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Time have come and gone. and the lockdowns everything was over. everyone got to go home and back to their everyday lives. 

there were plenty of play dates and sleepovers set up for the kids. 

the guys got the clubhouse fixed. so that if ever there was another lockdown a surprise visit from a whole bunch of people to someone's house wouldn't ever happen again.

After I cleaned my house and got it back to how things were before the lockdown I was able to focus fully on my family not that I lacked focus with the others here.

the kids went back to school we got their work so they'd be caught up and not failing.

Happy and I helped each other distress countless times 

I had dealt with a couple of contracts for my job which required me to be away from my family for a while. 

when I got home after handling the contracts I took my family out for a whole day. we went outta town to a theme park and just had fun.

Now that we are home things are settled and I'm pregnant. which was like a welcome home present from Happy. 

well, that's what I had joked around telling him and his reply was that it's exactly what he was planning.

We are hoping for a girl but we will love another son nonetheless.

the kids are stoked that they are gonna have a little sibling and they had hosted and bragged to the other kids about their mommy carrying their little sibling.

Things between Gemma and I are a bit better. I mean when there are family dinners and anything occurring at the clubhouse or her place she hardly talks to me which is perfectly fine. 

I don't need to be friends with someone that blackmails and other things with their own family cause that shit is toxic and I don't want nor need it in my life.

Me and the kids hardly go to the clubhouse or to the family dinners. we do go to town carnivals and other social ordeals so that the kids can interact with the others and have fun.

the times I've got Abel and Tommy or Ellie and Kenny I make the sleepovers a fun filled experience and not something boring.

half the time I'll go out for little lunch dates with Donna and we'll talk about our kids and how they love spending time together and how they get excited about the upcoming paly date or sleepover. 

I guess you'd say that with the lockdown the best thing to come out of it is my kids making friends and having someone who will not treat them different to do who their dad is and what club he's associated with.


A/N: another short story. but I believe it turned out well.

thank you for the views and votes.

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