Chapter 2

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People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you but how you stand all of it is what makes you.

Muhsin's pov

Dad I told you I don't need any freaking help from any freaking person I said angrily but dad was not hearing any of it.

If I had known that, this is what I was being called for,  I would not have come when Abeedah come and called me that Dad is calling me.

Few moments ago

Knock, knock, knock  I heard when I was going through some documents. Yes? Who is there?

Ya Muhsin Baba na kira ( dad is calling you) Abeedah said behind the door. What did this man wants with me this time I thought.
I just hope its not about marriage or wanting to see his grandchildren before his death.

Tell him am coming.
She okayed and left.

Baba  gani( Dad am here) I said when I got to his sitting room.

Let me just go straight to the point dad said, did you have someone whom you loved?

I was surprised even though this was not the first time they are pestering me to get married. I'm just wondering,

What I just finished that it will not be the reason why I am being called is what he is talking about,
Can't this old people let me be for sometime? I am 26 and not 30.

can't they just leave me be for some time? I thought to myself frustrated.

I said no, he said okay I have someone for you he said.

What? I was shocked infact shock would be an understatement for what I felt right now.

Yes this is not the first time they are talking to me about marriage but this is definitely the first time they are choosing someone for me or telling me they have someone for me.

Are you joking? I asked because to me it seems he is.

Do I seem like a joker to you? he asked his face getting serious again.

Muhsin, I promised you the girl is a very good and obedient girl, she will be the perfect person for you and I promised, you will never regret getting married to her Mom said.

That was when I knew she was also present.

You are in this too?

I asked because I never knew she would also try to fix my marriage with someone I don't know.

Or, let me put it in the best way "never thought she will one day be among the people that are going to ruin my life in the name of bettering it".

Not that I'm saying baba can do that but I thought my mom loved me the most because baba can be strict sometimes and also threaten you with the things he knows you love, if he wabts something from you, That's my dad for you.

Because, come on she is my mother how can she then be planning this.

It's not just anyone Muhsin it's your uncle's daughter Zoya.

I was even more shocked if that's possible compared to what I was feeling before and right now.

I chuckled,  dad are you serious? Do you know what you are saying right now? and how could you do that?

I know it's my Dad we are talking about here and I should never talk to him in that manner but right now, am just loosing it and I don't know what to think again.

Even though am living a way word life, I know everything about my religion. What Allah said we should do and shouldn't.

And we have enjoined man care upon his parents. His mother carried him,(increasing her) in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be greatfull to Me and to your parents; to Me is the final destination.
(Q31;verse 14)

Contrary to this verse, what I am doing is totally wrong because My Lord asked us to respect our parents and am doing exactly the opposite.

But still i just can't seem to stop it.

I bomberd him with questions. Anyone else but her I said more like begged but he was not hearing any of it.
Muhsin, that girl will change you back to who you were before she will bring the old you back,  I am sure she will bring back the son I was once proud of dad said more like convincing me to accept the girl.

And to tell you that girl, she is a friend to my sister so hey I knew her and she is my also far from being my type.

I don't even know how Abeedah can be her friend, I thought


We are going to seek for her hand in marriage in the evening and you should get ready by then.

You guys can carry on am going nowhere.

Muhsin if you really want to take over the company then you would change your mind and go get ready dad threatened.

As I said, this is how dad threatened you with something he knows you can't give up.

And I'm sure he do exactly what he said if I disagree with his arrangements.

I was so angry, are they really going to get me married to that girl? I asked no one but myself. I need a break I said to my self. 

I called Mujaheed, a very closed friend of mine in other to explain everything that transpired between me and my parent to him as I thought he will give me a way out.

Key word thought, as I called him after three rings he picked up,and after me telling him everything, he started advising me to do what my parents said with no questions asked if really want the company. Can you imagine?

I know he is right about the company part. I now dad will take his threat into action if I didn't agree to him.

I couldn't blame him but myself for actually thinking he would help me out.

Are you wondering why I'm still friends with Mujaheed even though I knew he will advise to go straight to the right path in which I don't like him to?

Deep inside me, I knew that if I give farouk the chance he will bring the old me back. 

But I just can't go back to my life of before with the amount of sins I have committed.
Even though I know My Lord is the most forgiving and He just want me to say the word and He will firgive me instantly, I just can't seem to do it because I feel that with all the things I'm doing He will not forgive me.

Some might even wonder that me going to night clubs, partying as if my life depends on it, changing girls as if I'm changing clothes, using them and throwing them away like I want. Is not accepted in my religion, and I am still doing it

Yes I know I'm a muslim and all this things are forbidden but I don't think my Lord will ever forgive me again.

I decided to call yusuf, also my friend and I am very sure yusuf will not disappoint me like Mujaheed did. I called him and he picked up immediately, without wasting time I told him what happened and why I called him he said I should go with them but I  should first warn the girl to disagree with the arrangements.

And if she refused I
Should then get married to her and toture her so that she will one day walk out of my life by her self.

It sounds okay to me and I agreed to do just that. Hoping she would disagree with the arrangements.

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