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4 weeks later...

I woke up and see Slash still asleep I smile gosh I love this man! I get up and feel like I was gonna throw up "oh fuc-" I run in the bathroom and puke

"Babe you okay? " He rub my back "I umm.. I don't know" I chuckle I turn around to face Slash and see him smile "I'm sorry, i-i didn't mean to wake you up.." I look down "sweetheart it's okay, don't worry" he say I get up and hug Slash "Maybe you should go see the doctor, cause since last week your sick and i" he say I nod my head one thing i hate most then people is being sick! and the boys are still on tour! which make it worst!

Later that day..

right now i'm backstage with Erin while watching the boys rehearse "so you've been nauseous since last week?" She said I nodded my head "yeah and I have cravings" I say she look at me and raised her eyebrow "like what!?" She say with a big smile "like Monday I ate a whole pot of pickles! And last night i was craving cheese Erin cheese!" I say Erin look at me and chuckle "well you know what that mean right!" She say "gosh Erin if I'm pregnant i-"

"Who's pregnant!?" It was Duff I look at Erin then Duff then Erin and look at Duff "no one! I was just saying that there's no way i'm having kids!" I chuckle "yeah you a Mom!? fuck no" he laugh gosh I swear I'm gonna slap him!

I look down and fake laugh "yeah your right Duff!" I say Erin look at Duff with a bitch face "Well Duff how about you go back to rehearsal!" Erin say Duff look at her and make a confused face "yeah.." he say Erin looked at "look Nikki don't listen to him-" she say I look at her "he's right Erin! I mean look at me I'm a Pornstar! My boyfriend is a guitarist and always tour i-"

"NIKKI Shut up!" She say I look down "you don't even know if you're pregnant!" She right it's true haven't take a test yet...

"Yeah you're right...but IF I'm pregnant, do you think I'll be a great Mom..?" I say she chuckle "Nikki you'll be the best Mom ever! I just know! And Slash gonna be a great Dad trust me!!" She say I smile I see Slash walking over me and Erin


i walk back on stage and see Axl i walk over him "no offence bro but your girl is a total bitch" i nervously laugh Axl look at me and smirk i see Slash walking toward us "who's a bitch?" he laugh "Erin" i say "Duff shut the fuck up okay!" Axl say and walk away "jeez i think he's piss, anyway do you got any cigarettes, i just finish pack" Slash say jeez this guy can smoke three pack a day even Nikki! "Euh yeah here" i say i give him two cigs "thanks dude!" he say and walk away


i told the boys that me and Erin we're gonna beat the hotel cause fuck i'm tired! i heard the door open and see Slash walking towards us "Hey babe you feeling better?" Slash say gosh I love him!! I nodded my head "yeah..." I say I hug him I kiss him and he grab my ass "okay if you guys are gonna have Sex do it somewhere else!" Erin said I laugh Slash rolled his eyes "oh Erin Axl wanted to talk to you it seem important" he say Erin nodded her head "oh, see you later Nikki" she closed the door i look at Slash and see him smirk "what is it true..?" i say he shook his head and start laughing "noo!!" he say "gosh Slash, you know she's gonna kill you right?" i laugh he laugh "yeah right she can barely kill a fly" he say i rolled my eyes

" Anyway wanna grab something to eat, I have something to tell you.." I say to Slash he raised his eyebrow "you okay?" He say I nodded my head I can't keep this secret for me I need to tell Slash!

we drive to McDonal's cause yes i'm hungry for junk food! we order our food and walk back to the car Slash look at me "soo what did you want to tell babe?" he said i almost choked on my burger cause i forgot i need to tell him "umm..y'know since last week I umm well I'm kinda sick, and I always have y'know cravings" I say he raised his eyebrow "what's that's supposed to mean..?" He say looking confused

"I..um, I think I'm pregnant.." I say he choked on his drink "jeez babe are you okay?" I say he look at me "w-what, ar-are you sure?" he say i've never seen Slash like that he looked so....shocked? i look down at my hand "i um..i haven't take the test yet, i wanted to do it with you" he look at me take my hand and kiss it "okay.." he say i kiss him y'know what i'm proud of myself for saying this to Slash!

*Next day

Slash bought me a pregnancy test last night i sit on the toilet and sigh i look at the test i haven't take it yet Slash look at me "what's wrong my love?" he say "i-i umm i don't know-are you sure were ready for this if i'm pregnant?" i say he look at me put his hand on my cheek and smile "no, but i'm sure we'll be the coolest fucking parents ever" he say i look down and smile Slash get up "i'm gonna wait for you in the bedroom okay" he say i nodded my head he closed the door and i took the test i flush the toilet i wash my hands and took the test and walk back in the bedroom

i see Slash with a cigarette in his mouth he look at me "how much time we have to wait for the result?" he say "euh i think two..." i look down to be honest i'm not ready to be a mom i'm really not but if i am well i'm gonna be happy

we waited two minutes "it's time.." i say Slash look at me and smile i flip the test and see two lines "oh my god, does this mean i'm gonna be a dad!!" he say i nodded my head i really don't know what to say all i could do was cry Slash hug me and i wrap my legs around his waist he kiss me and see a tear fall down his eye "babe are you crying?" i say he shock his head "me crying no" he chuckle i wiped his tear and kiss him "gosh i can't believe i'm gonna be a mom Saul!!" i say he smile "well look like your not gonna smoke and drink anymore" he laugh "oh fuck you" i laugh i kiss him again "i love you Slash" i say "i love you more my love" he say

*Hey guys!!! sorry if i don't post that much i'm working allllll fucking day!

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