Chapter 1- Lexi

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    Summer is FINALLY here. However, I wake up to the blaring of my alarm because I forgot to turn it off. Yesterday was the last day of school, and while I'm epically excited to catch a break, I do admit, I will miss my friends. Okay, I'm doing it again. Brent always makes fun of the face I make when I'm talking to myself in my head, like I am right now.

    A little background information, my older brother, Brent, is a YouTuber with over 12 million subscribers, as of right now. I don't understand how he convinced 12 million people to like him when he's so annoying. At least I think he is, but I guess people like that sort of stuff. Anyways, I need to figure out what to wear. What's the weather like today? I whip out my phone and I almost open the weather app when suddenly, someone's knocking at my door. "What??" I yell in response to the firm rapping. "Lexi, I'm having someone over for a video today. His name is Andrew." Brent says. "Okay?? I don't care. Go away!" I yell back. "I can't wait until you get over this teenage attitude phase." He whispers as he walks away. I don't know if he intended for me to hear that, but I did, and I still could not care less. I don't know if he realizes, but he's technically still a teenager, as well.

    I pick out my outfit, lay it on my bed, then go to shower. Once I'm dressed in my jean shorts and a small white crop top, I get to blow drying my hair. I decide that I want a "90's-Topenga-from-Boy-Meets-World" kinda look. My hair rests on my shoulders looking shiny and graceful. As always. I chuckle to myself, as I start to make my way downstairs. I have a date with Ben today.

    Ben is my boyfriend, he's a year younger than me, if that kind of stuff matters to you. It used to for me, I never imagined myself dating someone younger than me. Anyways, by the time I'm downstairs, Ben is ringing my doorbell. I start to walk towards the door to answer it when I spot a tall, dark, hispanic boy with fluffy brown  hair and light brown eyes. And then I freeze. Like I physically cannot bring myself to move until somebody snaps me out of this daydream that is this boy and back into reality. And someone does. Ben. He sees me staring googly eyed at the boy, who must be Andrew, through our clear glass door.

    I get startled by the bell, but make my way over to the door again. "Hey, Ben." I say, a little too disappointed that I intend, almost like I'm disappointed my daydream was cut short. "Hey, are you ready to head out?" He asks me politely. I hate myself for it, but I'm almost dreading this date. Dates with Ben are awkward and silent. Nothing like how we used to talk when we were just friends. I guess relationships will do that to you. "Yeah, let's go." I respond.

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