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since the little talk I've had with Tara and Gemma they've both avoided me like the plague which doesn't hurt my feelings any. and they have ended their bullshit of complaining, trying to run my house, and taking shit from my kids.

now with the guys being out trying to handle the whole club matter that had Happy bring them to our house, I was at home making sure that the kids were doing ok and that nothing or anyone was stepping out of line or trying to start shit.

the kids were watching tv while some of the ol'ladies was gossiping like ol'hens. I of course was near by just in case my kids needed me and I could hear every word that was being said.

one thing I did find interesting was Tara stating how she's been having a talk with Lowen who Hapyp filled me in saying she is their lawyer that helps them with legal things. anyway how Lowen and her have been talking about striking a deal with the feds to turn the sons in on all the crimes they've done.

 I stood up and excised myself since Donna was sitting there with me and I headed over to tara hocked her in the face and carried her limp body outta the room and down to my play room. I hooked her to chains hanging from the ceiling and taped her mouth before I walked out and headed up to grab the person she was talking to.

"listen to me and listen very good. or you'll have the same fate as Tara." I say

Wendy nodded her head.

"good girl. now I want you to call Lowen tell her you want to be a part of the deal she and Tara are making" I say

she nods her head then proceeds to do just as I wanted her to.

"Donan darling please get the kids and take them to my kids's paly room. its got a tv in it too" I say 

she nodded her head and does as I asked.

 "are you ok mommy?" Reece asked

"yeah. I'm fine, just go with bubby and sissy to the paly room. ok I don't want you all to see daddy if he is really hurt ok." I explained

he nodded his head before he scurried along.

"she said she's on her way" Wendy says

"good." I say before knocking her out and I  tied her up and taoped her mouth shut before I put her in an empty closet.

I sat there waiting.

"what are you gonna do?" Gemma asked

"don't you worry about it." I replied while looking at her

"you're gonna get arrested" she says

I stood up and leaned over the little bar that separated her from me.

"I will do anything and every fucking thing for my family and if my family's life and safety is threatened you best believe who ever is the one making that threat is gonna be handled." I say

she nodded her head before walking off.

I sat back down before I heard the guys coming in.

"Mami, what is Lowen doing here?" Happy asked

"funny you should ask that. you'll have your answer momentarily" I say standing up.

"where is wendy?" Lowen asked

"she's in the bathroom. did you bring that paper work?" I asked

she held up the briefcase and I grinned wickedly.

"Rhylnn what is going on?" Happy asked

"ratts" I say

the others looked at when I said that while Lowen paled.

I walked up and snatched the briefcase from her hands before I shocked her in the face and tied her up and taped her mouth.

"don't touch her she's mine" I say before placing the briefcase on the table and opening it up.

I looked throw all the paper work and seen that it was all signed and ready to be turned in.

I slambed the briefcase close and I looked at the guys who was looking at me.

"gentlemen you all hate rats and you end their lives right? and it doesn't matter who they are right?" I asked

"yeah. ratts don't make it out alive" JT says

"perfect" I say

"what is going on Rhylynn? I wont ask you again" Happy says

"well Happy you and the guys have a couple of ratts you've been trusting to handle your cases, and your heart. well one of your hearts." I say

He just looks at me waiting to see if I will continue.

"I will be handling the biggest ratt. while you men do what ever it is you want with this one" I say before I take the briefcase outside and toss it in the bareel that I've used to burn some of my clothes from my contracts. and I set that briefcase and all that's inside on fire.

 once that's burnt passed a crips I put the fire out and walked back inside.

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