The Throne Room and the Zoo

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Nali lands nearly an hour after you send her to disperse the dragons, and as she transforms into the shape of a human, you decide to keep her with you and take her and Kotharion along as you seek out Giddi. You find the the elf ambassador in the center of a group of his kinsmen. You announce yourself to him and to the group of elves in general, hoping to make your intentions clear as few times as possible.
"Giddi, your people are safe and may build their homes here. I have captured the former Lord Kotharion and have him here as a slave. My kingdom will erect a province for the Mountainshore Elves to inhabit and you will all be my subjects and enslaved possessions."
"Yes, my lord." Giddi says, and the elves around him murmur their assent less easily than Giddi. 
You suggest that the elves build a fortress, and an earthen wall for their new town. You also build an arena to hold the occasional contests between your slaves and humans. After shaking hands with numerous grateful elves, you approach Giddi as the crowd begins to disperse.
"Giddi, take us to meet your wife," you command.
You arrive at a tent that Giddi has set up for himself and his wife, and you have Giddi introduce you and your slaves.

"Master, this is my wife." Giddi says. You and your slaves are amazed at the beauty of the woman who has just exited the tent.
"Hello, I am Bjun, the ruler of these lands. You're Giddi's wife?"
"I am." The woman says.
"I am interested in learning more about your spells and your people," You say to further break the ice."What is your name?"
"My name is Melina. I have been practicing magic for a few years for Giddi and for my neighbors, but I am nowhere near as good as I expect you are." She says, looking down demurely.
"Tell me more about your family?" You say, changing the subject.
"My mother, father, and two brothers were killed by a dragon a decade ago." Melina says.
"How horrible," you murmur, and gesture for Kotharian, and Nali, to remain outside the tent while you follow Melina and Giddi inside the structure.
"I am sorry for your loss." You say.

The interior of the tent has a crude table set up and a pair of canvas cots, which have been pushed roughly together to be covered by a single thin blanket. Giddi's obedient face seems impassive, but Melina looks at your curiously.
"Melina," you say, with a tone of getting down to business, "are you aware of the agreement that Giddi stuck with me on behalf of your entire people?"
"I know of it, why?" Melina says.
"You are aware, then, that Giddi's deal with me has made you and the rest of the Mountainshore Elves subject to my rule as well as my personal property?"
"Yes, I know." Melia says.
"Then, how do you feel about learning magic from someone who owns you?"
"I would like to learn very much, master," she says, emphasizing her willingness to enter her new role, which makes you smile.

Instead of responding to Melina directly you turn to her husband. "Giddi, have I trained you as a slave yet?"
"No, lord." Giddi replies.
"Would you like to be trained with your wife, or separately?"
"Separate training." Giddi says, and you're surprised, but not saddened in the least.
You and Melia take discuss an outline to the magic she would like to learn and set plans to schedule this learning when she visits your palace. You send Giddi outside, and tell him to take Kotharian into the trees with Nali to learn about the deep obedience required of your slaves. You trust that Nali, who agreed to become your pet partly out of a desire to learn about enslavement magics, would know what do, leaving you to take care of Giddi's wife.

You examine Melina closely.
"What?" she says as your eyes travel across her clothing.
"What is it?" Melina says again.
"I just want to see if you are wearing anything magic." You lie.
"I am not." Melina answers.
You say "Melia, as your master and owner, your possessions are mine, your obedience is mine, the information in your mind is mine. Understand?"
"Yes, master." Melia replies.
"You are going to become my pet elf. You and your husband both, you will then help me to demonstrate the kind of servitude I expect from the rest of your kind."
"Yes, master." Melia says. You begin to use a small dose of your magic on Melia and let some of it percolate outside in the direction of Giddi and Kotharion.

After a few seconds you say "Melina, strip naked for me."
"Yes, master." She replies and takes her clothes off, revealing the most beautiful body you have ever seen. You watch Melina as she moves to stand directly in front of you.
"Describe your tits for me, slave?"
"Large Bouncy?" Melia says, growing embarrassed at the strange command.
"Get on all fours and show me your ass."
"Yes, master." Melia says. She gets on her knees and shows you her ass. You disrobe and begin to pound into her. Your cock is rock hard, and she feels like heaven.
When you can feel that the time is right command Melia to squirt on while her ass is up in the air.

"What?" Melia says.
"You are going to ejaculate on yourself while I fuck your ass next." You say.
"I'm not going to do that." Melia says. She's somehow able to sound incredulous between gasps.
You use your magic to ensure Melia's massive, wet orgasms puddle on the floor of the tent while you insert your cock into her anus.
"Alright, Melia, relax and just do what I tell you."
You produce from a pocket under your jerkin the gear you need to make her enslavement more apparent. You collar and leash Melina, lead her out behind the tent where Nali has been training Giddi on his own enslavement.
You show Giddi his naked, sweat covered wife and let him look at her freshly stretched holes. He is shocked, but you use this unbalance to keep pressing your will onto him.
"Giddi, your wife and I are ready. Will you take us to the elves who are in charge?"
"Yes, sir." Giddi answers readily.

As you walk though the rest of the elves, you cast yours and Nali's magic to from under a halo of spellwork, and you inform the others about what they are seeing.  The enchanted elves are intrigued appear intrigued, rather than affronted.
Before entering into a particularly large, ornate pavilion, you pause before the largest crowd yet. You command Giddi to strip naked, then you turn to the elves and say,
"As you all know, your salvation from the empire has come at a price. The price is your enslavement to me, just like Giddi and his wife here."
"No, this cannot be." One elf says.
"We are not going to accept this." Speaks another elf. 
"The deal is already done, you know this to be true."
"But we cannot accept such terms." The elf says. "
You may have been right to refuse my terms once, the agreement I have stuck with your former rules is legally binding and this way I can save you from the empire." You say.
"...I understand." The elf finally says, and you turn your back on the crowd, pulling the leashed Giddi and Melina (not to mention Kotharion) into the pavilion. Nali walks along behind the slaves, collared like the elves but unleashed.

Seated in a silk folding chair is a woman who could only be the Queen of these people. You command Giddi and Melina to kneel before the woman, and usher Nali and Kotharion to stand near the entrance before you approach her.

"You majesty, as I am sure you are aware, I am Bjun, your new master."
"Yes, I know who you are." The queen says, but makes no movement on her de facto throne.
"Why do you have Giddi and Melina in this state?"
"They had to do what I told them to do." You say, as if it were obvious, and to demonstrate you say, "Giddi, Melina- renounce your marriage to one another, so that the only source of your relationship is through my authority. Giddi, admit to the homosexual urges you told me about in confidence publicly here and now."
As Giddi and Melina mutter through their divorce and through Giddi's biggest secret in the background, you turn back to the queen.

You say "Your majesty, I am planning to build a sort of zoo for elves and orcs and possibly dragons. I will be taking Melina to be my first pet elf. You will join her as my second pet elf."
"A zoo? Why?" The queen asks.
"Owning you in my palace will solidify my rule here as owner of the elves, as well as their king, I own your title anyway, so it would be nice to consolidate the people I may one day bestow temporary titles onto."
"Why do you want to own me?" The queen says.
"Because if I am to own your royal position, it makes sense to own your body as well." You say, and ask the elf queen for her name.
"My name is Lianne." She says.
"Fine, Lianne." You say. "Now, you will serve as my slave, and you will do as I tell you."
"I have no desire to serve you." She says.

"Lianne, may I call you that?" You say, and she assents with a nod of her head.
"Do you agree that you sent Giddi to my kingdom to represent your people and to make peace/form an alliance?"
"Yes." She says.
"Do you agree that you gave Giddi the legal authority he needed to make deals in your name as part of his status as a diplomat?"
"Yes." She answers again.
"Queen Lianne, when your people were attacked, Giddi offered me anything if I were to save his people- meaning your people. You must have been informed of that."
"Yes." She says, frowning.
You step closer to her. "And if you remember, I told Giddi, your representative, that I would only mobilize my troops to rescue your people if they would move to my lands, become my subjects, and declare themselves to be my enslaved property. Correct?"
"I suppose," she assents.
"So, do you agree, as the leader of the Mountainshore Elves, to serve me and to help me rule and administer your people?" You say.
"No." She says. "I will not serve you."
Given Giddi and Melina's reaction to enslavement, you are flabbergasted by the wall this woman is putting up.
"This agreement was legally binding when Giddi agreed to it because of the power to represent the elves that you gave him," You say. "If you wanted to reject this offer personally, you would have not moved your people into my land."
"I don't have to listen to you." She says. Looking around you notice that no elven guards or attendants have made any more to throw you out, and all seem to be holding still, either committed to your ownership or waiting to see which way the winds blow.

"You majesty, the die has been cast. I am the lord and owner of the elves here because of the agreement that you allowed Giddi to forge. The agreement that you yourself ratified by choosing to enter my kingdom. Observe."
You order all elven guards and attendants out of the tent and they, blessedly, do as you command. Lianne sits alone with you and the kneeling Giddi and Melina before her.
"The others have already accepted my rule over them. Why are you unwilling, despite my legal authority over the Mountainshore Elves?"
"Because you are a human, and you don't understand us." She says.
"What would you like me to do?" You ask.
"I want you to leave us alone." She says. This was an impossibility and you were sure that, in the depths of her mind, past her obstinance, she knew this as well. She sat in a tent on your land, safe because of your soldiers and dragons after all.

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