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name:(must be Egypt based)

Age:(remember that the ancient Egyptians died between age 20 and age 30)

Gender:(I support lgbtq+ however for this female and male are recommended)

Species:(as for species you can be a human aka Egyptian a mummy or a ancient Egyptian god or goddess)

Crush:(as long as I know the god or goddess or king/Queen I don't mind playing them)

[For the crush keep in mind I am still learning as I am a very slow learner due to my adhd]

Family:(for this you can use a king and queen or you can make up the parents however they too MUST be Egypt based)

Scars:(not everything was sunshine and rainbows in ancient Egypt)

Home:(either mud based or stone however for the elite it WILL be stone same for the tombs)

Backstory:(this doesn't HAVE to be filled in but it is recommended)

Other:(like fashion or beauty type stuff again keep in mind this IS ANCIENT EGYPT)

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