chapter 17 training

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I went outside to train it seems whenever I see someone I love getting hurt I unlock my powers so I imagined 3 getting hurt by Hindi jamimo and he falls down to the grass and I unlock the power I sliced a tree in half
Smg4: y/n what you doing
I look at him eyes white
Smg4: oh oh god
Y/n training
Smg4: well in that case we should call smg3 to help
He calls him and he arrives
Smg3: I leave then come back why is that
Smg4: madye it's because I like annoying you
Smg3 I think it's because I love y/n so much
Smg4: anyway I better sort out lunch if no one cooks I'll just order pizza
I was able to unlock my powers
Smg3 took me to the internet graveyard and he took me to the top of a mountain
Smg3: ok babe what time is it now 11pm if you can make it down this mountain before midnight you have unlocked your powers
I do manage but I got hurt smg3 helped me he took me to Starbucks and I stayed with him for the night

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