Reinstatement (1/3)

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"Now that you're all here, the only way to leave is by passing or failing the upcoming tests." Flora once again captured everyone's attention as the twin oak doors slowly closed behind the examinees. "For those of you who are participating for the first time, you'll understand why that is in a second. First however, I would like all of you to look around and get a good look at the room you're in."

As instructed to do, the wannabe adventurers began to inspect their surroundings, glancing in every direction before looking back at Flora. Jak followed their example, his crimson hues flicking in every direction, analyzing the area around him. The rocky terrain, the flowing river in the far left corner, and even the bright blue sky with white tufts of cotton. He was already aware that it was a landscape made with magic, but he didn't really care as he took it all in. If he focused, he could see the real room, of which was just an extremely enormous metallic box with the only entrance being the wooden oak doors he had just walked through.

(("Same scenery huh?"))  Jak said as he shifted his eyes back onto the two examiners. (("Guess there's no need to fix what isn't broken."))

"Now, those who can't see anything please raise your hand," Flora instructed after some time had passed..

After a brief wait, through which not a single person raised their hand, she gave a small nod. "If you had failed to see the illusion then you would have failed the test before it even got under way. This room shows the illusion to those with enough magical power and shows nothing to those below it, meaning you would already be outed as someone with inferior magical abilities. I'm pleased to know that you've all reached the requirements to proceed to the actual trial. All that being said, let's proceed to the real assessment."

Flora waved her hand, and the entire illusion disappeared, leaving only the metallic box like room. However, this time a small stage stood at the very front of it, complete with a set of stairs off to the side that allowed one to climb onto the top of it. Placed directly in the middle, fixated against the wall, was a full length mirror with a multitude of blue crystals embroidered along the edges of it. The crystals glowed softly, emitting soft waves of magic that everyone could no doubt feel from across the room. This was the object that was going to measure their magical capacity, a Mangre Mirror. It was something that was only heard of but hardly ever seen. Something that was quite rare, especially as it was exclusively owned by the WGC.

"So that's a Mangre Mirror?" A person next to Jak muttered. "Never seen one in person before."

"That's not surprising. The WGC lay claims to all of them. They're only distributed to high class families such as nobility and royalty. The only place you're likely to see one is during the Exams."

"They're made by the dwarves though right? Why would Drifters give us anything?"

"Who cares?? As long as we get it, it doesn't matter how."

"I guess you're right."

"Ahem," Flora coughed, interrupting those few whom had struck up conversations. The individuals quickly fell silent, once again standing at attention.

"Uh....yeah. Anyways, we will now move on to the testing portion. We will be using your surnames to go in reverse alphabetical order." Margaret quickly flipped through the pages on her clip board, looking for the proper page. "Please come up when called and place a hand on the center of the mirror."

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