Chapter 6

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Hello guys how are you all doing? I m okay with the response that you all gave on the previous chapter but this isn't done as i want you guys to comment too in great number means i want equal number of votes and comments on every chapter .

Uttara felt nothing but guilty as well as angry because she couldn't do anything when her best friend sister-in law had to endure a great amount of pain that was given by her beloved brother, helpless infront of her fate she blamed herself for all that happened in the family. As soon as chirag 's family left on the wedding day she also left for London to complete her dream which she always wanted to achieve. But the cruel fate again played his game and they were once again tangled into the web of emotions , relations and self- ego .

She was built into an emotionless person by the fate that was responsible for the mishap every time her sister in law had to suffer due her mistakes or steps that she everytime took for her benefit turned into a drop of poison for her sweet innocent sister-in law that every minute sacrificed her freedom for the family she always dreamt of and still felt nothing but happiness every time she left something for the Maheshwari and especially her brother Sanskar as well as their mom Sujata Maheshwari .

Shrugging off the thoughts she focused on her work ..

On the other hand everyone in the Maheshwari Mansion were clueless about uttara's sudden change in behaviour towards them . Obviously her being the only daughter in the house should have given as much as love that she deserved but never got as her brother Laksh Maheshwari i.e lucky or her lucky Bhai recieved much appreciation and love among all of them leaving other siblings insecure or jealous in their childhood. Sanskar drew himself away from the family and went to study in the boarding school while adarsh had to forcefully study what his dad decided and eventually gave up on his dream that shattered his heart leading him to grow up into an unusually silent and cold person whose anger is the last thing that you would want to face and lucky being everyone 's charmer got everything he desired nobody restricted him for anything not even his father Durgaprasad Maheshwari as he was treated as an individual with free will and superiority over anything...

Sanskar sensing the tension of the situation tried to break the ice clearing his throat he said ..

Sanskar (to mom):- Mom , why don't you serve us all some food because I m sure everyone is hungry ..

Sujata(feeling pity on herself):- Sanskar you know the seriousness of the situation amidst of all that you want me to serve you food ...

Sanskar(voicing his opinion):- Mom why don't you all understand that we already have a kid in the home and that too she isn't well right and by not serving her food when that girl's parents aren't home , isn't it injustice to her when we are unable to provide her a safe environment...

Annpurna (nods her head agreeing him ) :- Lets serve everyone Sujata and Sanskar you go and bring Mishika with you..

Sanskar stands up from his seat and goes to call Mishika...

Mishika 's Room
Sanskar enters into her room quietly and the scene in front of him breaks his heart when he sees Mishika sitting hugging her knees and crying silently hiding her with her hands ..

Composing himself he gently knocks on her door and she looks upto him with tears in her eyes . He runs quickly towards her and kneels down with open arms signalling her to come to him who nods no being scared...

Mishika(crying with hiccups in between):- No, yo..u all will kill me ...noo safe here.....

Sanskar with slow steps come on the bed and sits near her slightly touching her hand causing her to flinch a little and wiggling to move away from him but he forcefully pulls her into his arms ...

Sanskar(hugging her firmly):- Calm down angel no one is going to hurt you.

Rubbing circles on her back he whispers sweet little words to soothe her pain , breaking the hug he kisses on her temple and hands a glass of water who gulps it in one go..

Mishika (smiles):- thank you chachu ☺️ and sorry (cutely holding her ears)

Sanskar sat her on his lap kisses her cheeks and took her hands in his hand kissing them one by one .

Sanskar (smiling):- Hmm I think my angel is happy so she will tell chachu why was she crying hugging her knees , so tell me angel did someone scold you or said something?

Mishika(she refuses by shaking her head):- i got swared(scared) hearing voices i m cencitive(sensitive) to sound sometimes...

Sanskar (smiles running his hands through her hair):- I promise you we will talk and no one will shout okay (she nods her head) so let's go angel your choti dadi has prepared lots of food items for angel and called us down we can't let her get angry right (she nods her head in agreement)

Sanskar stands up with Mishika in his arms and closes the door of the room and comes downstairs...

Annpurna smiles brightly seeing both of them and offers them to sit Sanskar nods and sat Mishika on his lap as they still didn't have a highchair for his angel and without any hesitation agreed to let her sit on his knees as long as the child is comfortable feeling his fatherly instincts kick in whenever this sweet little angel is around him..

Sanskar(feeding her food):- Mishi , where do you want us to go baby ?

Mishika who was busy eating her food (let's say playing with her food) looks towards Sanskar and shrugs not knowing what to answer..

i don't know uncle , replied mishika.

Sanskar (softly):- Call me chachu my little sweetheart, okay now, let's finish off our breakfast then we will go to the amusement park today , Are you ready for your day out with your chachu??

Mishika being an obedient child nods her head silently as she was still apprehensive of her surrounding..

He silently fed the little girl while his father sat there admiring them both and at the same time felt extremely sad as his son would have been a good father to their grandchild only if he hadn't ousted his innocent wife from this mansion and family, sighing heavily he stood up from the table silently and left the house without sparing a glance to anyone present on the dinning table..

Sanskar quickly finished his breakfast and left with mishika to spend some time with her ..

On the other hand uttara got herself busy in the office as there wasn't any point in wasting time while sitting at home and felt the need to complete her official work.

Happy New year to everyone❤️❤️
And Happy lohri and Makar sankranti to everyone ❤️❤️

Sorry 😔😔 for the short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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