Chapter 11

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The Importance Of Question Words

Hello Friends ^_^
Hope you're doing well, i hope you well and Healthy,
So let's talk about today's Topic, Question Words.
I'm sure you all know the Question Words right?

But how is it important in our life? Yes it's important in English Language but it also has deeper meaning to it. Not all words but the ones i think have a meaning.
See we ask questions with the question words like,
How are you?
What Happened?

So, it doesn't have to be be Wh words it can also be are,
Are you okay?
Are you Feeling well?

So, it depends on the way you ask your questions, we have eyes to see and look around and understand the situations. But sometimes our eyes can't see more, but our Instincts can. These words can actually help alot of people during though times, YOU CAN HELP THEM!!, these words you use in sentences are the first step in understanding and helping people.

Your instincts can be your eyes when it comes to Understanding, your thoughts can be used for helping and your presence and support will used for solution for the person who needs help.

Has i said before in my previous chapters, Words Hold power than you think.
You can literally Save someone's Life or Ruin It,
I'm leaving the choice to you,
Remember your choice can lead to consequences or not,
The Future will tell your answer for your actions,
I hope you make the right decision.

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