Wallys house

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You were invited to wally's house and he smiled at you and said to come in you were kinda stranged because you heard a heart thumping sound but you didn't mind it so you just go to Wally "why did you invite me here wally?" He replied with a small smile and says "Your here because.... " suddenly everyone you met said "SUPRISE!" You jumped "what's this for? " "you ofc your our new neighbour we planned you a surprise party for being here!" You thanked them and you enjoyed the whole night Wally was washing the plates and you said you were leaving "well goodbye neighbour see you very soon... " you were a bit weirded out but you just shrugged it out and got home. You were wearing comfy pajamas and tucked yourself tight but you heard something outside it sounded like a bush was shaken "it's probably the wind" you got to sleep.

Wally's POV:
I watched as y/n slept cuddling his/her self it was so cute and I just watched more until it was daylight I got back home and slept a bit
I woke up and left to see Barnaby because we had a meeting.

Back to y/n's POV:
I knocked on Wally's door but no one was there but the door was open I got in and saw a chair and a telephone "maybe I'll ask for his number" you then saw a kitchen door and you came in there it was dirty and looked like it hadn't been cleaned for years. You were exploring then heard the door open you quickly hide somewhere so he wouldn't see you. Wally sensed something he then said "hello? Heloooo?"

Wally's POV:
I sensed something in my home I then said "hello? Heloooo? " No response I asked home if they saw something but home didn't know I then searched all over and saw y/n in my closet? "y/n what are you doing here dear?" "Are you alright? " "sry Wally I was a bit curious and explored your house" Wally wasn't shocked and just smiled at me "well are you sure you aren't in to me? " "u-uh no ofc not I felt a bit curious" I saw y/n blush a bit I felt a bit guilty and agreed with it y/n was shaking rapidly and got red "oh my are you heating up are you okay?" I was a bit worried y/n said she was fine but she collapsed on the ground. I rushed to Eddie and Frank "EDDIE FRANK Y/N PASSED OUT SHE/HE WAS RED AND JUST COLLAPSED" "calm down Wally she just needs oxygen" frank got and oxygen tank and gave it to y/n she/he woke up I was relieved that they're ok y/n said she needed to go home so I let her.

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