2~Familiar person~

236 10 19

7 years without Boboiboy was tough. Although Yaya, Ying and Gopal have manage to work with tapops infact, Fang started taking solo missions since he is the strongest out of the kokotiam gang and all of them forgot about Boboiboy's missing case except for Captain Kenzo. He is always gone just to continue to search for Boboiboy, he just never quit but he finally gave up as he has no hopes of Boboiboy still being alive for 7 years all "alone"


[Location: Tapops meeting rooms]

The kokotiam gang arrived at the meeting room then walk in seeing Captain Kenzo, Commander Kokoci, Laksamana Tarung and a girl who was wearing purple leaning against a wall then they did the tapops salute

-Gopal "and who is that weird purple girl??" *He rub his head*

-Ying *Smacks Gopal in the head* "Commander will probably tell us idiot."

-Yaya "mhm."

-Commander Kokoci "Right. I will now please focus for your missing today."

-Kokotiam gang "Sorry Commander, we will."

-Captain Kaizo "What is the mission that you called us all here. Even Captain Kenzo and Angelo."

-Commander Kokoci "So. We have heard rumours of a Lab that kidnaps humans and make them as their lab experiments, this mission is not about a power sphera but we should save the subjects that are kept in there as the scientists have made a lot of dangerous experiments on them, we cant let them continue their dangerous doings."

-Laksamana Tarung: Mhm and that is why we called you all here, also the purple girl you said is Angelo. She is one of the best spy agent in laskar station, we needed her for important informations. Captain Kenzo, Captain Kaizo and Angelo will be joining you guys for this mission." *He said as he points at the kokotiam gang*

-Commander Kokoci "So the plan is.."


[Location: Planet Wardenia]

-Yaya "Eee.. is this the planet?"

-Captain Kaizo "Looks like it."

-Gopal "Eeekk!! This planet looks so scary  dark!!"

-Ying "Shut up Gopal..!"

-Captain Kenzo "Right. We have arrived. Remember the plan." *He look back at the others and went out to the gaurds with Kaizo*

-Gaurd 1 "Stop! Who are you? And what are you doing here!?"

-Captain Kaizo "Please calm down, we are from planet gogobugi(I don't remember Kaizo's home planet name), we just wanna meet the head scientist, Prof. Leon."

-Gaurd 1 "Id card please." *He hand out his hand for their id cards*

-Angelo 'I hope they succeed in passing through.' *She thought then start opening a vent quietly and went inside as her shadow form so she could fit*

-Captain Kenzo *He handed both of his and Kaizo's fake id cards and gave it to the gaurd*

-Gaurd 1 *He grabbed the cards and lookg at Gaurd 2*

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