Janelle x Briv

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Janelle had always been a shy and reserved girl, more interested in books and academics than in socializing with her peers. She was content to spend most of her time studying and pursuing her hobbies, even if it meant that she was often overlooked or ignored by her classmates.

Briv, on the other hand, was the star of the football team and one of the most popular boys in school. He was handsome, confident, and always had a group of friends around him wherever he went. Janelle had always admired him from afar, but never thought that she could ever catch his attention.

One day, Janelle was assigned to work on a group project with Briv. She was nervous and intimidated at first, but Briv quickly put her at ease with his friendly and easy-going demeanor. They quickly found that they had a lot in common, despite their different social circles and interests.

As they worked together on their project, Janelle found herself becoming more and more attracted to Briv. He was kind and funny, and he seemed genuinely interested in getting to know her better. For the first time in her life, Janelle felt like someone saw her for who she really was, and not just the quiet nerd that everyone else thought she was.

As the weeks went by, Janelle and Briv grew closer and closer. They started spending more time together outside of school, going to movies and hanging out at each other's houses. Janelle started to feel more confident and comfortable in her own skin, thanks to Briv's encouragement and support.

Eventually, Janelle's newfound confidence started to catch the attention of her classmates. They started to notice how smart and interesting she was, and how much fun she was having with Briv. Before she knew it, Janelle had gone from being the unnoticed nerd to one of the most popular girls in school.

But despite all the attention and newfound popularity, Janelle never forgot who she was and where she came from. She still loved books and learning, and she still cherished the time she spent with Briv. They continued to be each other's support system, even as the rest of the world around them changed.

In the end, Janelle realized that the most important thing wasn't about being popular or fitting in, but about being true to yourself and finding someone who loves you for who you are. And with Briv by her side, Janelle knew that she had found exactly that

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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Janellereacts x briv highschool love storyWhere stories live. Discover now