kingdom bringing a silver knight to this land and taking down golden gaurds" he said looking straight at me "no matter bring them to the dragon". Wait did he say dragon me and arthur where staring at each other we didn't know what to do 4 guards walked me and arthur while 2 more guards carried ares. When we arrived in the dungeon the guards gave a golden helmet to Arthur telling him to wear it and then they took away are swords as they walked out locking us in. After looking around there seems to be burn marks almost everywhere. The floor is all cracked as if something big hit it but there was something glowing on the other side of the room. i noticed ares and apparently guards strapped a gold shield in his hands "so howes your new partner" I wondered "he's a bit to extreme when he sparse but besides that he's good" and then i responded "yeah I guess that makes sense but what doesn't is why didn't they take off my armor not to mention they gave you a helmet and him a shield" but then ares woke up "ugh what happened" said ares "well look who woke up" I said but then he noticed a glowing light and started to run to it "hay wait for us" said arthur I began to follow as well. we got to the light. It was a huge pile of golden armor with the light source being a fire "hehehe i'm going to be rich" said ares but just as he reached for the golden pile a huge shadow flew over them. "WHAT WAS THAT" shouted Ares "that must be the dragon" I responded then ares screamed "A DRAGON WHERE" but just as he was looking everywhere it landed right in front of him breaking the concrete floor more. it was was going closer to him as its chest was started to glow "USE THE SHIELD" just then the dragon opened its mouth he got his shield ready fire came out of it like a flame thrower as he was blocking it it looked like the shield was going to start overheating and burn ares flesh he was going to die luckily I had a idea "FIND A SWORD IN THERE I'LL DISTRACT IT" i told arthur as he was searching in the gold pile I ran straight to the dragon it took a deep breath it was going for me this time. I went under it to hide but then I felt a big gust of wind from both of my sides as the dragon's belly was going higher and higher I realized it was flying I had nowhere to run it was about to spray its fire at me it opened its mouth but then I noticed the fire was missing me ares was shielding me from the flames.but then arthur shouted "I FOUND ONE" as he throwed the sword at me i caught it but then the dragon tackled me dragging me across the concrete as ares was climbing on top of its head.i tried slicing it with the sword but its scales where too strong it then hurled me back at arthur then ares hit the dragon's eye making it crash into a wall and then ran to me then i told him "I can't cut through its scales are to strong" but then he gave me a look and took the sword and gave me the shield then told me to "go to the golden pile I have a plan" I did as told and ran to arthur but then the dragon landed in front of him filled with rage knowing ares didn't have a shield anymore.ares looked at me "josh i was kinda hoping to fight you..." I was then confused he started to run to the dragon but then as the dragon was taking a breathe he leapt inside the dragon's mouth saying "STAY STRONG FOR ME" the dragon ended up swallowing him whole and started choking it crashed into everything breaking everything but then the sword stabbed its way outside the dragon's stomach as all the fire inside showed a shallowet of areas of him trying to cut a hole out but he got stuck as he turned into a skeleton as the fire inside the dragon died down then the dragon passed out.i quickly ran over to the dragon pulled the sword out of the dragon but there was his skeleton hand still holding on. "he's dead..." I pointed out arthur walked over "it's going to be ok...wait that sword it's different" looking at the sword it's true this sword is much sharper than the other one I had "well this is going to be useful to do some real damage...if only we had this sword when we first encountered the dragon...not to mention I already have the same armor as the guards I just need a..." "helmet" arthur said as he gave it to me "heh yep i'm sure you can find a whole set of armor in that pile" joked arthur we laughed for a bit then I replied "yeah why do they let us keep are armor there's got to be a reason" asked arthur but then a familiar voice was heard "there are two big reasons actually" me and arthur looked at the entrance... it was the king again.The first reason is to attract the dragon and the second is to make sure the fight won't be over too soon" I quickly got ready to fight him. I was in a full gold suit and shield with an improved sword. I stood a chance now he pulled out his sword and shield. "silly boy you can't win just because you are in a golden suit now do you really think i'll give golden knights better armor than me." But then something happened he saw my sword and then he hesitated.i took another step closer but then arthur said "It's a trick he knows if you fight, more guards will arrive. We have to leave now" I shook my head in agreement he ran for the exit and got ready to lock the door. I ended up staying back fighting the king but as Arthur escaped he noticed I was not going to be able too although I was able to take a few extra hits now there was still no way I can win or even leave because the king had just swept me off my feet falling over and put his foot on my chest and his sword aiming at my head. "heh i've been wanting to say this..." he raised his sword over his head "GAME OVER" but just as his sword was going down arthur tackled him with a shield knocking him off me "GO JOSH NOW" as we were both running I got to the exit the knight leader throwed his shield at arthur tripping him. he picked him up off the ground holding his head while putting his sword behind his back and said "thanks for showing me you're shield throw he almost got any last words for your friend". I didn't know what to do I just stood there in fear for what's about to happen to him but arthur said "LEAVE AND REVENGE ME FREE THIS WORLD FROM HIS REIGN OF TERRO-AAAaaa..." and just like that he was stabbed all the way through his heart as he then dropped his body like nothing staring at me "go on now run but remember that my world my rules i'll be sure to see it that you will die" I shut and locked him in the dungeon. Luckily now that I had a helmet I was able to walk right past most of the guards without being chased but when I went to get a horse I saw none other than James guarding the horses. I walked up to him worried he will sound the alarm if he knew I was a escaped guard but I had no other choice "james it's me josh" he looked at me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT HELMET HOW DID YOU GET IT" I just put my fingur up to my mouth then spoke "listen you said so yourself im the better fighter but I need your help i'm going to free everybody but I will need a horse to go so I either get it by asking or by-" "im in...I don't exactly want to be golden knight i just want to be a horse caretaker" said james but then he asked "so where are you riding off too" "well I can't exactly go back to the knight kingdom so how about the sorcerers" I responded "great idea but we better hurry I heard the knight leader is after you" and so we got on are horses and went to the magic kingdom as we were traveling a guard found the knight king inside of a dungeon "it's about time you found me you must sound the alarm check every knight and send some knights to my knight land check every home and if you find them I don't care how but bring him to me alive" immediately all the guards where locking down the castle and sent some knights to my home. Meanwhile at my location "so what made you want to break the rank system anyway" James asked "well to be honest I just never liked having to be a follower my whole life but when me and my...friend... got different ranks I was never supposed to see him again...and now I never will..." I responded "hay it's ok i'm sure your friend is oka-" "he's dead now...all because of me...i should have listened to him... but I will revenge him i'll destroy this this rank system and i'll be sure to make the knight leader pay" there was some silints but he spoke "i'm sorry to hear that but look we have arrived" wow it was so cool I can see so much magic going everywhere and as james was putting the horses in a safe spot I was walking to the town but just before I entered two firey portals opened as two wizards one in red cloak and the other in a blue cloak one spoke "are you two lost" then the other one said "you're kind do not belong here" but then james said "we don't want any trouble we need your help" the red wizard responded "why would we help a knight how do I know this is not some trick" the blue wizard noticed my sword "wait a minit that sword doesn't belong to you return that at once" the red wizard then summoned fire but then the blue wizard asked "how did you get that sword" summoning a magic wall then james looked at me curious about the sword as well so I told them "it was in the castle dungeon room im sorry but whoever had this sword was killed by a dragon" but the wizard had a question "now what where you doing in a dungeon" they were on to me they know I was in a dungeon and I have escaped but then james answered for me "he was thrown in there because he wanted to stop the knight king. The wizards looked at each other "very well you may enter" said one "but don't cause any trouble" the red wizard warned then as thay where opening a new portal I tried to ask them a question "wait how do you know who sword belonged to" but all the blue wizard said was "see the great wizard for that" and they left. So me and James went through town. It was so fun wherever we looked there was always somebody doing something of magic but funny enough no magic talent shows I guess that makes sense when everybody is magic it's not really a surprise. there where a lot of people in black purple and green cloaks too tho but we just went to there castle anyway which was a lot more interesting.there was a platform that you must ride to go to the castle instead of a bridge.we asked a wizard in a purple cloak to help us out with the platform but when we got to the other side a blue wizard summoned a magical shield and pushed us into the castle 3 more blue wizards joined in and trapped us in a box. they brought us to a wizard that had a very colorful cloak then he spoke "what brings two golden nights to my land" I explained exactly what happened but in the end he agreed "very well I will take take your word for it but first let me get your sword ready" I was very confused but I gave it to him "oh and as for you james pick your choice are you a fighter defender or a healer" then he remembered how good at defending he is so of course he picked defender "ok take this cloak and go in that room somebody will help you learn how to use magic ok josh come with me" he brought me into a room alone he begins to remove a enchantment from the sword turning it back to a ordinary sword then he put a different enchantment on it he then puts that enchantment into a vile before sending it to a secret room behind his throne "ok josh I need you to say a phrase that will turn you into a unstoppable warrior let me know when you are ready" but then i remembered how the king was going to make the last words i hear game over so i decided to make a better version "ok i'm ready" the wizard looked at me "ok on the count of 3 ok 1....2.....3 NOW" I screamed GAME ON then the enchantment turned into a cursive word of game on before going back into the sword making it stronger and sharper as it was before. "remember josh it's not permanent you will go back to normal and it'll take an hour to recharge and the longer you don't say game on the stronger it will don't say game on unless you are at the knight king" meanwhile james figured out how to summon a shield from thin air (because the wizard that james was with gave him a magicill mark that will give him the ability to cast a shield) "wow this is so cool" then his trainer reminded him "yes but remember you are still new to this so don't try to block anything to strong with that shield alright" then I walked in the room "hey guess what we now have a magical army for us to work with" "great we should be all ready to go then" however back in the knight kingdom "sir we looked everywhere in the castle and town he's not there where should we check next..." but all the knight king did was think but then he had an idea and spoke "he found a magic sword he probably went to the magic kingdom to unlock its power" so the guard asked "do you want us to go there now?" but the king had a better idea "no wait for them to come to us let them waste their energy traveling hear then when they arrive we will let all the knights know that we are under attack takeing them down perminitly" "very well sir i'll be sure to get the others ready".we are now on are way to the castle on flying platforms but when we arrived at the town we were under attack by all the silver knights but then the crowd saw me "guys its me josh" one of them asked "why are you hear shouldn't you be up at the castle and why are you with the wizards...have you betrayed your home" i quickly told them "that's not the case of course i'm actually hear to help i'm here to set you all free...every day you have fighting each other but now it's time for a real fight one that will give you freedom to many of you really want to be knights how many of you wanted to farm or use magic you can have that choice join me and I promise you this everybody hear will have a choice" but the crowd was silent but the fact that nobody is attacking us means they are choosing thay just need one person to be the first to say it... then i hured elle from a window saying "i will help fight" but then the announcer from the arena said "i will help fight too" and after a while the whole crowd started cheering "WE WILL FIGHT...WE WILL FIGHT" the inter crowd was cheering the golden knights from the healer base began to charge at the croud to silence them but just becuse they where stronger dose not mean they had more numbers and just when the first golden guard was about to hit a silver knight...he tripped it was elle she used her magic and a vine rapped around his foot and while he was down the silver knights see this as the wizerds willing to protect them and they began to beat up that golden gard.but then the rest golden gaurds charged at them but as they where busy fighting off the silver knights the wizerds stricked them with fireballs and electricity and we beat them and then the healers walked out of there prison and began to heal the silver knights that got hurt so they can continue to fight.meanwhile emma and Elle personally went to see me and thank me for freeing them with elle carrying a bucket with the flower for me saying "i took care of it for you while you were promise me you will take care of it win this is over ok" i agreed nodding my head just then we began to continue chanting "WE WILL FIGHT" while marching as we approached the castle a golden knight sees this with me leading them and says "sir it appears that they are working with with josh now...any orders?" the knight king just stood up, grabbed his sword and shield and said... "kill them...KILL EVERY LAST TRATOR and tell the cyclops we need there assistance..." and just like that we were at a war but that golden guard quickly began to run to the horses but next thing he knew he was hit by a fireball and when he was down another wizard tied him up with vines while another used a barrier to separate the sword from him then he began to use his shield to break free from the vines but by the time he was done a few more wizards finished forming a rock above him dropping it on him then james asked me "ok whats the plane josh" "get me to the king we can end this battle once and for all" then we charged into battle getting off the platform as I charged through the army as james was shielding me with emma and elle following behind.I was attacking any knights got through lucky they lost track of me once I was in the middle of all the golden knights but they could see james face clear as day but he is using his shield to protect me as protected him with emma constantly healing us and elle keeping a lookout to make sure no nobody can get us from behind. after a while of fighting we eventually we made it through the army than once we got into the castle i told james to "close the door and put a shield on it im going to stop the knight king" he shook his head in understanding saying "just be careful ok" and then emma told elle to "stay inside the castle where it's safe...all the guards are outside and josh is taking down the king...i will protect the outside" james and elle where confused how can she protect with only being able to heal and james asked "how?" and emma then said "i see you don't believe just because i heal well guess what...elle you can fight too you have a power to grow's just not that strong i have my own way to fight tho...i can make people start swelling in the form of malignant" james and elle stayed quiet for a bit and then both said "YOU GIVE CANCER" she immediately shushed them saying "hay i don't use it alright...well until now but it's for a good i will see you two later stay safe..." then she opened the door and then a golden knight charged in she put her hands on the helmet with a green light going through the visor. Then she removed her hands just as he swinged and then the golden knight began putting his hands on his helmet screaming before dropping dead.james and elle stayed quiet staring at her then emma just awkwardly said "i'll...go deal with the war...just forget about that" and then she dragged the knight outside saying "i'll get this out of your way to help you forget" then she shut the door and james put the shield on the door saying "well at least we are safe..." and elle replied "and scarred for life..." meanwhile I went up the stars all the way to top of the castle there he was just standing there and he spoke "how dare you ruin my perfect kingdom..." "there was nothing perfect about this plac-" "WE ARE THE STRONGEST WE WERE THE BEST FIGHTERS THERE WAS WE COULD RULE THE WORLD" he said with such anger but he calmed down and said "enough is enough you will die...NOW" he turned around and hit me all full force it was so strong it broke thru my armor and hit me into the merlon(a merlon is the arrow windows at the top of a tower) as blood was coming out of me at a fast rate the said "heh I didn't hit anybody like that in quite a while...look its like before when we fought... except this time your friends are dead and it's all your fault" he aimed his sword at me and continued to speak "and now I shall ask you...any last words" i pulled out my sword "yeah...GAME ON" next thing I knew my sword was getting longer and sharper with my shield getting bigger I feel my armor getting stronger the armor started repairing from all dents and scratches I felt like I was getting stronger too.i was ready to fight "this ends now for ares for arthur... and for freedom I will not let you win" good now that you are all caught up where were we oh yeah It was the end just me and him. This would be the final battle if I can stop him It would all be over and we could all be free.and he spoke "let the true battle begin" I didn't know where to start so we began so circle each other I had a idea if I can get him to strike first I might be able to damage him. So I asked "what makes this so "perfect" anyway all you do is make us train everyday and for what" he took a step closer "its perfect because i'm in control can you imagine if nobody was ruling this land who will be here to guide us to lead us into battle and with enough training I can get a strong enough army to not only rule the land but the whole world" so it's a typical take over the world scenario but nonetheless its working while he was busy imagining what ruling the world looks would be like I ran to him catching him off guard and just as plane because of that he took the first swing and it was a side swing so using my momentum I slide under his attack under his legs and hit him in the back and too my surprise it actually cut him breaking some of his armor.but he quickly turned around smacking me with his shield knocking me to the ground then he went to stab but I use my shield to redirect his sword to the ground and upper sliced his his chest him making him fall down on his back then I jump on my feet and jumped in the air getting ready to land on his chest with my sword strait down. But as I was coming down he hit me to the side with his shield and he got up as I did too this fight is intense my left side hurts but i got him in the back and front but this battle is far from over but then he said something "wow i must say you put up quite the fight you're friends would be proud" with those words said i was filled with rage he put up his shield up as i was charging i swung my sword then he then parried my sword i realized this is what he wanted.he swung his sword and hit me straight in the chest and i went flying into a merlon cracking it he laughed then spoke "i remember how this went your friend had to help you to a healer but he's not here to do that now hahaha" but when i put my hand over my chest there was a bit of blood however i realized that compared to the first time this happen i would have died so i got ready to fight he then charged at me getting ready to stab but i rolled to the side and his sword got stuck in a merlon so i leaped to my feet he broke the merlon Then I shield tackled him off the side of the roof but he used his sword like an I stood over him "THIS IS FOR ARES" i hit him on his hand shattering the armor around his hand meanwhile elle decided that she was going to fight and started telling james "my mom said i'm able to fight to what if me going out there and helping her is what i need to help my magic" james agreed with this and decided to remove the barrier opened the door to help her but just when elle and james walked out noticing some debris landing by the door shattering the concrete leaving a open patch of dirt and she looked up seeing me shout "THIS IS FOR ARTHUR" I cut off his hand beginning his fall 30 feet fall but just as he was falling I jumped after him aiming my sword strait down AND THIS IS FOR EVERYBODY'S FREEDOM elle saw me falling and placed the flower before quickly growing the flower that kept growing taller to catch are fall and just when she thinks me and her are safe my sword stabs through the king's chest with the tip going through the flower bringing the flower down because of are weight with the flower being smashed on the ground with us landing in front of Elle and james almost crushing them.soon after all the golden guards knight and wizards stopped attacking each other because the knights golden knights seeing the king dead reallised there was no point fighting and the wizards where getting to tired to keep fighting and just stared at me.then elle saw me still on top of him with a sword inside his chest saying "ARE YOU CRAZY DID YOU JUMP AFTER HIM WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" and i responded "calm down i'm fine" and as I was getting up the armor and sword turned back to normal "i think that fall must have took the last of the magic" I then stood up holding my sword to the sky with the knight kings blood "I AM THE NEW KING AND I HAVE SOME NEW RULES TO START" everybody was looking at me nervous and they were thinking why him but then they realize that he did not have a prince or anybody else to take the through and nobody has ever beat the king before so it must mean that i am the strongest they had no choice but obey and they they listined to what i had to say "first anybody that no longer wants be a knight go see the wizards to get a black cloak to start your training in learning magic they'll give you choices from attacking (red) defense (blue) a healing (green) or sorcerer (purple) and second if you wish to stay a knight and protect this place comeinside and we can start talking about new training regiments and lastly if stay where you are you can live a normal life like on a farm or ranch because today is the day where I will give everybody freedom" they all clapped then we through a party celebrating the end of war from wizards and knights. [a few weeks later] I was at a cemetery for those who lost their life during the war standing over arthur's grave but then james came behind me "i knew I could find you hear just checking on your friends huh" "yeah I just miss them that's all" I replied "well i'm sorry for your loss but we kind of need you at the moment" said james "what's the problem" I asked "well now that knights and wizard made peace and everybody seems a lot more happy.but what about the cyclops" james responded "about what cyclops?" "well it's just that it seems to have a problem that i'm sure you can help out with before it reaches are kingdome" said james "yeah let's go there now it's time for me to...GAME ON"

And just like that the story was over the knight kingdom is free the wizards have now made peace with the knights and now there going all around the world to help out.however wait there is still so many questions like who was the original owner of the sword what was the knight kings name why is a cyclops attacking us now.why don't we know this stuff...well let's say for those answers you will have to wait for chapter 2 (to be continued...)

a fallen knights fate (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now