Trying Something New

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A/N: Smut warning! This one shot contains some mature graph smut. If that isn't something your into, you can keep this one. Okay, onto the chapter.

Ben and Kara's sex life was still pretty good. Even after being married for three years, two kids, and a few lock downs, they still were strong. Emotionally, as well. They had tired a lot of things in the bedroom, but not this. On their honeymoon they had tried a sex toy and that was fun. Kara had been scared that it would hurt the baby somehow, but she had done her research and found out it didn't. However, she still thinks it might've made her go into labor a little sooner then they had planned.

Kara had always sexually adventurous  and so had Ben. However, this was always something she was scared to do. Gerald only liked to have sex one way and her pleasure was never on his mind. Holly was fun, and they did use strap ons but Kara  was the one to receive as she was scared to use one of those. 

Now, she was trying to get rid of that fear. One day when Ben was still home in between  movies and she had asked him. Scared he was going to say no to keeping his masculinity. Luckily Ben was okay with it. Hearing from some of his guy friends that had girlfriends that it was perfectly normal and that they themselves enjoyed the experience. 

This was now a few nights later. Kara and Ben bought the strap on together after going to a sex shop. The toy was mid sized and red. Just a way to ease into this. 

That night she and Ben were in bed after they put the twins down and were making out passionately, Kara on top and they slowly stripped off their clothes and Kara moved her lips to his neck, then down his body and moved her way down to his dick. She removed his boxer rubbed him softly and then taking him in her mouth and rubbing his balls. 

After a few minutes, she looked up to him. "Are you ready?" Ben uncrossed his eyes and nodded to her. She went under the bed to grab the box. She took the lid off and took out the strap on. She slowly put one leg in each side and pulled up the harness up to her waist. She adjusted the strap and positioned it correctly. Feeling the clit insert rub against her. Ben flipped over to his belly and Kara got on the bed and got over to him and slow lowered herself to him and started to thrust. It was a wired sensation, but she liked it. She didn't go too fast as she wanted to ease him and herself into it. 

Ben moaned a bit in delight. Even if there wasn't any pressure he still liked it. He liked anything Kara did pretty much and this was no different. 

Kara continued to thrust slowly. Ben noticed that she was being gentle and while he appreciate her caring about him, she didn't have to be that gentle. "Hey, it's okay if you want to go faster." He said, encouraging her. Kara took a deep breath and went in  a bit deeper. 

She kept up that pace for a bit and then Ben came. Kara then wasn't too far behind. She rubbed the insert on herself and reached her climax. She then took off the strap and laid down on the bed. "Was it good for you?" She asked with a smirk. 

Ben looked over to her. "Yeah of course." Kara smiled and kissed him. It was good to try no things. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is the most Flity chapter I've ever written. If you guys have an one-shots ideas, smut or not, fill free to leave it in the comments. I take requests. It's cool.

Anyway, hope you all are having a good day. -Dreamcast45

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