packed bags and lost friends

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a/n Christian's a cutie;)

*Luna's POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring through my phone and echoing off the walls. I rolled over to go turn it off but instead I just fell off my bed. Great.

I got up from the floor and turned off the alarm. I stretched my arms wide, inhuman noises coming out of my mouth. When I need to stretch I don't care if it looks like I'm having spasm. Then reality hits me as I stub my toe on my suitcase and I finally remember what day it is. And as soon as I think of it I get a text from Addy.

Luna🌝: Yea ik I'm psyched! wOOP!

I then quickly take off my pjs and hop into the shower. After ten minutes of washing and singing, I turn off the warm water and wrap my towel around myself. I go to my closet and take out my travel outfit: black leggings, Pokemon pullover sweater, black converse and my red baseball cap. Wow Luna you're such a dork.

I go to the bathroom to dry and straighten my hair and apply my make up(bb cream, powder, eyebrows and mascara).

I check my alarm clock for the time: 9:32am. wHY DID MY FLIGHT HAVE TO LEAVE SO EARLY GAAAH!?
I pack my makeup bag and straightener into my suitcase and beg to the lord that it will close.
I sat on top of the white and black suitcase and attempt to pull the zipper all the way around. As I do so, there is a car beeping outside.

I get off the suitcase and run down the stairs to open the door for Addy.
"It's a good thing you came early. I'm having a bit of a problem..." I said laughing nervously. We began to run up the stairs
"Let me guess. You can't shut your suitcase,"she said rolling her eyes.
"Basically," I said laughing. We got to my room and I pointed to the suitcase that wouldn't shut.

"Get on top of the bag," said Addy with no emotion. So I sat on top of the suitcase and Addy pulled the zipper with great force until she finally got it zipped completely.
"Jesus I guess this proves that I have no physical ability in my upper body at all," I said getting up from the suitcase as Addy chuckled.
"Ok well pack your carry on and I'll wait for you in the car.
"We have to leave by 10:35am ok?" she said as she descended the stairs.
"YOU GOT IT DUDE," I shouted to her causing her to laugh because of my Full House reference.

I got my denim backpack from American Apparel that was covered with iron on patches and put in my mac air, the charger, my phone charger, a portable charger for the plane, a book, my beats, my wallet, my passport, my journal, travel makeup, and an extra shirt incase it gets hot. Oh and my pillow pet. Yes I still use one, but only because they are super duper comfortable.

I grab my suitcase and literally threw it down the stairs because there is nothing that could break and honestly who wants to drag a suitcase down the stairs at 10:15 in the morning. I rushed down the stairs and picked up my suitcase and my camera bag that I had ready the day before and ran out the door.

Addy helped me put the suitcase in the back of the car and put my camera in the front seat so it wouldn't break. I got in the passenger seat and laid my backpack at my feet.
"Are you ready?" asked Addy with and excited tone in her voice.
"YUP!"I said plugging the AUX cord into my phone.
Addy started the car and we began our journey to the airport.

As we drove on the highway to the airport, we blasted twentyone pilots and Jon Bellion, belting out every lyric with power and to the point were the cars around us could hear our singing. At one point Addy smacked me in the arm for "singing to well". We talked about our plans once again even though I already knew she would like to go over them again on the plane. And when we were in traffic she made me check my backpack for the tickets and my passport. Luckily I didn't forget them:)

We finally made it through traffic and even got a great parking space. I quickly hopped out of the car and opened the trunk. Addy grabbed her backpack from the back seat along with mine and handed it to me. She took out the two big suitcases and set mine next to my backpack.
I then pulled out the extra small rollie suitcase and put my camera gear in there so I wouldn't have extra weight on my back and shut the trunk. As we headed towards the entrance, I heard the very familiar noise of the car being locked and the sound of people chattering everywhere as soon as we walked in.

I took a deep breath and looked at Addy.
"You ready to go?"I said due to the fact that she seemed nervous.
"Yup," she said taking in a deep breath and exhaling all of her worries.

After we printed out our bag tags, sent away our luggage and went through security, we headed to dunkin donuts for some breakfast.

"Hello what would you like to order,"said the lady behind the counter.
"I'll have a glazed donut and a mocha latte please," said Adelaide beginning to take her wallet out.
"And I would like a chocolate sprinkles donut and a caramel iced latte with no whipped cream please,"I said as I took my wallet out as well.
"That will be $13.45," said the nice lady.

I payed for my half and Addy payed for hers. We then got our food and sat down at one of the tables. As we were eating I got a text from one of the PRESSPLAY boys.
jack-olantern🚮: yo I'm going to the Houston airport
me: FR!
jack-olantern🚮: yea. I was hanging out at Christian's for the week so we are going with you guys.
me: *starts dancing in seat*
jack-olantern🚮: lol I'll see you guys in an hour gtg👋🏾
me: byeeee♻️
jack-olantern🚮: why the recycling sign?
me: because your so bad your recycled! bYe¡
So as we ate our donuts and chatted about the trip, I kept wondering who this Christian kid was.

About an hour later we headed towards gate number 27. On our way we got some chips and gum for the plane.
As we waited around on our phones someone touched my neck from behind me. I grabbed their arm and pinched them.
"oW!"said the all too familiar voice.
"Jack I thought you have learned to NOT touch my neck," I said spinning around in my chair. Jack sat behind me, cradling his arm. I then look to the left of him and see the Christian boy.
He looks really familiar...
He then looked up from his phone and his eyes met mine. Our eyes widened at the realization of who we were and I quickly turned my head around and bit my lip due to nervousness.
"Um I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back," I said getting up and running to the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and washed my hands and got out. I decided to take a small walk around the small tourist store since I really didn't want to go out now. I then started to try on some Hawaiian shirts and ended up buying 3. Oops...
I went out of the small shop and began to head towards the group when a hand yanked my arm and pulled me into an empty gate. It was Christian.

We looked into each other's eyes for a good 10 minutes before Christian embraced me tightly in his arms.
Once he hugged me I hugged him back and started balling my eyes out.
He then let go of me and I dried up my tears.
"Where have you been this whole time?"he said his voice cracking and a worried tone.
"Look I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I know I should've because you're or you were my best friend but I felt like I would break you if I did so I didn't say anyth-"Christian cut me off with another bear hug.
"It's ok. All that matters is that you're alive and you're safe," he whispered into my ear.

oooooo first chapter isn't this nifty¡! hope u guys like it so far :D
um I guess I'm gonna be needing girlfriends for the pressplay boys so comment who u would like to be paired up with:

not Jack sorry I already have something planned for him ;))

Ethan Dolan

Grayson Dolan

Steffan Argus

Sigh Mike(lol idk his last name oops)

Alex Reininga

Jake Boys

Payte Parker

Pierson Oglesby

Luke Korns

Mikey Murphy

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