chapter 2

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POV Change: Sage

I look at Emery with worry. The young girl, much younger than a person with her job should have, mirrored my look. We stopped at the base of the steps watching Gavin take an impatient seat on the suede couch. “Are you sure he’s the person that is going to help? He’s a nervous wreck Sage! This is too much for the poor guy, so I need you to be sure he is the person we need before we tell him everything.” Emery, sweet sixteen-year-old Emery. She came into the base at the mear age of ten, the agency looked through all the records of children born in the same year as the monsters they-we created. All of those children we special, but most of the abilities rotted in the womb and only formed depression and anxiety for what they unknowingly knew was coming, why? Because they are connected to the Beasts.
But Emery and around two hundred other children in the United States did not have their ability quite as corrupted. While Emery still has had most of her abilities melt into anxiety and depression she still holds a few key assets. Emery’s blood can be used to both turn and cure the monsters of their infection, and not only that Emery is immune to the infection and can talk and sense the beasts. And while her Powers are not the best of the bunch, she was one of the twenty-five that could contain and use their powers. So while the other kids were sent back to their homes to live out their lives as normal people after a large blood donation, Emery was held in containment just in case this day was to come. Those kids, mere children, were taken from their parents just so we could use them to protect Agents like me, top-ranked and non-replaceable.
“I’m sure Gavin is the person we need. When I first met him I knew and that's why I have lived close to him for observation. I have medication he can take for anxiety, but we need him more than I’d like to say.” I reply to her earlier comment only to walk towards the couch and join our darling Gavin. She knows what I say goes. So while she is probably still standing in the doorway stunned I know she will soon join us on the couch for a long talk

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