!Diaz Family Introduction!

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Hey there! I'll be introducing myself first before introducing Boboiboy and his family, I'm also adding 2 more members in his family because why not :) I've seen a lot of boboiboy fanfic where he has siblings -w-

I'm Dino_Oyen and you can call me Alya, Alyx, Dino or Oyen! I'm fine with nicknames but make sure I know it though

My age is private as I'm not comfortable to share it yet and I'm a Malaysian person!

//Now let's head to the Diaz Family introduction//

[[REMINDER: This au is Experimented Boboiboy AU and I also took the name Diaz for Boboiboy's family from Boboiboy's Voice actor which is NurFathiah Diaz]]


-Name: Boboiboy bin Amato Diaz

-Age: 16

-Power: Wings(He can grow his wings anytime and fly), Cat ears manipulation(He can have very good hearing)

-Used to be human×Human hybrid

-Appearence -When he was experimented- (Gacha oc/To lazy to draw lol)

-Full form(He would only go in his full form if he has enough energy and felt threatened)

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-Full form(He would only go in his full form if he has enough energy and felt threatened)

-Full form(He would only go in his full form if he has enough energy and felt threatened)

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-Past Boboiboy Appearence

-Extra info: For the blue thing at his leg is a tag for subjects, but the colours depends on how dangerous or safe they are, Blue is for subjects that is passive but can go hostile when they feel threatened

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-Extra info: For the blue thing at his leg is a tag for subjects, but the colours depends on how dangerous or safe they are, Blue is for subjects that is passive but can go hostile when they feel threatened

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