Chapter 14

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Hello Friends,
How are you? Doing well? Bad days? Bad days don't mean Bad Life okay?
So today we are going to talk about Perfection.

I'm sure you all have read in this story, and i have said something about Perfection here and there.
So, we are going to talk about that.

Do you remember the Night Sky, when the moon and stars shine bright in the dark, how does it look to you?(you can say your answer in the comments)
For me it looks Beautiful and Lovely. I mean it does 😀
See, i told in one of my previous chapters, that we are stars that shine in the dark. Each star is different, just like us we humans are different. We have different looks, ideas, thoughts, feelings and our thinking style. That's what makes us different.

But have you ever thought, that we are also stars. Each star you see won't be perfect and it won't be like copy and paste but at the end, we accept the fact they look beautiful.
But why don't you accept the fact that you're beautiful too?
You don't need to wear suits or Dresses to be perfect or get high grades or anything.
Being yourself, Then your Shine beautifully like a star. You don't have to be someone else to be perfect. You yourself are beautiful and lovely person. Why change that?
I hope one day you can the way I see you. An beautiful, strong, kind, loving, caring, wonderful person. I hope one day you can that you were perfect the way you are.

But do always remember, yes we do make mistakes, here and there. But we aren't perfect we make mistakes, but always remember That You will never stop learning because life will never stop teaching.
But you need to your self-worth like a star, your born as a Star and you go as a Star.

So my friends what I'm trying to tell is that,
Your beautiful, wonderful person the way you are you have a gold of heart.
Your a good person, Make yourself Proud not anyone else.
Your A Star, i hope you remember that <3

Hope you enjoyed this chapter,
And i hope you learnt something,
For now see you soon,

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