Chapter 1-1

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"Wh.. where am I? What is this place?"

An empty void, surrounded with nothing but only a poor little kid. He woke up and felt scared immediately. He tried to seek help but nobody was there. He cried little by little, waiting for someone to be rescued.

"Somebody, please help me... I- I don't like this..."

Eventually, a mysterious person approached him for help.

"Are you lost? Don't worry, I will help you find the exit."

"Y-yes, thank you so much," he wiped out his tears.

He grabbed his hand to stand up and they started walking, looking for the exit.

Ten minutes later and they haven't discovered the exit. A poor little kid was still scared and walked behind a mysterious person. They decided to calm him down by having a conversation.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Black Blizzard, you can call me Bliz as my short name. And I'm a demon."

"I didn't expect myself to find a lost demon. How did you get here?"

"I don't even know, I can't remember what happened."

"It's alright. At least you look fine."

Bliz felt more comfortable, even though he was a bit scared to talk.

"So how do you know that I'm here? I'm curious."

"I just heard you were asking for help from miles away, so I ran to help you."

"I thought I'm the only one who's stuck in this depressing place..."

"I also don't know how I ended up here. Guess I'm not the only one here."

After walking for miles away, they saw two huge glimpses of light. Each of them have different colors and paths to go. Finally, they can go home safely.

"Well, it seems like the journey has ended. We can finally go home now."

"Sir, I would like to thank you for your generous help. I really appreciate it."

"No problem, kid. I'm glad you're feeling better than before."

"So, who should go first?"

"You can go first so you don't feel lonely. Go ahead."

When Bliz walked past by his own glimpse, the stars suddenly shone and turned the void into a beautiful night. A purple aurora was glowing brightly more and more. When he turned back, a mysterious person changed into a somewhat familiar stranger. A teenager boy with yellow tied hair, wearing his casual outfit and cowboy sunglasses.

"See you later, kid! Make sure you go home safely!" Sunset shouted.

The glimpse was starting to fade itself, Bliz tried to run back at him. He didn't want his best friend to leave himself alone. Near there, Bliz tripped and fell to the ground. He started to cry as he went back to the place.

"Sunset, please come back with me! Don't leave me alone!"

The glimpse was almost closed by itself. Sunset went back to his own glimpse of light to go home. Bliz tried to scream at him but Sunset didn't hear his shout.



The alarm clock from Bliz's phone went off as the dream ended. Bliz woke up and immediately turned off the alarm.

"God, that scared me off," he laid down on his bed again to calm down.

"Come to think of it, it's been awhile since I met him face to face... I wonder if he's okay."

He got up from his bed and cleaned it. He opened the curtains and got blasted by a clear sunny view. It reminded him of his childhood memories with Sunset when they were young.

"Wait a minute, what time is it now?"

Bliz suddenly grabbed his phone and the time was 7.49 AM. He realized he had exams at school today, but he forgot to study yesterday due to falling asleep.

"... Dang it."

GD OCs (Sunset Sandstorm, Black Blizzard) are taken from @Twilight0703_

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