Chapter 4: My love

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The morning sun shined through Nix’s room window, Nix opened his eyes and looked down at Leia sleeping soundly cuddled up to his chest. Nix smiled warmly, he didn’t want to wake her up but they have school today so he has to. Nix rub Leia’s cheeks softly, Leia open her bright geen eyes to be met with Nix’s copper ones. “S-sorry for falling asleep” Leia said in a panicked and shy voice, Nix chuckled softly “It’s ok I bright you here too sleep with me” Nix said in an calm tone too try and help Leia calm down. Leia looked around the room than looked down and saw she was in the same chlose as the day before, Leia coudn’t help but smile “I didn’t wan't too undress you without you knowing and without you permission” Nix said chuckling nervously. “I apreshat that, can you leave so I can change?” Leia asked softly, “Of chourse, I will change in the bathroom outside the room” Nix said getting up grabbing his chlose. “Ok just knock before coming back in, please” Leia said shyly. “Of course” Nix said as he left the room too change, 15 minutes later Nix knocked on the door “Can I come in?” Nix asked Leia through the door. “Y-yeah” Leia said in surprise, Nix open the door and when he did Leia turnd around with her hair up in an poinetell. “H-how do I look” Leia said in a shy voice, “You look beautiful, more than beautiful you look amazing” Nix said in shock of her beautie. “Thanks” Leia said smiling softly, “Now let’s get too school before we are late” Nix said softly grabbing Leias hand going too the car. “When will I met you're dad?” Leia asked in an cuerios tone, “At dinner” Nix smiled softly at her. When Nex and Leia got to school everyone was staring at them in disbelief, wondering why the hottest guy in school likes the weirdest girl in school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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