Chapter 1

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I was resting on my bed after a really hectic shift at the Hospital.

"Sister, wake up..." I heard Shinobu's voice from a distance. I opened my lids and saw her standing at the entryway of my room. I moaned because tiredness enveloped my body. "You have to drink your medicine, you are sick." She continued, walking towards my bed frame.

I sat up and tried to analyze what was happening. I held my head because it was throbbing in pain.

"You should rest up a lot, do not overtire yourself, alright?" She said. I nodded and drank up.

My sister is incredibly caring towards me and I appreciate it so much.

I didn't know what happened next but I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of banging.

What in the world is happening?

I opened my lids and found myself in an unfamiliar place.

My once modernized room is nowhere to be found. I found myself laying down at the floor in a very weird place.

"Hey! Hashira!" Someone appeared at the doorway. Looking intently at me.

"Huh?" Who is this?

"Why are you asleep?"

I looked at my back to see if he was talking to somebody else, but there was no one there. I then looked back to him and he is wearing a weird cosplay.

Am I in a festival right now? Did I get drunk or whatever?

But I remember having my last shift, then I rested then... I woke up here.

"A-Are you talking to me?" I asked pointing myself. I then looked at the sleeves of my shirt, I'm wearing some sort of uniform. I also felt something long and hard at my side. I gazed at it...

A katana?

I saw blood dripping on my lap. Then I touched my face and my fingers were soaked with blood.

"Yeah! You slept for almost four years." He said. "It's a miracle you woke up."


Did I really rest that much?! Where's Shinobu? My father, mother?!

Is this guy kidding or something?

"You are our master's favorite for some reasons that he didn't kill you. Thank him for that," He said smiling like a jerk. "Maybe because you were once a Hashira. Too bad an upper moon killed you." He smirked. "I so want to eat you but, I'm dead before dawn comes if that happens." He then continued.

I have no idea what this person's talking about. Me dying? Eaten? Hashira? Huh?!

"Get up, woman! And let's go. Our master has called in for a meeting." He said.

I'm probably dreaming right now. Yes. I nodded to myself.

I just stood up and decided to follow him. This is just a dream. A really wild dream. Because last week a friend of mine was talking about demons and wild crazy stuffs that his great grandmother told him.

He said that way way back in time, demons coexisted with humans before.

I didn't really put a meaning onto that, as a person who believes in science.

He paved the way towards a really long hallway with dull lights. Observing the surroundings, it doesn't look modern at all.

I clutched my forehead. I am going crazy. Oh my...

He then ushered us through a set of double doors onto a grassy field beneath a starry sky. There were no streetlights to be seen, but the full moon cast a bright glow over the area.

He then walked so fast that I couldn't even see it. I just stood there and froze.

This is some weird cosplay gang. Am I getting kidnapped?!

"What are you looking at, woman?!" He went back to me and glared at me. "Follow!"

I slowly moved my feet, but there suddenly was a throbbing pain on my chest. I collapsed on the ground, holding on to my chest.

"You almost died four years ago." He spoke walking towards me, he then squatted in front of me. "Ride on my back, I'll carry you. Also, I am not being kind to you or whatever. Our master will kill me if he finds out I let you free or something happens to you." He said angrily.

I just followed to what he just said and piggy back-ed him. He then ran so fast like lightning.

Is this even a human?!

And what is this dream?! It feels so real!!

I just closed my eyes and tried to process what is happening.

Suddenly a consciousness talked to me.

"Kanae..." It talked to me. I opened my eyes and still found myself at the back of the guy. I closed my eyes again and it spoke to me again.

"Your death was unfortunate." It said, "I, fate, has given you a chance to redeem yourself... Infiltrate the demon headquarters... Revenge yourself." It continued.

What the...

"Who are you," I spoke.

"What?" The guy replied.

"No not you." I said opening my eyes. I should've talked to my head instead.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"I am fate."

"Fate who?" I asked in my mind, "You don't have a last name or something?" I asked again in my mind.

"Silly... Destiny, Fate, Life, that's what mortals call me." It said in a soft delicate voice.

My brows furrow in confusion.

"Am I dreaming?" I asked.

Before it can respond to me, the guy suddenly dropped me to the floor. Collapsing me on the ground. My back hurts.

"That's a thank you, flower Hashira." He said.

Why is this guy so mean?

"Welcome to our lord's castle... Infinity Castle." He said. I looked up and saw myself inside a really odd-looking home.

Who is the architect of this house? It doesn't even make any sense.

A guy laughed really loudly, I looked at him, he looks so odd. He is wearing a cosplay too.

"I couldn't believe that Douma killed a Hashira."

"She's not dead." Said the other woman.

"She's been sleeping for four years?" Asked a kid with white hair and really pale white skin. He has cobwebs on his hands.

"Yeah, she was supposed to be dead but our master kept her in. "

A guy, or girl? I have no idea what, sighed dramatically and raised their hands in the air, "Our lord is really merciful..." They said while blushing. "I wonder where he is right now."

"Here." Suddenly a voice spoke at my back. It gave me shudders for no reason at all. I slowly looked at him and saw him staring at me.

"Let's all greet the beautiful flower Hashira, Kochou Kanae." He said, eyeing me with no remorse. I suddenly felt my blood boiling and my veins warming because of anger. 

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