Chapter 5: the Final battle

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just as we were approaching the kingdom we noticed wizards were fighting the knights we began to run to join in.just as we approached the kingdom a portal in front of us opens and the wizard leader walks out and says “josh thank goodness you are all right…i see you have made new friends and even tamed a beast” then kuraken said “oh yeah i'm monster because i defend myself right…” the wizard leader replise with “my bad…but yknow what this gives me an idea i'll go get my pet hydra to help with this” but then i stopped him saying “wait what if it burns down my kingdom and also…when did you have a hydra” he replied with “i've always had one its been passed down from wizard to wizard inside of my dungeon all kingdoms have one” well at this point now im wondering if a cyclops had its own dragon but i still told him “no…i will take back my kingdom i just need to get to the old king and i would be able to take him down myself…but i have an idea teleport me to him and we can have are final battle” he looked at me a bit disappointed “i can't…i don't know where he is…i checked everywhere for him” so if he's not here then where is he.the wizard then got hopeful saying “well i have a way to find him but i'll need a bit more magic so i need you to fight you're golden army so i may use my wizards to find him” my team looked at me i nodded in agreement and the wizard master has opened up the portal to my kingdom however kuraken and peter had to walk because they couldn't go through the portal (peter couldn't go because kuraken was holding the chest but she was to big to pass herself). So it was just me,james and the wizard master to fight through my own army it was a difficult battle we all had to watch each others backs the wizards attack would be too slow even his lightning chain rarely got a hit in but after we got through at least 20% of my gold army plus the wizards army still fighting and kuraken and peter still on the way it seemed like we were going to win.but then just as kuraken and peter arrived and began to battle taking a big chunk of the army down the rest of the army they began to start surrendering witch even surprised me…because we were meant to fight till death but all the guards dropped there weapons as we had the blue wizards trap them all then the wizard leader asked for a couple purple wizards to help with tracking down the old king but when they did the spell all we saw was a glimpse of his sword in a dark place.we were confused so i asked the wizard master “where is the king” just then the ground shook as i heard a similar cyclops king voice saying “i'm right here” we all turned around and saw the cyclops king with his eye closed dried up blood leaking from the socket with his heart impaled with the wizard's castle with then end being broken off more.but then he spoke “josh how do you like my new form it will be the last thing you see” but then the wizard master said “he's in the heart” i looked at him confused he repeats himself “the sword that i saw was in my castle in the throne room and the that room is in that cyclops heart” so i responded with “ok so teleport me there” he gave me a awkward look saying “for one if i was to do that it'll be to dark for you to see and two…i kinda put a spell in there that doesn't let anybody teleport in my room as a safety measure” so i looked at the cyclops as he began to punch are walls “so what's the plan then” peter suggested “me and kraken will hold him off kraken will hold him down while i fly around his neck cutting until he dies but you and james will go fight him on the inside james take josh to that evil king and josh…don't die ok…oh and as for you great wizard get your army to charge up a fireball or something to knock this guy down.we all agreed on this plan we but all of the red wizards on the castle to charge up a fireball meanwhile kuraken was getting ready to jump on him while peter was practicing swinging the swords and me and james where waiting for an opening to strike.the old king brock through the wall and began to smash everything on his way to the castle and said “it's over now josh i win you cannot defeat me i'm more powerful than ever” he took another step closer then kuraken grabbed both his hands with 3 tentacles and pulled them in one spot used one more tentacle to wrap them up while one holding the chest behind her back peter then flew to the neck while controlling some swords from the battle of the gold knights and made them spin around him like a shuriken as he cuts around the neck.the old king screams and ends up breaking free from kuraken grabbing her and throwing her to the ground and stomped on her tentacles then grabbed her by a tentacle before spinning and smashing her into the wall.she collapsed unable to get back up but he grabbed her put her against the wall and punched her through it forcing peter to the ground dropping the swords.james then looked at me concerned “my shield just brock…if that chest gets hit again… what if it's too late what… if he already destroyed the chest… what will happen to peter” i told him “i have no idea but i don't plan on finding out…you can't kill somebody twice…i hope” just then the old king specks saying “was that all you got…pathetic” he then raised his foot over kuraken head getting ready to stomp.just then the wizard leader shouted shout “FIRE” just then the wizards shot a big fireball at the old king hitting him in the face knocking him down me and james jump off the edge of the castle with james summoning a platform and started fly to his entered the hole and it was pretty dark but james shield was glowing so we used that as are lightsource but then we heard the old king grunting.he gets up saying “those wizards will pay for that” just then he summons a fireball “now where did my sword go” just then he saw a blue light hiding behind a pillar and he also found his sword he aims it at the pillar “you know it's rude to not introduce yourself for a fight…JOSH” just then he blasted pillar revealing james just standing there and he asked him “so where is jos-” i came from behind nearly cutting off his head but he ducked i then aim my sword at him while james was watching from behind his shield making brighter to help us see. the king unfazed says “a sneak attack really…what happened to honor hmm…y'know what lets make this a fare fight” just then he stabbed his sword in the ground as the whole thing began to turn straight up then he slices his sword with flame slashes lighting up the place with fire hanging as are light source he then says “shall we begin” and i replied with “depends remember this…GAME ON” as i feel myself getting stronger but i wasn't as strong as before i kept using my magic on my way here but this needed to end so i aimed my sword at him saying “this ends now” just then he chuckled then aimed his sword at me “agreed” just then a laser from the tip of his sword shot at me but i leaped to the side which then james sumones a shield wall behind me speeding it to the old king.the old king then stabs his sword in the ground summoning a wall but i held up my shield break through the wall  just as he pulled his sword out of the castle ground as i leaped to the king slicing but he blocked it and then his sword became electrifying just as my sword bounced off.i began to back up but then james put a shield on my sword and blocked the next hit then james put a shield on the old kings sword holding it in place i leaped behind him but he blocked putting his shield behind his head but i swinged for his back but before it hit james then redirected his shield on half my sword and i ended up hitting him harder so hard it shattered james shield on his back and flung the old king outside outside the cyclops stomach leaving james being completely exhausted so i run after him myself.i leap out of the cyclops i see the old king falling to the ground but then he looks up and points his sword at me summoning a fireball to get thrown at me but then a faint shield appeared next to me and i jumped off it avoiding the fireball but it continued to travel shattering the shield and it ended up hitting the cyclops chest more specifically the castle knocking it over and all i could do is hope that james is ok but right now i get ready to stab his chest again but he summoned a shield platform by his feet and jumped off that to land further i used his platform to descend my fall shattering his plattform on the after i just landed and now its just me and the old king in a open field.this was the real final battle and i told him “looks like it's just us now…are final battle” he nodes in agreement and then speaks ”but before we do this…i will let you die with a clear conscience ask me anything” i was confused i already know everything he wants to kill me to become king and to take over the world…but there still is one thing that bothers me “why did you fight me…the day i became a golden knight you personally went to fight me to rank me up while everybody else gets ranked normally…why is this so personal” there was a long pause but the he finally says “it's because…i'm apart of you”  there was only one response for this “YOU ARE MY FATHER” he said “WHAT NO…you're father was somebody much more…” now i'm even more confused but before i can ask what he means by that he says “i am you…”he said it so seriously i respond with “YOU'RE ME FROM THE FUTURE” he immediately says “WILL YOU JUST LISTEN… I am a special kind of spell…one from your soul transferred into that same  blade…when I was first incarnated into this form I was 16 while you were still 1.but by the time you were 5 are dad was gone…so i put you in a orphanage and I took are blade and had it hidden inside of are dad's body… and fed him to the dragon…” i quickly accused him saying ‘YOU KILLED ARE DAD” he quickly responded with “of course not he died to a traitor while you were young but rather then just getting rid of the body like everybody else i used him to get rid of the sword” i only had one more question “why did you want to get rid of this sword” but then he thinks aboout what i was truly doing and said “fine this will be the final question i see now…you are stalling trying to gain more power but that wont change a thing i shall still win…” i was going to tell him i actually have questions but then he countunued “none the less i shall tell you it all it came from are mother who was a wizard not as a gift but as trait from are father who was a knight…but the swords true power was activated through you but you were too young to wield it that's when i was created through your magic i was 16 years old when i was created…father took care of me like i was his and not some spell and for 3 years he taught me how to rule and when my time came…i couldent wait to be king but then mother tride to stop me so father went to stop her causing them both to die are mom sacerficed herself as in attempt to kill me but father took the hit insted causein them to both die…and you being the only family left to pass down i needed to make sure you where ready so the day they died i put you for adoption and when you where 16 i wanted to test you myself and you passed the test…but then you started breaking are rules…bringing silver knights into are gold knight zone you killed are only dragon and even tride to kill me THE KING…so clearly youre frends where getting you in trubble so i decided to punish them for that…and right now im just the final test if you beat me you can prove that you are a great king…but first the code for youre sword did you know that my current power is the same from that and im sure you know what the code is now don't you…” i responded with “i remember…when i chopped off youre head you only managed to live because you said… game off…BUT last time you said that it was so much power you couldn't even handle it how can you think you can handle it now” he chuckled and said “it's very simple the magic was in my hand but now its in my sword therefore i can actually weald it now…and sense you just asked in extra question i think it only fair if we begin right now…so game on…are you ready to face the power of…GAME OFF” just then the tip of his sword started glowing with black magic around it then went down the sword to his hand continuing to his chest then his armor began changing like how mine dose but the only difference is that his armor instead of looking like gold it looks like Borophene (the strongest material on earth) then he looks back at me “this ends now…master… or shall I say “old king” then I chuckled and he looked confused then I told him “i've been referring to you as old king this whole time…yknow because i can't call you king if you're not my king and you never exactly told me your name” then he responded with “my name is joshua…thats what are dad called me…” he then took off his helmet to show me what he lookes like…and he lookes like me…but older then countinue talking saying “and this will be the last face you see…the face of a true king a king that must sacrifice everything for his kingdome a king tha-”my blade was so close to cutting off his head but he blocked it sayin “...a king that would fight with honor…and you are no king” just then he swinged his sword launching me away from him he went to put back on his helmet but then i throwed my shield at it knocking it out of his hands while i was charging at him. He sliced the the ground then a crack went straight to me then he turned his sword i jumped to the side but the it went from a crack to a trench as i was going down the side of the trench i used my sword to stop my fall but then the trench was closing in as rocks where falling i had to jump on one to the other while also using the side of the trench to prevent from falling but i finally got to the top but then it fell in dragging me in it too but i jumped off it out of the trench just before it crushed im in the air joshua dose another slice but this time it leaves a red slash mark in the air he then follows up with a few more slices and then just as i land he points his sword at me then the slashes start flying at i parried it it shattered pushing me back a bit but there were still more on its way to me and i must get closer so i took a step began to make my way to joshua blocking and walking through the slices but then as i was halfway to him i missed one and it hit my chest launching me backwards cracking my armor i quickly got up to keep blocking now knowing what happens if i miss one this time.i was running to him and not just blocking but dodging the slices as i got closer and closer.joshua realized hit attacks where not working and ran for his helmet but first he sliced the ground to separate us then continued to retrieve his helmet but just as i got through the magic slices he was putting on his helmet i had to leap over the gap and before i can even touch the ground he had 90% of his helmet on already and i would not be able to beat him…but then remembered arthur and aries…once again i felt stronger than ever i felt fully charged and went for his neck just as i lined up my sword perfectly 99% of his neck was covered but then his hands where being covered in blue light they where no longer moving i hear james shout “END THIS NOW” just then joshua broke the shield but then…i got him…i cut his head off…it falls to the ground then he stabs his sword in the ground as the body collapses to the ground falling apart.i was confused on why his body fell apart but then his armor began to disappear along with him turning into a magic like dust before going into his sword but then his sword was beginning to flout to me then hearing joshua voice saying “you have passed…” then the sword was cracking “you are the rightful king (cracks up more)…and i shall now return as your personal spell (dark magic began to spill out of the sword floating through the air) …so if you are ever in danger you may summon me…(just then he sounded quieter)...just say…game off” the sword shattered exploding revealing a shadow version of joshua not in armor and he looked younger (like he was 16 years old now) holding out his hand for a handshake but then james intervend by putting a shield between us saying “like if were going to believe you…how do we know its not a trick” joshua shook his head no while putting his hand on the shield but then joshua was beginning to disappear he lowered his arm to his side and then looked down knowing he's about to permanently die.i asked james to remove the shield then just as joshua was going to do his final bow i told him “there's no need for that…”i went for a hug but just before i gave him a hug…he hugged me before disappearing then i said “i trust you” just then he began to get absorbed in my soul i felt a lot more powerful than ever just before i went back to normal.james said “WHY DID YOU DO THAT WHAT IF IT TOOK OVER YOUR BODY” then i replied with “i knew he wouldn't do that…he was honorable he knows when he lost and besides i'm in control over him now check this out…GAME OFF” just then he spawned in front of me but instead of wearing armor he had plan dark clothes and he said “Thank you for trusting me…and in case you don't mind I need to rest” just then he entered my soul but i said “GAME OFF” “what do you need?” I then told him “nothing i was just testing” there was an awkward silence before he said “don't waste power like that” before returning into my soul. james was shocked saying “so we officially won…” i nodded my head yes just then kuraken arrived crawling being exhausted and put down peters treasure chest then peter came out and said “thank goodness you guys are alright if my erse don't deceive me you said we won right” i respond with “yeah we did and now check this out … GAME OFF” he appeared again but this time his armor was back but not his helmet just then peter made a sword fly at him but he blocked and i intervend saying “peter relax this is joshua he is under control” peter was confused and said “i don't buy it…this guy hurt kuraken… what if he becomes a big threat” then kuraken agreed with peter with kuraken saying “i went through wall i could have died he's dangerous” joshua then apologized saying “i'm sorry for what i have done to all of you…but i was doing it for my my kingdom i hope you can forgive me” peter and kuraken did a fake kind of forgiving meaning they will still hold a bit of a grudge him but james said “i forgive you…but i got my eyes on you and i'll be ready if you ever try anything” joshua accepted that as a apology and then went back inside my soul. Then i said “well what are we waiting for lets let everybody know that we have finally won” after we come back to the castle we see wizards trapping some golden knights while others like emma were trying to heal silver knights.i asked what happened then the wizard master said “while you were gone the golden knights started to fight the silver knights saying something like that they were traitors for not fighting with their rightful king so now we are now separating them…WAIT why are you back did you finally kill that evil king” i responded with “ehh…more or less but i have an idea to calm them down summon a platform for me i need to make sure they can all see this”the wizard master was confused thinking (see what) but he summoned the platform i got on it and i said “HEY EVERYBODY LISTEN UP” everybody was then looking at me the wizards begane to clap as a wizard said “if he returned then the knight king has finally died” the silver knights and wizards were cheering but then i said “HE'S NOT DEAD…” everybody was confused wondering why was i hear then but i told them “he's right here…game off” then joshua appeared again but this time with his helmet and said “no need to be alarmed i have joined josh as his servant and as for my most loyal knights if you really wish to serve me then serve him as my final request becuse he is…youre rightful knight king” then he went back into my soul everybody began to cheere thinking that means we have won and even the golden knights realised there was no point in fighting me because that will mean there fighting there own king so they gave in and i suggested that we should have a party then we can rebuild are kingdome.during are victory  party the wizard master teleported me away from the party and said “what do you think you are doing…that is clearly some really dark magic in youre soul what if it takes control over you” then i told him “im sure that wont happen…besides if he dose im sure you can take him out of me” the wizard master stayed quiet before he said “fine…just let me know if anything happens all right if we want him removed you will have to act fast” i nodded in agreement just before he teleported me back to the party.i was mostly just letting everybody have fun but then i see elle i walk to her and ask her “hows the party?” she replies “it's pretty fun… so how was your adventure?” I gave a sigh “it was crazy…we found a unknown island fought a storm and take down the king” she looks at me and says “wow you must be exhausted” i chuckle saying “yeah…but hey maybe you can come on are next adventure take some of this weight off” she looks alot more happy “wow really…i'm not sure if my mom will allow it though” and i ask her “why not you could help us a lot…remember the flower in the span of 5 seconds you saved me…” then emma walked to us saying “that flower also failed it collapsed…and what if she gets hurt…”but before i can say something elle said “and before that i couldn't do that…so maybe going on these adventures will help my power grow…and i could be more safe” emma thinks for a bit then says… “fine…you may go but only if these adventures aren't that dangerous” then she looks at me “and you promise no matter what to keep her safe…and in return she may go” i agreed saying “i promise…” she sees me say this and knows i mean it and says “all right…now let's enjoy this party and if you two need me ill be by the snacks” then she walkes away and me and elle countinue to do awkword danceing becuse only she knew how to dance but in the end we had a good time and by the time the
Musicians were getting tired it was time for us to go home” after the party was done i was thinking about getting the wall repaired now or later i couldn't decide so i said “game off” he then asked me “what do you need” i told him that “i don't know if i should rebuild the wall now while everybody is still happy to make sure no monsters get in or latter when everybody calmed down to rebuild the wall…not to mention its alot of damage it could be a while before we finish rebuilding it” but then he said “ynow all it takes is one person to build the wall now right” i looked at him confused and say “ok for one…if a single person did it it would take forever and two who has the energy to build a wall all by themselves” he then respondes “you do of course” then he got up and pointed at the wall with his sword and asked “want me to fix the wall” i nodded yes then he began to put all his power in his sword and then blasted the wall but then the beam turned into the shap of the wall then all of a sudden all the debris of the wall began to fly to it his wall and begune to take it place after a few minutes the wall was rebuilt.he drops down on one knee stabs his sword in the ground and says “by the way…you could use my magic …just know whenever you summon me i get my powers back…and don't try to use them until i taught you how because you might blow up the kingdom… anyways im too tired from that now so ima go” just then he reentered my soul. James then ran up to me and said “i didn't know you can do magic…and you even fixed the wall it looks brand new…ok not brand new but its fixed” then i chuckled saying “actually that was joshua” james turned surprised but then i said “however i can use a bit of magic myself” then i pulled out my sword aimed it at a rock and began to concentrate just then my sword was switching from gold to black just before it shot a beam at the rock exploding it but then the sword began to shock my hand i then dropped the sword it switch back to gold as the magic went back inside me.james was concerned and said “what just happened” so i told him the truth “ok that wasn't my magic…but i can use joshua's power myself i just need to control it better” then james said “i guess i can help you with that after all i am becoming pretty good with magic myself” he summons a barrier then punches it with it not making a scratch before making it disappear but then the wizard master appeared saying “james no offense but that is dark magic and i think it'll be best if i teach him how to control it in case if anything happens” me and james agreed to this and we went back to the castile where we all do a ceremony with me officially becoming the new knight king and after the ceremony was done i sat at my throne and thought what will it be like now with tomorrow being a new beginning with me starting my training to control the magic and now with the ability to summon joshua who knows what kind of adventure we will have next time with elle coming along now or what turn of events may happen… Well, I guess we will have to find out in the next story…so until next time…GAME ON.

                                       The end

                                        (after credits)
(if you enjoyed this book be sure to let me know because in next book things will get very interesting with josh's past and maybe even a return of some old friends and new ones so be sure to keep a lookout for a fallen knights fate pt2 with more super long chapters)

                                        (after after credits)
(Check out a fallen knights fate backstory to see the lore of these characters and maybe know more about your favorite character how they came to be and know more about the upcoming character in the next book from this mini series so do let me know if you enjoy it)

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