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"YOU KNOW WHAT!?!" I yelled "WHAT!" He said


 he look at me like the bitch was about to cry! "Please baby I'm sorry let me another chance please i wi-" he said but i cut him "No Nikki I'm DONE I'm tired all i do is giving you chances" i started to tear up "look baby I'm  sorry i didn't mean to cheat please i'm- one chance juste one more baby please" Nikki said "No! Nikki I'm DONE fuck you I'm out of here"i said

Yep that's me Nikki jenesse yeah i know what you're all thinking it's fucked up that i dated a guy that named just like me! and how did I met that fucker well i met him at a bar name the rainbow we started as  friend and then we started to have feelings for each other and then we started to date well it's been 2 years that we date...right before I found that Nikki cheated on me I let him a chance and then he cheated on me again but this time it was my best friend so yeah life suck! But let's go back to me I'm  17 years old and yeah Nikki is 26 but I don't care about  the age! I drop school at 14 to play guitar I want to be in a band so bad!

 I've been playing guitar for the past 10 years my favorite animals are snakes and I actually have one her name is Rose  she's a green anaconda she's just 2 years old so she's still a little baby for me haha oh and I'm short like i'm 5'3 or 5'4 I don't know I don't remember but when I'm next to Nikki or Tommy I'm so small

right now I'm heading to the rainbow "ID please"  big ass security guard ask me "listen i don't have it with me right now but i could show you something that you will like" I said with a sexy voice and a smirk he didn't say anything i show him  my tits and he let me in voila Works done here!

As I walk into the rainbow I just see a big Goofy blonde ball coming right next to me "Hi!" the dude seems so excited for no reason "you talking to me"i said " noooo I'm talking to a bird"he said I was about to say something but then another boy with black curly hair come right next to us he was HOT I will be lying if I said he was ugly he had a caramel skin he was like the perfect man

"Stevie i was looking for you dude" damn his voice hot "stevie..? is that your real name?"i said "damn I forgot to tell you my name, well no Stevie is not my real name, my name is Steven but you can call me Stevie Stevo I don't care" he said with a bright smile and that make me giggle "and who are you?" the curly boy ask me "umm I'm Nikki but my  friend's calls me Nik...and you?"i ask I was kinda of nervous I'm not going to lie "I'm slash but my real name is Saul but i hate it" Slash said "well i like it" "shut up Stevie" "what" steven said i laugh 

"so are you from here or..."slash asked me "umm no I'm from Canada shitty place" i said
"Why" he said " cause it didn't feel like home...and all the bullshit that happened" i said it was quiet for a little bit and then slash said "you want a drink?" i nodded my head we walk to the bar "guys i need to go" stevie or steven whatever is name said Slash look at him and smirk "was nice meting you Nikki" Steven said "yep same!" i said 

Slash look at me "what do you want?" he said "umm..vodka cranberry please" i said he nodded is head i look at his hair and fuck i never seen someone with perfect curl like him fuck i just got out of a relationship and i'm thinking how perfect this dude is i guess i was lost in my thought cause he was saying my name "Nikki...Nik" i look at him with a what the fuck look "your drink" he said "ohh sorry" i said  

 after our drink we got outside "well it was nice to meet you Slash" i said "it was nice meting you too Nik" he said i look at him and smile he look at me and said "here I'll give you my phone  number" i nodded my head "well i need to go" i said he nodded is head "bye Slash.." "bye Nik" he said 

i got in my car and drive to my house well i should say Nikki house, i got there park my car and get inside the house and it was such a mess well lucky for me he wasn't here he's probably fucking some whores! well anyway i put on a Aerosmith record and started to pack my shit and i keep telling myself that i should call Slash and tell him we could hang out tomorrow

HIIII this is my first ever story pls let me know if you like it♡

*i did alot of change in this story!!!

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