Chapter 2

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So be for we start i have decided that Hyunjin will act a certain way then  he will just change and you will have to wait to see what i mean.


             Finally Felix knows what its like to be in love. But he is kind of scared because of the intense glare he gives him. That when the tall boy walks over to him standing right in front of him a tattoo on his face distracting Felix. But all of a sudden he is snapped out of his thoughts with someone garbing his his hips and pulling them closer. When Felix notices who he is he turns pink but good thin the other boy does not notice. Every body id whispering and girls looking furious at Felix. That when the the boy breaks the silence "Hey I'm Hwang Hyunjin and what's your name baby?" Felix turns into bright pink color due to the nickname and him asking for his name. "F-Felix" Say while stuttering. All of a sudden he fells quick peck on his lips "Well ill see you later." Hyunjin then leans closer to his ear and says "baby" Felix just stands there later going to the nurse. 

                After the nurse treats his wound he walks to class hoping that the teacher will not scold him for being late. Felix was to focused on the ground to notice anyone that's when, he bumps into Hyunjin. Without noticing who he bumped into he bows and start franticly apologizing. That's when he hears a familiar voice say "darling I didn't know you were the type to skip." Felix looks up just to see Hyunjin looking at him while smirking. " I-I'm not s-skipping." Felix says in a small voice to the point Hyunjin could barely hear. "I know your not, but any ways what class do you have?"  "M- Mrs. ####" Felix replies. "Me too we can walk together." All of a sudden Hyunjin gets close to Felix's face and say "or we can go to the bathroom and do something together in there." Felix's face goes redder than a tomato "I'm joking lets go to class." "O-Ok" Felix says his face still red.

              Once they get into the class everyone start looking at them." Oh you must be the new student and I'm assuming that you are late because you were giving the new student a tour." Before Felix could deny the teacher she says " well why don't you interduce yourself new student. " Felix doesnt even say anything and just sits down. "Hi my name is Hwang Hyunjin an i hop we get along well." Hyunjin states "Well go sit next to Felix." the teacher says to Hyunjin. Hyunjin sit next to Felix and the teacher starts to teach but that's when he feels a pair of eyes on him and Felix knows its Hyunjin and through class Hyunjin stairs at him. The class goes faster than expected an that's when the bell goes off. 

Hyunjin turns around and the looks at Felix and says....

"I'm walking you home got it"

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