Chapter 1: First Night Back

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I always hated the feeling of being in an enclosed space after the incident, I took sleeping pills before the flight to make sure I didn’t end up having a panic attack due to the small space.

Dr. Sandy, my psychologist told me I had developed claustrophobia due to being trapped behind the trap door for more than three hours.

I tried my best to fall asleep again during the car ride in order to avoid panicking but it wasn’t helping my nerves.

Mr. Bryson drove the car very slowly in order to calm me and my window was fully down but still the suffocating feeling wasn’t fully gone.

I tried to listen to some music, hoping it'll at least lull me to sleep and it actually did for some few minutes. 

“Miss, we've arrived” I open my eyes to see my parents’ mansion.

It still looked the same as how it was four years back. The small flower garden was still there and a small smile tug at my lips remembering how dad tried to surprise mom few years back on their anniversary and ended up accidently burning down the whole garden.

Dad spent a week sleeping outside their bedroom door to convey how sorry he was.

“Thank you, Mr. Bryson and please call me Andrea, I don’t give a shit about these formalities.”

He nods trying not to smile before turning to take out my things.

I dreaded entering, not knowing what to do if I see Maddy or Luc or Silas. I took in a deep breaths before pushing the door open, Mr. Bryson following behind with my things.

As soon as I enter, I'm tackled by a big hug from someone, “You're back, finally a legendary opponent to play chess with me.”

My body immediately relaxed as I hug Lucas, my 12-year-old brother, “Hi Luc, I miss you too bud.”

He had grown taller since the last time I saw him and that was at the funeral. His brown hair was all ruffled up and his eyes were glistening with happy tears.

Looking around I see another familiar person, my lovely sister, Madeline, “Hey” I greet her awkwardly.

God Andrea seriously, ‘hey???’ you could’ve greeted her with a hug a least!!!

Hey we were never big on the whole physical contact thing.

I mentally scolded my inner voice.


God why does this have to be so awkward.

“You can say you hi’s and hello’s later c’mom, I have to show you this cool creature I found. Apparently, no one in this house is interested in looking at it.”

“Lucas, let Andy... I mean Andrea take a shower and rest first, she had a long journey.” I could hear the small jab at her words and I restrain myself from saying anything.

“But….” He turns to her with a sad look but she narrows she eyes.

“Fine, sorry I wasn’t thinking bout that.” He says dejected and started going up the stairs.

I immediately felt guilty. I glance at his retreating figure, trying to think of something and so I called out to him, “Luc, why don’t you show me first thing tomorrow, we have the whole day to ourselves you know, we can exchange stories and play chess.” I offered, “I've also got so many things to show you.” I added trying to make him happy.

His eyes light up excitedly “Really?”


“You're the best sister and person in the whole world.” He says hugging me before running up the stairs.

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