Chapter 1: The meeting

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Nix was in his room looking at his phone when he heard a knock at his door, “who is it?” Nix said in a bored tone. “Your father sent me to get you” said the unknown person on the other side of the closed door, Nix groaned as he got up “tell him i’m coming”. The man on the other side of the door nodded acknowledging his request and left to tell his boss. Nix got to his fathers office and knocked on the large wooden door, “you wanted to see me” Nix's voice was bored. “You may come in” echoed a deep voice, Nix entered the office and sat across from his father. With a deep sigh John began, “I need you to spy on the daughter of my rival, she goes to lester high so I will be enrolling you, you will start tomorrow”. Nix was about to protest but his father looked him in the eyes in an almost pleading way, his father hasn't looked him in the eyes since the passing of his mother, Nix knew this was serious so he didn't protest. With a heavy sigh Nix asked “is that all you wanted?”. His father said “yes”. As Nix was leaving his father said “please be safe, I don’t want to lose you to”. Nix left for his room and saw a uniform on his bed. Just great, he thought. a private school. The next day he got dressed and left with his driver. The drive seemed too go on forever, once at the school he got out of the car and went to his class. He made his way to the homeroom once there the teacher made him say his name to class during this he was observing the people his eyes landed on a girl with long black hair and bright green eyes the teacher named Mr.smith had him sit next to the girl. Nix sat down and the girl seemed to scout away, Nix tried to make conversation, “what is your name?” Nix asked in a calm way for some reason. “Leia” said the girl in a meek and timid voice, if Nix wasn’t paying attention he would not have hured her. Which surprised him, he always hured, the rival's daughter was a loud and proud girl, but Leia she was shy and timid that made him feel protective for some reason. Out of nowhere Nix asked “Do you want to be friends, I am new and you seem nice” Leia seemed shocked at that question. “S-sure” Leia said in a calm tone. Which calmed Nix, Leia's gintel smile made Nix feel safe at that moment he knew whether or not she was who he thought, he needed her in his life no matter what. Leia looked at Nix and asked “what is your next class?” Nix looked at his class schedule, “uhhh…math, how about you?” Leia fround “I have english then history”. Nix gave a soft smile “my 3rd is history to " Leia gave a closed eye smile, “ that is great, I will at least have one friend in that class”, she said the last part in a whisper Nix heard but paid no mind. “Your right it is great but for now let's focus on this class” Nix said pointing to the board in front of the room, “ok” Leia looked to the front happy to finally have her first friend in this new school.

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