London Pub 2017

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Kara stepped into the pub alone. Gerald just didn't want to go and he had told her to not go without him, but she ignored him. He thought she never found her way around London. But little did he know, she had bought a map at the airport in case she wanted to go exploring and she couldn't get Wifi on her phone. 

She looked around the pub and saw the guys in a booth and walked over to them. "Hey everyone!" She smiled, seeing just Joe, Gwil and Ben. She sat down next to Ben, who was on the edge of the booth.

They all turned their heads. "Hey Kara." Ben said. "You came. Where's Gerald?" 

"He's at the flat, just chilling, I guess." 

"Is he okay with you being out here with us?" 

Kara cleared her throat, "I'm going to get a drink. Anyone want anything?" 

Gwiym and Joe shook their heads. Kara stood up and went to the bar. Ben followed her. "I'll have a pint of becks and a tequila shot, please." Said Kara. 

"Make it two." Said Ben and turned to her when the bartender was pouring their drinks. "Are you okay?" He asked, concerned as she didn't answer him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said, softly. The bartender handed them their drinks. Kara brought out her wallet to pay, but Ben waved his hand. "This rounds on me." He paid the bartender. 

Kara smiled and handed Ben his shot. "Bottoms up." Ben took the shot glass and clinked it with Kara's. They both took the shot together, before taking their beers over to the booth. They all chatted for a long while. Joe had tried to chat up a girl at the bar and in the middle of that, Gwilym grabbed his hat and said, "He's wearing a wig!"  Her friends laughed and Joe swore at Gwil. Kara giggled and ordered another tequila shot and Ben joined her again. 

Later on, after her forth shot, some guy came up and hit on her, offering to buy her a drink and she said no and when he wouldn't go away, Ben went over and told the guy off. "What are you her boyfriend?" Asked the man. Ben looked at Kara and nodded. "Yes. Yes I am." He wrapped his arm around her and Kara moved her arm around his waist. "Okay whatever." The man walked away. "Thank you." Kara said to him. "You're welcome." Ben said back to her. They slowly took their arms off from each other, even though neither of them wanted to.

Some time later that night, Kara saw the guy getting too grabby with the girl that Joe was trying to chat up. He wouldn't let her go no matter how much she asked him not to touch her. Kara, a little bit in raged, walked over and manged to yank the guys hands off the girl and toss him to the side. Ben watched. For a young woman who was 5'2" to toss a guy that was a little over a foot taller that her. He was impressed and slightly turned on. "Are you okay?" Kara asked the girl and she nodded and then turned to leave with her friends. 

As Kara tried to walk back to Ben, the guy tired to grab Kara, but she grabbed his wrists and twisted it.  The guy held it, "You bitch. " He then tired again. but Ben stepped in and punched him in the face and the crazy man fell down. He shook his hand and looked at Kara. "Do you want to get out of here?" Kara nodded and they waved to Joe and Gwilym and left. 

They walked down the street in silence for a moment. They both had no idea where they were going. Were they walking to the tube or what? After a moment, Ben turned to Kara and asked, "Hey are you hungry?"

Kara thought about it and then said, "Yeah. Yeah, I could eat." So they go to a fish and chip shop that was thankfully open past 8pm and sat down, had another beer and ate. It was Kara's first time eatting fish and chips and it was amazing. The beer was also nice, even though, it was her forth of the night, it was still good. 

They talked and Ben walked her home. "So..." Kara said. Ben perked up and they shared a look. "It was really nice tonight. I had fun." Ben told her. 

Kara nodded and she went in for a hug and he hugged her back. Slow and tightly. Kara breathed in his smell and Ben did with her. They let go after five minutes and Kara kissed his cheek and got out her keys. "Bye." She said softly and sweetly to him. Before opening the door and walking in. 

Ben walked away, realizing he was in love with her. What to do? Kara went inside and took off her shoes. She heard Gerald snoring on the couch. Thank god!  Kara got ready for bed, changing into a long sleeve shirt. She went into their bathroom, washed her face, brushed and flossed her teeth. She did her skin routine and then walked into the bedroom and grabbed her vibrator from under her pillow, put it at a setting she liked, and thought about being with Ben.

A/N: I hoped you liked this chapter. Sorry it took me a while to post it. Been busy. Have a good day! -Dreamcast45

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