chapter 1 meeting the crew

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Your pov I woke up and a man in blue and white overalls he said " your awake" I said" who are you" he said " oh sorry I'm smg4 and I've got over 50000 subscribers on YouTube" I said" wow I only have n/o/y/s" smg4 said" you'll get their one day" someone with a cloak on and swords for hands said" I'm bod and I'm a rapper" a girl with blue hair said" hiiii immm tttaaiirra anndd iii plllaaayy vvidooo ggammess" bod says" she's bacically a pro" smg4 says" it's getting late let's get you to your room" he drings me to a room with sleeping bags he says" it's not much but it will do night y/n"

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