Chapter 3: Stranded

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Me and james landed in the ocean we were about to drown but a storm picked us up and as we were flying through the air james saw a eye like thing looking at him before he passed out again in the storm it flung us close to a island but we were still about to drown but then a piece of debris from what seemed like a piece of pirates ship flouted straight to us and flouted right back to the island.all i can wonder is What did the old king just do and now that he has new magic powers he just yeeted us onto a different island we are now lost and while we are away who is going to stop him from taking over the kingdom until we get back.just then me and james wake up on the island around the same time i noticed my sword is gone and looked at james “any clue where we might be” he shakes his head no and said “but we do know something we gotta get back home fast before the old king destroys it” i shook my head in agreement “but first we need a bout and considering the bout piece right there there might be a bout on this island” but then we heard a voice just a bit echoey voice saying “more like a pirate ship” we and james looked to see where that sound came from as we kept walking closer and closer we saw more pieces of a ship then we finally see it but as we were getting closer to it  i noticed something very familiar i saw my sword inside the ship as i was running to get it somebody jumped in front of me saying “i wouldn't do that if i were you” i looked him right in the eye and said “why shouldn't i” he then looked shocked “you…can see me?” i was confused, perhaps he was trying to trick me “yeah why?” then james caught up he looks at me and him “so whos your friend” he looks even more surprised now but he says “to be honest i'm still a bit shocked you both can see me but allow me to introduce myself im peter im a pirate and a ghost” me and james looked at each other. we looked back at peter and i said “yeah right if that was the case then why did you jump in front of me to block me shouldn't i be able to just walk right through you then” he looks stunned “it was a test if you were to keep walking i would have cursed you if you were going for the treasure but seeing how you both can see me i shall let you have your sword back but not the treasure i need it” he walks inside the pirate ship and returns with my sword then when i went to go grab it my hand went through his hand and i grabbed the handle he gives me a smug look “told ya” but then james said  “i already figured that out when i noticed you didn't have any footprints” but i was confused “wait if you are dead why do you need the treasure” he gives me a smile saying “well it's kind of funny you see i can only be seen by those who aren't greedy and for me to be able to be free i need to give this treasure to somebody who needs it to complete my journey” then i said “well you are in luck we can help you…but we will need your ship to get back to my kingdom im sure we can find somebody that needs the gold'' he then looks sad and says “that would be very good for us both but as you can see my ship isn't in the best shape right now and most of the pieces went out into the sea” i look around to see what can work “well there are a lot of trees maybe we can just make some new pieces” he shrugs saying “well if that's the best idea we got then sure but sense this is my ship im caption” he looks at me and says “only chop down trees that are oak ash or beech those are the best wood for my ship”i node grab my sword and went to go chop some wood then he looks at james and says “go collect some drywood it's going to be a while, before we patch up this ship you will need a campfire” james nodes and heads into the woods.while we were spending are day fixing a ship the old king was fixing his hand whenever he tried to a spell his hand kept shocking him.he then screams “WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING” he held out his hand to a rock getting ready to blast it but it just kept shocking him he sits down hand still hurting and thinks to himself “i can't get my kingdome back…not in this condition i need to recover” he found a cave and decided he is going to rest there for a was now getting late i was working on cutting the woods into planks while james was trying to figure out how to start the fire while peter is guarding his treasure.i just finished turning the tree into a couple of planks and walked over to james and put my shield over the sticks i then hit my shield a spark came down and then the fire started growing “there that'll keep us warm for the night” peter then says “ynow fire dose more then just keep you warm… it also keeps the snakes and bugs away” james was getting a bit scared “s-snakes” peter looks at him dead in the eye “yeap there is even a snake so big it can eat you in just a single bite and it's right here on this island” Then i asked “is there a reason why you are telling us this” he responds with “yeah i just wanted to warn you is all…i died in the crash while the snake ate the last of my crew”  just then we heard rattling come behind the bushes it was slithering from behind the trees.james summoned his shield i got ready to fight but then the slithering stopped we listen for a bit we didn't hear anything so me and james where getting closer to make sure it's gone i sticked out my sword put it in the bush.i quickly moved my sword cutting the bush revealing a clear path me and james let out a sigh his shield disappeared but as we were walking back james hurd something he turned around and he scree-“AAAAAA”i quickly turned around just then i saw he's shield glowing and it was bigger too and then…i saw a fake snake made out of leaves and rope as james is on the ground with his shield still up. I looked at peter who is laughing non stop “HAHAHAHA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FEEL FOR THAT IT THAT YOUR REACTIONS WERE PRICELESS HAHAHA” then i yell at him “THAT WASN'T FUNNY WE JUST FIGHTED A CYCLOPS ARMY WE JUST SAW ARE OLD KING BACK FROM THE DEAD WHO IS EVIL JUST GET A LOT MORE POWERFUL OF COURSE WE'RE GOING TO BELIEVE IN A SNAKE ” he looks stunned and apologizes “i'm sorry i didn't know you were going through so much…it's just that i've been on this island for a long time i needed a good scare is all” i look back at james and noticed he was still in shock his shield started to dim and shrink down then it disappeared “hey james you good” he gives me a nod then i say “i think it's time to get some rest we head back to the fire james was going to take off his armor but he just went to bed in it.then i see the guilt on peter i go sit by him in the ship “i'm sorry for shouting like that i was overreacting it was just a prank…and i know you've been lonely too losing your crew but i lost some friends of my own…both of them were killed in the same dungeon as me one to a dragon and the other to are king” he just sits there but then he says “wait did you say dragon” i answered his question “yeah why” he quickly responds with “YOUR KING IS THE ONE THAT KILLED ME HE'S THE ONLY ONE TO HAVE A DRAGON THAT EXPLAINS YOUR ARMOR TOO YOU ARE WORKING FOR HIM” just then he started to make some swords  flying around.then i yelled at him “WAIT we have a new king now and it's me but if you are looking for revenge how about you help us repair the ship so we can quickly go get him and also i recently visited the wizards place they have a hydra so we aren't the only one with a dragon” he drops the swords and calmly says “alright but you should probably get some rest”i node and as i was walking back to the fire peter asked “what are your names” i responded with “im josh and that's james” then i left the ship got to the fire i took off my armor set it to the side and went to bed.i wake up the next morning james was still asleep i did some stretches did a workout then slipped on my armor i grabbed my sword ready to make more planks just too see the planks are gone then peter came from behind me “don't worry i already added the planks to are ship we are now halfway done if you work extra hard we should be done before the end of the day.james then wakes up he sees the ship already looking better he decided today he's going to help with food gathering he went over to ask peter “seems like we might be able to finish up today is it okay if i go gather some food for us”he gave him a thumbs up but as james was walking away he said “remember to bring me the fruit first i'll make sure if it poisonous but if you are going to hunt for something just make sure it has a lot of meat” then james continued to walk into the forest but then peter said “and watch out for snakes” just then a chill went up james back but he continued to search for food.while looking around he found a boar with wings eating some barry's james thought to himself ‘wow i never seen a flying boar in person and it found some fresh barrys’he then pulls out his sword thinking ‘wow it's been a while since i used my sword i wonder can i combo this’ he gets ready he jumps out from the bush scaring the boar it then tries to fly off but he uses his shield to block it off it bumps into his shield falling down it turns around then charges at james but he used another magic shield and it smacks his head against the shield it then starts to fly but when james puts a shield above it to block it off it dives down to james head he quickly ducked with his his sword accidentally cutting the flying boar belly it then sqills and dies as it crashes. James was sad he didn't want to kill it but they really needed food so he stopped feeling bad for it and went to gather the barrys and boar but then he heard slithering from a bush behind him “ha nice try but i won't fall for it a second kept moving though and then it hissed he gets his shield ready he approaches saying the bushes saying “i swear peter if this is you it's not funny” but then a snake comes out of the bush hissing at james.james was terrified he dropped his sword he couldn't move and he ran as he was running through the forest he was screaming meanwhile i was in the middle of making a tree into some planks then i heard james screaming me and peter where startled but i quickly told peter to “FLY UP THERE SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING”he comes down saying “JAMES ENCOUNTERED THE REAL SNAKE” i quickly asked “WITCH WAY” he points as i then run.meanwhile james is now getting all rapped up by the snake with his armor about to crush him i arrive and jump stabbing the snake in the back it keeps moving trying to shake me off but it ends up slamming me into a tree i say “ok that's it…GAME ON” i run to the snakes head and slice it clean off its body goes limp but the head was about to land on top of me getting ready to bite it opens its mouth and…it was stopped by james with his shield catching the snake but then just as james was feeling brave peter came in and said “it also very poisonous so if you drop it on him he will die” that scared james that he just decided to throw the snake's head away using the shield like a catapult.i let out a sigh of relief as did james but then james told us “wait look i got us some food i killed a flying boar”we all followed james but when we arrived we saw some barrys and the boar but…the snakes head landed on the boar then peter said “that's a shame it poisoned it now and where unable to eat it” then i said “on the bright side you did find us some barrys” and for the rest of the day we were all working on repairing the ship and at the end of the day we had the ship about ⅘ of the way done and as we were eating barry's by are campfire peter decided we should tell some stories james said “it's not another one about this island is it” peter laughed and responded with “no not tonight…i was thinking something a it more personal like how i died then you two tell me how the heck you ended up on this island anyways” we agreed to hear his story then he begins to tell us “this was long ago but i think it may have been 20 years ago but you're king was standing strong he had a whole kingdom and i can see the way how your armor is gold he still did this…he gave his best fighters the most expensive armor and with that set in my mind i knew he had to have a lot more gold then that so i robbed him but it was a failed attempted his guards had me outnumbered from all angles…he said that stealing from him is a death sentence and sent me to a dungeon with a dragon in it lucky me being the great thief i am i simply stole the keys while they were giving me some golden armor i went further into the dungeon and saw the pile of gold i nearly lost my life with every step being moments from the fire from the dragon but in the end i escaped with the gold and used a gold suit to sneak past the guards but it didn't take long for them to notice me carrying a bunch of gold i quickly took off my golden armor to run faster the guards where after me but i ran to a cliff and jumped off knowing my ship was there the guards stopped i descended my fall by swinging from a rope on my ship to my helm and sailing least the king refused to let me get away he had arches shoot me ship putting holes in my sail i was barely able to control it already but just to make it worse a storm came in not so long after and i crashed hear and as you can see…i died…now on to you guys what was it like for ya” i told him from the very beginning but james told him what he did while i was away fighting cyclops watching over the kingdome with the only difference being he was pretty lonely until james was chosen as a gold guard because of his great defense while i had to go toe to toe with the king but we Both told the end the same and explained why it is important that we stop the king but after the whole story has been told we all decided it was time to get some more rest and that tomorrow we finish up the ship and maybe even return to stop the old king once and for was a new day we did the same thing as yesterday but this time we weren't attacked however the old king on the other hand…his magic was recovering he held his hand to rock and he managed to blast it with a after shock happening but after he never stopped training and just in case if you were wondering for past few days he gathered fish from the sea and continued to focus on his magic.the next day we finished the ship i made the pieces peter added it fixed his sail and james loaded it up with food it was a bright day we were ready to set sail.

It was time we set sail to sea with are new friend peter but we still wonder who are we going to give this treasure too and what encounters will we have over sea or will we even be able to get back to are land before the old king takes it over find out next time on chapter 4 (to be continued…)

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