Episode 1: 30 days without an accident

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A lot of time passed since that night at woodberry, and after the first few weeks people started to see who we really were ad how they're all mighty Governor had told them nothing but lies. As people started to feel more and more comfortablel we started to give everyone jobs, one by one they all started to take on chores of cooking, cleaning, watching the kids or elderly, going on runs for supplies, and as of more recently fence duty.

With the amount of living people living here and making noise, more walkers have been showing up and piling up onto the fence, making weak points in the fence. I took up as many shifts on the fence as I could because no one liked doing it and I was pretty comfortable with killing walkers at this point, and hey, one less walker makes me able to sleep better at night.

Speaking of sleep, since the amount of people came to live with us I moved to stay with Beth. She was glad to have me as a roommate and even if shes my friend I thought maybe after what Daryl told me at Woodberry I thought maybe I would be staying with him. Nope. He was happy to tell me loved me but told me he wasnt' ready for others to know so I respected his space and didn't press the matter any further. At least not at first.

It's been a few months now and still nothing from him. When in public he's like normal, no touching or really talking but his normal mean looking self, but when we were alone and hunting together he was more protective and open. And by open I really mean he actually smirks from time to time and will even hold my hand, completely unlike him, like the wall he keeps up, he tears it down when its just the two of us and as much as it bothers me to keep our relationship a secret, I also find it somewhat romantic.

"Jade?" I blinked and looked around and saw Carol had walked all the way down from the small courtyard where others were eating and I stepped away from the hissing and growling to hear better "hey Glenn told me that Maggie is staying here and they need another to fill her spot" she expained and I nodded and looked at the fence

"Who's going to take over my spot-there's so many today it feels like it's going to take everyone" I explained and she nodded in agreement

"I've already got someone else to fill your place, they'll be out in just a little bit" she said and waved me to follow her. I looked back to see Karen looking over at me confused. I rushed over to Karen and she watched me

"I have to take off- Carol's got someone coming out to take over my spot so your in charge if anything turns sour" I told her and she nodded

"Sounds good" she agreed without any issue and I turned around and jogged toward Carol to catch up with her and walked beside her.

"Beth is getting your things ready and she said she'll meet you at the truck so just head over and help Daryl load up" she explained and I nodded as I removed the bloodied apron and hung it back up by the gate where we hung up extras and spare weapons. I didn't waste any time as I headed toward the loading area and saw the truck parked and Daryl loading up crates while Beth was talking to her boyfriend. I could also see she had my bag and bow in hand.

"Hey" Daryl said catching my attention. I could hear he sounded a little confused by my being here

"Hey, Maggie called in sick so I'm replacing her" I said being sarcastic and smiled as I looked into the crate he had "we hitting that shopping center thing? you were talking about?" I asked and he nodded

"Yup, nows the only chance" he said as he turned and headed back toward the truck, me following behind and I saw Beth walking away

"You even gonna say goodbye?!" he called to Beth who was just walking away smiling to herself and stopped at me and held up my things

"Thanks Beth" I breathed as I quickly grabbed my things and she glanced to her boyfriend and with a simple 'nope' she just turned and walked away. I couldn't help but giggle at them.

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