Pervert lose in the Castle!

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"... and then Prince Naruto was conferred to be Princess's grandson." Felix finished explaining to Lily York as the pair lead the little trio back to the Emperor's Palace. Lily still couldn't believe it, after all these years the girl she raised was gone from this world ... leaving behind a son and grandson!

"Daddy says Granny was supper strong taking over 1000 strong solders down with her!" chipped Naruto happily, making the pair look down at him in shook. Lily bent down an asked what he meant. Naruto titled his head asking in confusion "Didn't you guys get affected by the wars as well?"

Felix shook his head before asking about what war was he talking about, not liking thinking that the bloodline he sworn to protect was off in the front lines of battles let along a war! 'Wait ... did he say wars?!?!?!'  thought Felix panicking on the inside but looking calm on the outside as he knelt down beside the boy.

Naruto started thinking really hard before saying in a sad voice "Daddy and Mommy fought in the 3rd Great Ninja War, while Granny and Grandpa died fighting in the 2nd. Daddy said he was 10 years old when they died."

Lily and Felix looked ready to cry, but ask if that's how his mommy died, but Naruto shook his head saying "Mommy was murder a little bit after my birth, from the enemies they both made during the wars."

The ground was silent the rest of the way back to the Emperor's Palace, but the two adults and animals promised themselves that they would look after, protect and love this little jewel eye boy with all their heart. 

Also Tiger promised himself he was going to corner Ranmen in the evening once their master was asleep. That puppy had a lot of explaining to do! 

Ranmen meanwhile was hopping Naruto got a snack soon, cause then he'll share with her, plus she got to lick the crumps off his face!

Meanwhile somewhere near the maids quarters

"Hehehe!" a figure dressed in all black looked around the open on the forth floor, before jumping inside. He snuck out of the village awhile ago to take a recon of the new area that the Hidden Leaf Village was in but THEIR WAS SO MUCH NEW MATERIAL FOR HIS BOOKS!

So as the great sage went off on his own to gather more research he found the woman here dress weird, but they seemed to want to show off their beasts the most!

But his favorite was the Maids! All those young beautiful boob-tiful ladies! They looked amazing, and this giant fortress filled to the brim with girls dressed in maid uniforms!!!! It took some time to find were they all got dressed on but it was worth the wait!

"Don't worry ladies, Jiraiya is coming to help you undress!" giggled perversely as the ninja snuck into the changing room and found a place to hid. Making sure to take out paper and ink, he was ready to get to work!

Less then an hour later



Screams were soon heard all over the Capital and inside the Hidden Leaf Village, who the residents already knowing already who the pervert was.

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