Episode 4

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Throughout the day, I could slowly feel the illness growing on me. My coughing was starting to get worse and worse, my throat turning more and more rough. I could feel my temp rising up and I was sweating as much as Glenn was and he was in even worse shape than me. Even Sasha seemed worse than him. I guess when Glenn was sending me to take a break all those times it was helping me now. If it came down to it, I would be the ones taking care of them alongside Hershal.

 Hershal didn't seem to be fazed by the flu, even if I could see he was starting to sweat. I was helping him do rounds to everyone's cells, trying to make sure they all had some tea to drink and was always checking on Lizzie when I had some free time. However it got so bad that we already had to remove a body and take care of it in the hall, away from others seeing. I helped Hershal with the first and stabbed them in the head without any remorse. I only remembered who they were as people, but couldn't allow myself to feel anything for walkers. 

"Jade, we need you!" I heard Hershal call for me. Without question I moved toward the cell on the second floor out of the end and saw Glenn, Sasha, and Hershal all leaning over one of the men here and he was choking "hold him down" he said and i moved around Sasha and held down his legs and chest, trying to to hold him still as Hershal was putting a tube down his throat to get what I called the air bubble hooked up to help him breath. "Henry, I need you to calm down" Hershal told him as he started to push the tube down and it was here that Henry started to move his arms but I reached for it and pulled it back down

"It's okay, almost done" I tried to tell him but in his panic I was sure he wasn't hearing much of anything. He did seem to relax when there was no movement from the tube and Hershal attached the bubble and started to squeeze it, breathing for him and the man totally relaxed. With the man closing his eyes and just going to sleep to rest Glenn moved to sit back and Sasha began another coughing fit. At this point I didn't mind the coughing so much and was always watching closely for any kind of blood color on their hands or whatever they used to cover their mouths. Soon Glenn started to cough and was turning away 

"Drink some of that. Both of you" Hershal said as he looked between Glenn and Sasha. I was still refusing it, wanting to save it for the others who needed it more. I turned away and just like them I started to cough, my body trying hard to throw the flu out of my body. "You as well Jade" Hershal told me sternly.

"I'm okay...save it for them" I told him, having refused it yet again. Glenn poured two cups and held them out for us but I shook my head as Sasha took one and started to drink. "you need it more Glenn...drink" I told him and he agreed, not having much energy to fight me on this. i finally sat back where I was and watched Sasha as she struggled to get the cup to her mouth so I moved to help her get some down, hoping it was going to sooth her throat

"Some council meeting huh?" Hershal asked us but I looked over 

"I'm just here for the drinks" I joked getting a small smile from Hershal 

"I guess we'll just have to promote ya" he told me as I shrugged and helped Sasha drink some more.

"Regardless....we're two members short" Sasha commented as she looked up at me then found the energy to lift her hand and take the cup from me and gave me a nod, to tell me she was okay to hold it now.

"I think we should make some new rules before they get back" Hershal added as I sat back and watched him squeeze the bubble again and again "I hereby declare we have spaghetti Tuesdays... every Wednesday'' He declared as I started to cough again and had to turn away. Once it subsided I looked up to see Sasha was tilting her head at him with a face that said 'you can't be serious' 

"We just need spaghetti" I added, to add to his joke and smiled as he looked at me 

"Don't encourage him" Sasha mumbled as she took another drink. I laughed a little and leaned back against the bunk. Sasha and Glenn were in some bad shape, and losing hope fast. I hated to see them suffering so much

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