Swimming With Fishes

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"So, what do you want Hadok for anyways?" Anatarope queried as she released Mako from her clutches. "You saw him a few days ago didn't you?"

"I wanted him to see Jak," The Rookie responded, gesturing to the silent youth beside him. "He only recently got back to Intok as of yesterday. Hadok has been bugging me for months about it. Mailing me and all the crystal calls regarding this bonehead, I've been going insane. This would be the best way to shut him up completely."

The tall Amazon crossed her arms, one of her fingers reaching up to touch her chin. "Well, if we're being fair, everyone thought Jakky was dead. Only reason he kept asking was because he believed otherwise."

"Unfortunately for you though, Hadok already left on a personal outing to Iroas Kingdom." Anatarope turned around and started walking towards Isle Shimura, her tail flicking every which way.

"Iroas?" Jak followed closely after her, sticking close to her heels. "You mean his father's realm?"


"What does he need to do there?" Mako piped up, also following along. "I thought he and grandpa had a strained relationship."

"You sure are curious today aren't you," Anatarope mused. "Asking loads of questions."

"Is there a situation in Iroas?" Jak followed up, ignoring the cat woman's snarky jabs.

Anatarope paused mid step, her eyes staring ahead yet at the same time seeing nothing, golden orbs lost in their own little world. Moments passed before she eventually drifted back into reality. Turning around she locked eyes onto Mako, of whom had also stopped in his tracks.

"Where's your shirt?" Anatarope finally asked after seconds of staring.

"That's what you're worried about???" Mako questioned.

"Your base element is water," Anatarope shot back. "Why'd you take off your shirt? You couldn't have been worried about it getting wet since you could simply dry yourself off afterwards. Unless you're saying that your external control has gone to total shit which is damn near impossible. So..... where's your shirt?"

Mako opened his mouth to protest, to argue with the mature woman but quickly closed his mouth after finding little room to actually form a solid comeback. Looking to his left, he once again glanced to Jak for some assistance, but just as before he was met with the same response, a return of the deadpan stare. For Jak, it was the equivalent of saying "Don't look at me, I'm just here to watch", without actually saying it. Instead of trying to fight a losing battle, Mako spun around on his heels and began the long run back towards the starting line where the dual Rookie's race had started. When it came to Anatarope, it was much easier to just go along with her than to argue, since even if she was wrong or right, she was far too stubborn to actually reason with.

"Shall we continue our walk then?" Anatarope proposed as she resumed her pace from earlier, walking over the rushing Auntro Waters.

"Are you gonna tell me about Hadok?" Jak pushed, clearly unwilling to let the conversation stray away from what he wanted. "The situation in Iroas. What is it."

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