Forgiveness: Starts within you

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Focus on what's in front of you and not what's behind you. A lot of our issues we dealt with are rooted back to the things that had happened before. This page literally talks about forgiving yourself.

The purpose behind forgiving yourself, is the ability to let go whatever that doesn't belong in your current stand. The past can be very difficult for others to let go. It is where most of us consider the beginning of our humble journey.

There's no doubt in my mind that accepting the past in some of us, is an easy thing to let go. Trust me, I know. But there is nothing to dwell in the memories of the past. It all starts with you my friend.

Now I know you are probably wondering, why is this so important right? Well, I speak for myself and the importance of forgiving yourself. Remember that, no one is perfect. Whoever that says he or she is living a perfect life, is obviously a liar to themselves.

Acceptance is the key to allowing a new beginning in life and what it has to offer. If we cannot move pass from the past, pretty much everything is broken record on repeat. Dominate those past experiences whether they were good or bad and make it a new chapter.

If anyone can live a normal life without any flaws in their lives, is a great deceiver amongst others. The outside might look like a million dollar suite, but inside is a lonely and lost soul, chained up in captivity.

Don't dwell on the past. Believe me, there is nothing glorious in faking reality. It builds false hope and encouragements to those who look up to you. Always be true to yourself and never be seen as a false representation of who you're truly is.  Forgiveness starts within you. Once we overcome that, the journey throughout your lifetime will be steady and easy to navigate.

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