The Estate's new Lord

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While in the air, you ask Fax how life is going on the orc preserve with his wife and his tribe. Fax tells you that things are fine. You ask him if he wants you to send him any goods or food. He says no, and that the orc tribe has enough food to last them for the season.

Knowing that Kotharion is listening, or at least unable to avoid hearing, you ask Fax "is your tribe enjoying the fact that I own them?"
"Yes master." He answers. 
"Are your women learning how best to be my pets?"
"Yes and no master- They prefer to think of it as learning to take care of you. They're learning how to serve you. They're learning how to obey your every command."
Confused but satisfied, you say "That's good. And if I were to command a random woman from your tribe to let me pee on her in the street, would she obey me?"
"Yes sir." He answers.
"How is life with Zelzu going?" you ask
"I can't really complain about her. She's obedient, and she keeps my bed warm."
"Do you remember the first time I fucked her?"
"Yes master. I remember it well." He says.
You feel Kotharion shift somewhat in the saddle, but he makes no comment. 
"The whole tribe proclaimed me cheiftain at your command. The whole tribe saw me kiss your boots, and then we all watched together as you made playthings out of Felri, our most beautiful female and Zelzu their new chieftainess."

"Kotharion, what do you think about all of this?"
"I'm not sure what you mean." He says. You then command him to tell you the truth. He complies. "I don't think I understand sex. I don't want to get involved in this."
"Kotharion, have you ever cheated on your wife in any way?"
"No." He answers. You then command him to tell you the truth. He complies. "No, I haven't. I have never cheated on my wife." You decide to change direction.
"Your son and daughter are both teens, right?"
"Yes master. My daughter is an adult but she has yet to marry. My son is of the age where he may join the imperial military academy." He answers.

Soon your cross the northern mountains into Kotharion Province and soon a vast estate looms into view atop a hill near a sprawling river port. "Kortharion, I can come to your estate as a conqueror with you leashed, or I can come more peacefully. Which do you think would help me to solidify my rule here?"
"The latter," Kotharion says. He does not elaborate, but he does not need to. A plan begins to form in your mind.

 "I want all of my slaves to remove their collars. You will follow my lead when we arrive and Kotharion's estate." Nali swoops low and you land together on a gently rolling green lawn a minute's walk from the front of the estate.
You order Kotharion to introduce you as his diplomatic guest (and your two servants, Fax and the human-shaped Nali) when you arrive at his lordly estate, and to send all of his servants home until further notice.
"Kotharion, you may leave. Make sure we are invited to dinner when we land."
"Yes sir," He says.
"Should we wait here for you to come to come to us, or should we call at the front door?"
"Wait here master. I'll go and call at the front door." He says. You nod and he walks off, leaving you with Fax.
After a few minutes, Kotharion returns with his family in tow. His wife was dressed affluently and carried a lace parasol while his teenaged son and daughter dressed in clothes matching the colors of their noble house: green and scarlet.
You eye Kotharion's wife first. "Hello, My name is Bjun. I am the Archmage of Kaara, Lord Ruler of Kaara and Shiera, High Chieftan of the western Orcs, and King of the Mountainshore elves." Her eyes widern, but she bows politely, and straightens with a formality that suggests her nervousness at meeting someone in so high a station.
"Hello. My name is Kortisia. Thank you for welcoming us to your home. I hope we are not interrupting you."
You raise an eyebrow and say "My home? Your husband told you of the new developments in these last few days?"
"Yes, but I am sure you would like to tell the story as well. He says you are a great wizard." You smile. "I try."
You then introduce yourself to the Kotharion's children.
"Hello! I'm Bjun, what are your names?"
"We are Gid and Ror." The boy and girl say (respectively), and you nod. "Nice to meet you both. And how are you?"
 "Very well, thankyou." Answers the girl, formally. Before you turn your attention back to Kortisia.
"You have lovely children, my lady. How old are you?"
"I'm thirty-three." She says, slightly flustered at the direct question but not insulted.

You nod in the direction of the estate's grand entrance. "Why don't we go inside? Ror and Gid can show me around the house, and Kotharion can tell you all about how he met me."
"Okay." They say. You all walk inside and Kotharion begins to explain the nature of the battle in the mountains, so you turn to his daughter. "Ror, would you like to show me around? "
"Sure!" She says.
She and her brother lead you around the house and show you the gardens and stables. You notice that her brother's clothes are a bit more casual than hers.
"Gid, why don't you head to your room to dress for dinner, Ror and I will come find you when its time." You say.
Gid, apparently not needing to be told twice to be excused from his hosting duties, thanks you and heads away immediately. You turn back to Ror, alone in the garden now.
"What did you mother tell you about me?" You ask, conversationally.
"She told me you're a wizard and a king and all that. She said she hoped you were nice."
"Well, I hope she was right too. Shall we go inside?" You say, and notice that Ror's nervousness at meeting a king is similar to her mother's reaction.
However, given that Ror is of marrying age, you sense a sort of appraisal coming from her as well, and and attraction that she can't keep fully contained. You decide to fan some of those flames.
"Have you ever let a man see you naked Ror?"
"Yes." She says, and you laugh at her frankness.
"What?" She asks, pouting.
"Who has seen you naked then?"
"My boyfriend." She answers openly, with a touch of bravado. "He's the one who took my clothes off."
"Really?" You say. She nods.
"Do you think I would be interested in seeing you naked?" You ask as her face turns bright pink.
You remain silent, letting the answer come from her. "I suppose," she finally says.

You then invite her to join you in the dining room, where places are set for the estate's family plus you and you, Fax, and Nali.
"Before the others get here, why don't you lift up your dress for me?" With an aroused, yet furtive look at the doorway into the hall, she nods and you take your eyes away from the room for a few moments. You then look back down and you see the most perfect set of breasts you have ever seen.
"Good girl!" You say as she tucks herself back into her clothes. How does it feel showing off like this."
"It feels...good." She says and you laugh. "Do you want to show me yours," She whispers, and you decide to be coy for a moment longer.
"Why would I do that?" You ask.
"Because I like you." She says.
"That's very nice of you to say." You answer diplomatically and watch her wilt for a second before adding. "Why don't I show you my cock later tonight, is that ok?"
"Yeah, sure." She says smiling secretly..

 You wave of Fax and Nali to join you from their position on the grounds. They enter the dining room around the same time Kotharion and Kortisia come in from their chambers and Gid returns from his bed room. You direct Fax and Nali to dish out the food before joining the table and seating yourself next to Ror who had begun to blush again, and across from Kortisia and her husband.
"What will you be having?" Ror asks as the dishes are brought out.
"Whatever your family wishes to feed me. "You say with a smirk in her direction.
You try to eat a little, but you aren't as hungry as the others so you look across the table at Kortisia.
"Lady Kortisia, has your husband told you everything you need to know about what has happened?"
"Yes." She says.
"Good." You say.
"And you are, then, aware that this province is no longer ruled by the emperor?"
"Yes." She says, and you see that Gid and Ror are surprised but not overly shocked. Some news of their father's military failure must have reached them.
 "Would you like me to tell you and your children the whole story?"
"Yes." She says.

"When your husband summoned imperial troops to fight the Mountainshore Elves, I allowed to elves to flee into my lands and build a life there away from your people and your husband. Despite my offer, to which the elves agreed, your husband appeared to not be contented by simply removing the elves from his province. He illegally marched 2 legions men into my kingdom and scaled my mountains with the intent of waging war with the Mountainshore Elves- who had just become my new subjects- and with my border guard. He was soundly defeated by my forces and made to surrender unconditionally. Isn't that what happened Kotharion?"
"Yes." He says shortly. "His imperial majesty gave me leave to hunt the elves and I ignored all other boundaries to do that."
"I see." She says, after 
Forging ahead you glance at Ror who now appears more demure and sorrowful than before. "As part of that surrender, I ordered your husband and his forces to leave the empire and to place Kotharion Province under my rule instead. I then had him abdicate his title as Lord to me, and finally, submit to my rule as a personal slave. This, if you were curious, is why the estate is now mine. This also means that I am the new lord of these lands and your new king."

Kortisia sipped from a glass of wine to quench her suddenly dry mouth before saying "I see" once more. "Well, I am a lady in service to the king and I suppose my political loyalty must go with my husband."
"Yes, that's true. I think we should all be thinking about what is most advantageous for this family and for this province, moving forward" You say.
"Do you have any more stories to tell?" She asks, the remnants of her meal forgotten on her plate, and her children watching your exchange closely.
"More of an addendum of extra detail than story," You answer. "Your husband's enslavement removes his legal claim to any property. I'm sure you already knew this, but I will explain for your children. This means that this estate and everything in it is now my possession. I am thinking of making it into a summer home. Any questions, Kortisia?"
"Yes." She says, looking pale, but resolute. Her eyes leaving yours briefly to stray to her husband. "If I were to marry you, what would I get out of it?"

"Do you want stability? to continue to live in this and other palaces?" You ask, with a grin.
"I...don't know." She says. "It all seems a bit complicated."
"I can see that." You say.
"How about just some fun?" She offers, shamelessly. Its becomes clear to you that she has decided  to do anything to save her lifestyle.
"You're not as pretty as your daughter..." You say, and Ror blushes, "are you seriously offering to divorce Kotharion and marry me?"
"Yes." She says. Upon reflection, you realize that now would have been an excellent time for her declare her intention of preserving the idyllic life of a Lady, but you reckon her need for this to work overrode her willingness to be totally truthful with you.

"That's it? That's all you want? Alright then." You say. "I am not interested in taking a wife, but I am a collector of slaves."
"Oh? You possess more than this orc and the woman you arrived with?" She askes with a glance a Fax and Nali.
"Yes, I do. Plus Nali is more of an honored pet. I have a number of slave girls, and a few guards and servants in my palace." You take a drink of wine and give her a moment to process. "If you want stability in your life, if you want to remain close to power and influence, then offering to become my slave is a better idea than becoming my wife," you say simply.
"Oh." She says. "If you won't marry me, thought you would say no to anything else."
You're taken aback. "Why would I say no to a slave?"
Kortisia seems at a loss for words. You look over at Kotharion and thinking you will see a stony demeanor only to find that that he is just as devoid of passions and emotions as he has always been.

"Would being my slave work just as well?"
"No." She says.
"You mean you don't like the idea?"
"No..." she replies with less edge than before.
"Then perhaps we're on the same page after all. Offer yourself to me and I will not throw you out of this mansion or any other."
"What!?" She exclaims.
"You heard me. I own this man," you nod to Kotharion, "and this estate. Furthermore I have yet to consider you or your staff to be trespassers."
"I'm not sure I can take such a strong stance as to make that offer." She says uncertainly.
"Yes you can," You reply simply and look directly into her eyes. "Will you consent to my rule as your King, provincial lord, and owner?"
The room feels silent for a heartbeat. Two heartbeats. Ror is still, Kotharion is statuesque, and even Gid has looked away from whatever he had been distracted by all through dinner.

"Yes." She whispers.
"Very well." You say and rise, passing plates and empty goblets to Fax and Nali before ordering Lord Kotharion to stand in the corner with his back to the dining room table.
"Gid," You say, turning to him, "would you like to stay here while I talk to your mom and sister?" "Oh, yes!" he says, but doesn't elaborate why. "Should I do anything?" 
"Maybe later, for now just watch." You say.
"I'm still hungry." He says.
"Sure." You say. "Go get some food." Heads off towards the kitchen with an air of not wanting to miss anything and you turn to Kortisia.

"Did you know your daughter is a smart girl?"
"I...guess." She says.
"And she's very beautiful." You say.
"Yes, she is." Kortisia agrees as you turn to her daughter. "Ror, do you understand what your mother just did? You mother, upon realizing that I was her new lord and king, offered to forsake your father and marry me instead. Did you follow that?"
"Yes." She says. "I think that was a little bit of an overreaction."
"Yes. Yes it probably was." You say with a wink to her mother.
"What about you? What did you do?" Ror asks.
"I rejected her proposal and offered that she instead become my slave to which she has agreed. Do you understand Ror?" The girl nods but doesn't elaborate as Gid returns to his seat.
"Kortisia, explain what being a slave means to your kids," you order.
"Well, a slave is someone that is owned by another."
"Yes, that's correct." You say. "But what does being owned mean?"
"I...I don't know." She says. You pick up on her loss for words and explain to Ror and Gid that slaves are property of their masters and masters control everything about them.
"And what do they do?" Ror asks.
"Well, slaves usually do whatever their masters tells them to do," You answer,
"Since your mom has just become my slave, would you like to test her to see what she can do?"
Then you ask to the room at large  "would anyone like to make Kortisia do something?"
"Oh I would!" Gid says, as if an idea has just struck him.
"Me too!" Ror says.
"Ror you go first, what should I command your mom to do?"
"Um...well...I guess she can do something boring up."
"Kortisia, Take all the remaining dirty dishes into the kitchen."
"Okay." She says.
"Once finished, you're to wash all the dirty dishes."
"Why?" She asks, but you ignore her and turn to Gid as she starts.

 "It'll your turn soon. What should I make your mom do?"
Both teens stammered and stuttered and waffled back and forth without settling on any one command. Eventually, Kortisia returned to her seat and you were stuck my an idea.
"Ror, do you think your mother would be upset if we told her what you showed me before dinner?"
"Um...I guess so."
"Okay. So what do you want to tell her?"
"I don't know." She began to blush again, and you push past her shyness.
"Kortisia, would you ever let your daughter flash her private parts to esteemed guests?"
"No!" She says, affronted. 
"That's what I thought." You say. "Now, it's your turn Ror."
"Kortisia, your daughter took her breasts out when we were alone before dinner, can you believe it?" Ror let out a squeal of embarrassment but held still, eventually quieting when she saw that her mother had made no sign to get up from where she sat, shocked and unspeaking.
"Is that something you're ok with? Letting your child expose herself like that?"
You say "Ror would your mom normally punish you for something like this?"
"Oh, I guess she would," The girl replies. 
You smile at her and say "Kortisia, I forbid you from punishing your daughter for any reason without my consent."
"I...okay." She says and continues to sit quietly, which causes Ror to giggle excitedly.
"Gid, have you ever seen a girl's boobs?"
"No." He says. 
"Oh." You say "Ror, lets see if your mom will get mad. Will you show Gid and I your boobs?"
"Oh, I guess so," she says and rather than wait for her to do it, you lean over pull down the front of Ror's dress to expose her breasts.
"Oh." Gid says. "These are nice."
 "I know, right?" You say.
"Oh...I guess you like them." Ror says, with a glance in the direction of her now silent mother.
"Yeah, I guess I do." You give her a gentle squeeze. What do you think of your daughter's chest Kortisia?"
"That's...that's not the kind of talk for a lady!" She says, lacking conviction.
 .You ask Gid if he would like to see someone else's breasts, and she pales.
"Yeah. I'd love to see someone else's!"
"Well Gid, it's your turn. What should I make your mother do?"
You begin to see something in Gid's eyes. A hunger that is totally absent in his father, and separates him thoroughly from the rigid man in the corner.
"Gid, do you think your mom will show us her breasts?"
"Sure, I guess she will." He says, and you smile.

"Gid go over to your mom and pull down the front of her dress for me."
"Okay." He says.
Gid walks over to his mother. She stands up and Gid grabs the front of her dress and pulls it down. Kortisia looks at you and at Gid, who stands there gaping but says nothing. You command Kortisia to hold still while her son undresses her completely.
Soon Kortisia stands naked before you. Her children sit with you and look on, but her husband remains in the corner.
You put an arm around Ror's waist and give her a squeeze. "Why don't you get naked too?"
"Oh, I guess I can!" She says and excitedly pulls off her remaining clothing. You bid Kortisia to stand up with a gesture and guide Ror to stand next to her mother. You look at her naked body and sigh.

"Kotharion," you say "how do you feel hearing me fondle your wife and daughter, but not being able to see?"
"I...I feel nothing." He says. "I"
"You are what?" You ask.
"I...I don't know."
"You might be an empty shell of a person, but you're a good slave Kotharion."
"Yes. Thankyou." He says to the wall.

 You turn to Gid, "What do you think comes next?"
"I don't know," the boy says, and you feel embarrassment for him. He is far too old to know as little as he does.
"Well, I guess I'll have to ask your mother."
"Oh. Okay."
"Kortisia, how do you feel about what is happening?"
"I...I don't know."
You ask Ror if she likes being naked in front of a king. "Yeah, I guess." She says.
You ask Kortisia if she likes being naked in front of you as well. "I suppose so," is her reply.
"Oh. I guess you mean you like it." You say.
"I...I guess I do." She says. You then order Kortisia to crawl up onto the table and stay there on all fours. "Yes sir." She says. You ask Gid if he likes seeing his sister naked best or his mother.
"I...I guess I like seeing my mother naked the best." He says. "Yeah- I guess I do." You order Kortisia to move so that her son can easily see her vagina.
"Yes sir." She says, starting to get the hang of her new situation. You guide her to lay down so that her son can easily see her spread legs, and turn back to Gid.

 "Gid, this is a vagina. When mating occurs, this is where cocks go. They are meant to fit into your mother here, and into your sister as well."
You move in front of Kortisia and continue "Whenever a woman becomes excited enough to breed, she will get wet down there." You touch Ror between her legs and show Gid the shiny moisture on your fingers. "This will help keep slick anything that she wants to let enter her."

"You like being touched there, don't you? Tell your brother." You ask Ror.
"Yeah." She says, looking near but not at Gid.
You continue, "This means that Ror is probably ready for a cock to be put into her."
You tell Gid to touch his mother's vagina and ask if she is also wet.
"You like being touched there too, don't you?" You ask her.
"Yes sir." She says.
You and Gid take turns touching Ror and Kortisia until both the woman and her daughter are breathing heavily. "There," you say "they're both very wet."
"Wow." Ror says with a gasp. "Are you turned on from obedience?" You ask her. "Oh. Yeah. I guess I am." You move in front of Kortisia. "Now that you have no real parental rights, you'll let me make a few suggestions for your kids, right?"
"Yes sir, I have no choice." She says.
"Ror, would you like to be a slave to your new king?"
"Yeah. I guess." She says.  You and Gid take turns touching Ror and Kortisia again. Finally you say "Gid, are you still interested in watching me play with my new slaves?"

"Oh, yeah. I guess." He says.
"Let's have them reach orgasm for us. Have you ever seen that before?"
"Oh, I guess not." He says.
"Kortisia I want you to rub your pussy for me on this table so your son and I can watch you cum."
 You and Gid settle into your chairs to watch as Kortisia rubs her shaved pussy on the table. "Oh. I guess you like it." He says to her.
"Answer your son, Kortisia. Do you like this?"
"I think I do..." She moans.
"Ror, start masturbating as well. I want you to try to orgasm the same time as your mom."
"Yes master."
You and Gid watch as Ror starts rubbing her pussy as well. As the women get closer to the moment you say "Kortisia, I order you to tell your most shameful sexual fantasy to me and to your family."
"Oh, I would love to have my husband watch me be taken by a group of slave girls and forced to cum. My husband is an absolute bastard, but I know he would watch."
"Good girl. Perhaps that can be arranged. Ror, its your turn to share a shameful, embarrassing kink."
"I would love to be forced to wear a slave collar and to be forced to serve my master." She answers, whimpering with pleasure as she continues to rub her clitoris with increasing pressure. You call in Fax and ask him to place collars on Ror and Kortisia.
 You then ask Gid if he can guess what comes next, but he cannot.
"Gid, would you like you like to see your mom and sister mate with their new owner?"
"I think so," He says, folding both hands over a small bulge in his trousers.

You let him watch as you mount Kortisia and use her wetness to keep your cock slick for when you penetrate her daughter for the first time. "Wow." Gid says. "Wow. I think I like it." You and Gid watch as Fax takes a turn on top of Kortisia. Pulling her around to face her seated son you you lean over Ror's squirming body to talk to the sweaty, panting woman.
"Kortisia, you used to be a lady. Tell your son what you are now. "
"I'm a slave." Kortisia tells Gid as Fax fucks her.
 You have Gid pull out his cock and ejaculate on the table so his mom and sister can lick it up.
You then offer to let Gid cum on the table as well. When everyone is thoroughly worn out, you speak again "Now it's time for bed Kortisia, do you usually sleep with your husband at night? "
"Yes of course," she answers and you follow up by asking Kortisia what she wears to bed. "Oh, I usually wear a very sexy nightgown and nothing else."
"Good girl," you say. "Go get the nightgown and come out here." You and Gid watch as Kortisia dresses for bed.
"Ror what do you wear to bed?" you ask the girl when her mother finishes dressing.
"I usually wear my bathrobe," she says, and you nod as she talks, thinking of how best to utilize this.
After a minute you say "Alright everyone, it's been a long day. Let's head to bed."
You tell Gid to go the bed first, leaving only Kortharion, his wife, and daughter in the room.
"Ror, go put on your bathrobe then meet me in your parents' bedroom."
You tell the enslaved Lord and Lady that you will sleep in their bed. You go into the master bedroom with the couple.
"Kortisia, lift up your nightgown, I want to see your pussy again."
"Oh. Ok." She says as she lifts her nightgown and shows you her wet pussy.
You and Kortisia make out for a while, sitting on the bed with Kotharion standing over. After a minute, Kortisia's daughter comes in, wearing nothing but a robe. You take Ror's robe off and have her use the cloth to tie her father's hands and feet. 

You get in bed with the bound Kotharion, his wife Kortisia, and the naked Ror. You all try to find a comfortable position to sleep in, and finally achieve it. You sleep well, with Kotharion's naked daughter in your arms and with his wife pressed up against you. Kortharion himself remains silent, tied up in his daughter's robe, as empty and mechanical as the decisions which led him to this point.

You look forward to what the future might bring.

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