C H A P T E R 2.

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You find yourself sitting alone in your living room, twiddling your fingers in boredom as you stare blankly at the television screen. The day stretches out endlessly before you, and you realize you have nothing to do. Suddenly, your mind wanders back to last week, when you spent hours cleaning out your cluttered attic. You recall coming across a mysterious box that you haven't had the courage to open yet, and you feel a pang of curiosity as you glance over at it sitting on your table.

As you get up and approach the box, you can't help but feel a sense of familiarity wash over you. It's almost as if you've touched it before, but you can't quite put your finger on why. Trembling slightly, you reach into your pocket and retrieve a small pocket knife that you always carry with you, and you use it to open the box.

Inside, you find a VHS tape and a doll that looks like it's been sitting in your attic for decades. Suddenly, memories flood back to you, and you remember that your mother had given you this doll, named Wally, on your sixth birthday. You used to love watching the show that Wally was from, but you couldn't recall its name. You prop the doll against the wall and insert the VHS tape into the player, excited to watch the show once again.

As the television flickers to life, you're filled with a sense of anticipation. You remember the show so vividly, but it seemed to have vanished into thin air as you grew older. However, the VHS tape seems to contain an episode that you've never seen before. The title flashes on the screen, and you're filled with excitement at the prospect of rediscovering a childhood favorite.

But as the show progresses, you realize that something is off. There's no music, no characters interacting with each other, and no sign of Wally introducing you to the episode. It's just silence and blackness. Suddenly, the screen starts to flash and fade to black, leaving you feeling unsettled and confused.

Just when you're about to turn off the TV, the screen flickers back to life, and there's Wally, sitting on his stool facing directly into the camera. It's still silent, but this time, you can feel his gaze on you. You start to shift uncomfortably in your seat, feeling a growing sense of unease.

Then, a voice emanates from the TV, and you realize with a shock that it's Wally speaking. "It's been a while since I've seen you...where have you been?" he asks. You're frozen in place, staring at the screen in disbelief.

Wally continues speaking, and you can feel your heart racing in your chest. "Don't be scared. We're friends, aren't we?" You gulp nervously, wondering what is happening. "What's going on?" you ask, finally mustering up the courage to speak.

"Calmmmm down," Wally says, his voice almost hypnotic in its calmness. "I've missed you."

You look down at your hands, unsure of what to say. Suddenly, you notice that the table where you had propped up the doll is now empty. Panic sets in as you realize that Wally has somehow disappeared.

"Did you...miss me?" Wally asks, and you shrug, trying to buy time. "I mean, I don't really know. I'm an adult now, and I haven't thought about you in years."

Wally doesn't seem deterred by your response. "That's okay. That just gives us a reason to make up lost time," he says, his voice getting closer and closer to the screen.

You quickly shake your head, looking back down and gripping your pants. "No..?" he states quietly. "I thought we were best friends. For ever." You don't look back up, instead opting to stand up and walk towards the TV to take the VHS back out.

"Sit down," he commands in a less than happy voice, making a chill run down your spine. You hear him shout out a string of "No's," and you eject the VHS, and the room finally goes dead silent. Now, your other problem is, what the hell happened to that doll?

(D O N 'T   C L O S E   Y O U R   E Y E S    D A R L I N G) Wally DarlingXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now