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Archeron: If someone ever asked me if there was a time when I wanted to go back and change some things it would be my teenage years

Theodore: That's understandable

Chinara: True that

Helena: Yeah, it took months to get the hair dye out

Theodore: What about you KJ, 17 was pretty tuff huh


Being 17 was the best

Archeron: We were young and stupid

Chinara: Yeah

Theodore: We never slept, like at all

Cool kids never sleep

Archeron: Those parties were wild though

 That's what made it fun

Helena: I'm late for work, bye

Theodore: ttyl


Authors note: Okay I love how I have some of the chapters already written and just need to copy them and add them to the book. The prologue doesn't count but I will be updating weekly and I will give my interest so that you can find character boards.

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