'A disturbance. .' (Part 2 of What have you guys been doing?)

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(I tried my best to be EXTRA SUS)
Rainbow looked like a super red tomato. . As Starflow kissed her, rainbow turned even redder. She tried to gasp for air. That being stopped for a small bit by another kiss. Starflow and rainbow didn't know that sun was watching on the other side. Literally having a nosebleed.

Rainbow: " A-ah~ . . " She moaned each time they both had gasped for air. Sun ran to the others.

Moon: ' LEMME SEE- ' Moon rushed to the room, peeking to see what's happening in there, then ran back.
Moon: ' YEP ' He also had a bloody nose.

Rainbow and Starflow kept kissing for hours. . In the same room. Each breath was an moan from rainbow, which grew slightly louder each time. Starflow pinned rainbow to the wall after a small bit. Still kissing. Starflow had passed out after an hour after Starflow pinned rainbow to the wall. Rainbow also falling asleep with Starflow.

Time skip because I'm lazy as fuck rn

It was night. Everyone was asleep except rainbow and Starflow. Starflow had given small hickeys on Rainbow's neck. Rainbow blushed alot. . They both kinda moaned. But rainbow moaned more. Somehow the others didn't wake up, even though rainbow and Starflow were SOOOOO loud!

Rainbow: " N-ngh. .~ " Rainbow moaned. Rainbow and Starflow were making out again.

Rainbow eventually passed out right after they were done making out. Starflow carried rainbow to the bed. Placing her on there, Starflow went in the bed also. Cuddling rainbow. In the morning, rainbow couldn't walk. So Starflow had to carry her the whole time. Starflow didn't care though, she actually liked carrying Rainbow.

               The next morning 🌅
Rainbow still couldn't walk from that other night. So of course, they all knew what happened exepct Lunar. Lunar has no clue on what happened at all.

Sun: ' Seems like the lesbian couple had the nasty done again last night?~ ' Sun said teasingly.

Rainbow: " Starflow was the one who done it first! "

Sun: ' I can tell. You have small hickeys on your neck, Rainbow - '

Starflow: " Shut up, everyone does it if they ain't single at times. " (Not everyone, Starflow -)

Sun: ' Anyways. . What do you guys do if y'all are stuck in a room together? Do y'all make out like you guys did last night?~ Orrr? ' Sun said.

Starflow and rainbow: " We're not answering that. " They clearly would do the first guess answer.

Sun: ' It's the first answer isn't it? '

Starflow: " Yep. "

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